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  • Sir! Keir! Starmer!
  • ransos
    Free Member

    Without actually understanding things.

    As you seem to be having trouble, let me help:

    the practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own.
    “there were accusations of plagiarism” ·

    Full Member

    I thought everyone had a job as an Instagram influencer nowadays?

    Free Member

    I’m currently working on my profile, Binners. Trying to get loads of shots of myself in places like Gail’s (it’s like Greggs, only posh and with actual food), Divertimenti and Yotam Ottolenghi’s little place on Upper St. It’s a hard life, but I do it for the millions out there who need inspiration and positive reinforcement.

    Free Member

    As you seem to be having trouble

    No I’m not having trouble. But thanks anyway. That’s very kind of you.

    Free Member

    No I’m not having trouble. But thanks anyway.

    Yes, I can see how an unsubstantiated accusation of plagiarism is clear evidence of that. But you do have form for making stuff up, so perhaps you can’t help it.

    Free Member

    Lol! Well done. Very good. Thanks for calling.:D

    Stay on the line, and our producer will get your details to get you that book token.

    Free Member

    Hey, no worries! How’s the next fiction coming along?

    Free Member

    it’s like Greggs, only posh and with actual food),

    You do know that Gregg’s sell salads? You don’t have to buy baked goods.

    Or is it just snobbery?

    Free Member

    You do know that Gregg’s sell salads? You don’t have to buy baked goods.

    I’ve only ever been in two Greggs; one in Newcastle, and one somewhere else.

    I Saw No Salads.

    Free Member

    why not make insinuations about my mental health? Seems that is a legitimate area for comedy, after all

    To be clear, I made no mention of your mental health and wouldn’t be qualified to make a comment but sure you are fine if a touch over dramatic about everything that anyone says.

    Apologies for making a joke that you were on something as it was clearly not taken as such.

    Full Member

    I’ve only ever been in two Greggs; one in Newcastle, and one somewhere else.

    You don’t know what you’re missing…

    Salads are massively overrated IMHO

    Free Member

    I’ve only ever been in two Greggs; one in Newcastle, and one somewhere else.

    I Saw No Salads.

    When did you go, 10 years ago? Or had they just sold them all? Or did you have something over your head so people couldn’t see you slumming it?

    If nothing else Gregg’s should get an award for completely disrupting the motorway service station food racket.

    Full Member

    Fact is that there are many boring, unfulfilling jobs. The vast majority of them, probably. Someone has to do them.

    And that’s why this century will be very different to the last. Most of these boring unfulfilling or pointless jobs will either be automated or could be done away with completely. Socialism doesn’t want that though, because it’s obsessed with the concept of work and production. Yes we need to provide people with the means to support themselves and their family and live a decent quality of life, but the answer to that isn’t making them work 12 hours a day so that they can buy shit they don’t really need. We’ve got to come up with a different way of organising society where endless consumption and work are not the primary goals in life, and labour and other left wing parties are the only ones who are going to do that.

    Free Member

    We’ve got to come up with a different way of organising society where endless consumption and work are the primary activities in life, and labour and other left wing parties are the only ones who are going to do that.

    Are they? I have never seen it proposed and I can never see it working as much as I would love to.

    Full Member

    Are they?

    No they’re not, and that’s the problem. If you listen to Starmer and those around him they’re completely hooked on the blue labour ‘dignity of work’ bollocks. For most people there is no real dignity in work or fulfillment beyond earning money. They compensate the amount of their lives they waste working buy buying stuff and going on holidays etc. It’s the whole ‘work hard, play hard’ ethos which results in unsustainable consumption and massive mental health problems.

    Full Member

    For most people there is no real dignity in work or fulfilment beyond earning money. They compensate the amount of their lives they waste working buy buying stuff and going on holidays etc. It’s the whole ‘work hard, play hard’ ethos which results in unsustainable consumption and massive mental health problems.

    I have to say that this post, of all of them, resonates with me 100%, particularly the mental health aspect.

    I do not know what the answer is. I’m not sure any one person does.

    Such a shame that so much effort in these discussions comes back to the ‘my dad’s harder than your dad’ or ‘my dicks bigger than you dick’ need to win. Put that effort into changing society and we might just make a change worth making? Just a thought. Expecting incineration imminently…

    Free Member

    They compensate the amount of their lives they waste working buy buying stuff and going on holidays etc. It’s the whole ‘work hard, play hard’ ethos which results in unsustainable consumption and massive mental health problems.

    And if a lot of people enjoy going on holiday, buying bikes to ride etc,. how do you convince them they should give that up and do whatever the alternative is?
    How does the alternative work by the way as sounds like a nice dream but what does it look like in practice where nobody works but everyone has enough food, housing etc,. ?

    Full Member

    Full Member

    how do you convince them they should give that up and do whatever the alternative is?

    Why on earth would they have to give those up just because people worked a bit less?

    what does it look like in practice where nobody works but everyone has enough food, housing etc,. ?

    Who said nobody works? I’m talking about reducing the amount of work we do and eliminating pointless work. Those two things would solve most problems we have in our society. I know you struggle to imagine a world where anything is different to how it is now, but it’s really not a great leap of the imagination to see how we could provide everyone with the basic means of life. We almost do it now through benefits etc but can’t bring ourselves to do it properly because we’re constrained by our stupid hangups about work ethic etc.

    Full Member

    can’t bring ourselves to do it properly because we’re constrained by our stupid hangups about work ethic etc

    I blame religion.

    [ runs away ]

    Free Member

    I’m talking about reducing the amount of work we do and eliminating pointless work. Those two things would solve most problems we have in our society. I know you struggle to imagine a world where anything is different to how it is now, but it’s really not a great leap of the imagination to see how we could provide everyone with the basic means of life. We almost do it now through benefits etc

    So no people do pointless work and those doing non-pointless work do a reduced amount (how much reduced?) but can still go on holidays, buy bikes etc,.
    Can you explain how that actually works?

    Full Member

    It works pretty much the way it does now. Just less of it with a universal basic income to provide the basics for everyone. You really are the life and soul of the party aren’t you?

    Full Member

    Just a healthy sceptic. An ideal opportunity to practise the arguments needed for the long hard work towards the general public excepting the idea. I’m won over, but am under no illusion just how resistant most Brits will be do it. We really need a separate UBI type thread, it pops up so often in this thread.

    Free Member

    And that’s why this century will be very different to the last. Most of these boring unfulfilling or pointless jobs will either be automated or could be done away with completely.

    Not really

    There will still be refuse operatives, carers, people stacking shelves, etc etc not sure how you are automating the coffee from the machine to the table in that small cafe that does those really good bagels etc etc

    Full Member

    ‘Anneliese Dodds 💙
    · 13h
    Labour’s new Stronger Together roadmap will bring Britain together for:

    1⃣Better jobs and work
    2⃣A green and digital future
    3⃣Safe, secure communities
    4⃣Public services that work
    5⃣A future where families come first
    6⃣Britain in the world

    Let’s build a future to be proud of’

    There you have the future even though I’m not really sure what it all means.

    Free Member

    As someone who has had a few low paid jobs I can say I have found dignity/ pleasure/ camararderie in those jobs.

    Cleaning toilets is not going to be automated any time soon nor many other low paid jobs I’m afraid. People have been thinking they would be since the 50s.

    My thinking is that dignity/ pleasure in your work is more connected to your mental health than the job itself.

    Yes Labour should be big picture but also can we get a pay rise for nurses please? And for carers?

    Full Member

    Yes Labour should be big picture but also can we get a pay rise for nurses please? And for carers?

    Absolutely. There’s a simple solution to how you get people to do the rubbish jobs. Pay them a lot more. Under a system such as UBI, crap but necessary jobs will be much better paying than they are now, otherwise no one will do them. Currently wages are linked to skills and education, when really they should be linked to social utility and value. Nurses and carers would be paid a lot more under a UBI system.

    UBI and a shorter working week will turn the economy on it’s head. Those in currently poorly paid jobs will have to be paid a lot more, those in fulfilling jobs and careers who enjoy them can carry on doing so, those who want to work 80 hours a week for a bank to make a million will still be able to do so, and those who can’t work or don’t want to will be able to do just that. All we need to do is abandon the stupid concept of work being virtuous and necessary.

    Full Member

    Massive Tory majority in Chesham and Amersham overturned, and the hapless Starmy Army come in at fourth behind the Greens. There’s subversion in the suburbs, the peasants are revolting and they now face a privet hedge as well as a red wall.

    Full Member

    In Chesham and Amersham

    2010 Labour 2492 votes (5.6%) Brown
    2015 Labour 6712 votes (12.7%) Milliband
    2017 Labour 11374 votes (20.6%) Corbyn
    2019 Labour 7166 votes (12.9%) Corbyn
    2021 Labour 622 votes (1.6%) Starmer

    Full Member

    Massively tactical voting though.

    Full Member

    So that’s all right then, no-one needs to take responsibility.

    Full Member

    Massive Tory majority in Chesham and Amersham overturned

    Great news.

    Full Member

    Lib Dems threw everything at it, and the Green vote share also dropped.

    I really wouldn’t read too much into a drop of vote share in a seat where it was clear to everyone that tactical voting was the only was to GTTO and even then it was a stretch.

    Batley and Spen might be a better test; assuming the Kipper vote goes Tory it could be close.

    Full Member

    It wasn’t “a stretch”, it was a routing. It was something that seemed unlikely though, I’ll give you that.

    More of this please. I really don’t want to wait ‘till I’m 90 for an elusive Labour majority government, I want fewer Conservative MPs as fast as possible… and preferably that party to also change course. I want decent (even if I disagree with them) Tory MPs sitting on the opposition benches staring at a Labour PM flanked with ministers from other parties.

    Full Member

    @kelvin Yes, you’re right. It was a rout. As you say though, it looked like a stretch before.

    Free Member

    I really wouldn’t read too much into a drop of vote share in a seat where it was clear to everyone that tactical voting was the only was to GTTO and even then it was a stretch.

    Yes, but that was also the case in the previous elections for this seat. Does anyone know if Labour ran a serious campaign, or was it a paper candidate?

    Full Member

    Does anyone know if Labour ran a serious campaign, or was it a paper candidate?

    I’ve seen reports of Labour canvassers urging people to vote LD. I can imagine Green doing the same as well. How come this discussion is on the Kier Starmer thread rather than the thread dedicated to the leader of the party who were just stomped on in their heartland?

    Full Member

    @ransos Not sure. Angela Rayner was there if the videos are to be believed but there’s a difference between running a serious campaign and creating the impression of one.

    Full Member

    I really don’t care how Labour performed in this seat. Just as I don’t care if the LibDems lose their deposit in a Tory/Labour marginal seat where they’ve been coming fourth at recent elections. The voters need to wise up and play the system.

    Full Member

    I live in Amersham (well Hyde Heath, but let’s not split hairs). LD are always second to Conservatives in parliamentary elections (until now). Labour and Green are always quite a long way behind.

    I’ve had multiple LD canvassers, loads of LD literature (flyers, newspapers). Conservative canvassers came round once just for a leaflet drop. Labour came round once, asked me who I was going to vote for – certainly didn’t suggest I vote LD, seemed disappointed but not surprised when I told her I’d already voted LD as best chance of winning.

    I wouldn’t read anything into it re Labour – this was always about “anyone but the Conservatives”

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