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  • Should Theresa May resign?
  • RustySpanner
    Full Member

    I think she’s had enough.

    all thats left is vainglorious idiots.


    But you underestimate the feral desire for power of the potential candidates.

    The Tory party is so much better than Labour at ruthlessness.
    Always have been, it’s one of their major strengths.

    Full Member

    Look how quickly and brutally they got rid of fatcha once they knew she’d run her course. Ironic considering how they idolise her now

    May was finished on the morning of the election result. I’m sure she’d have done a Dave and walked then. But the powers that be know that the senile old racists that constitute their membership will elect Boris Johnson as… well… they’re senile old racists. They love that shit!

    So like most rational people, the Tory paymasters know that he is a self-serving egotistical clown, and the damage he would do, if left in charge of Brexit, would do irreparable damage to the country, usher in economic catastrophe, and more importantly to them, end their gravy train and make the Tory’s unelectable for a generation, at least

    But there’s nobody else either. So Theresa gets told once again “you broke it, you own it! You’re going nowhere!”

    Full Member

    , I despair at the state of Uk politics.

    Just wait until you hear that Rudd/Mair car crash !

    Free Member

    What a bunch of muppets, thank god they’re not running the country… oh wait…


    Free Member

    I don’t care what anyone says, someone was intentionally shaking that wall during her speech and Lee Nelson was an inside job.

    None of that should detract from what an utter shitstorm facing the conservatives. I’d dearly like to see them consigned to the electoral doldrums, basically forever.

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    The Eddie Mar interview was a thing of beauty

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    Full Member

    Mair asked the kind of pointed, pertinent questions that should have been put to May, not Rudd.

    Not sure she can resign, or that things would be better if she did. What a stalemate.

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    Boris doesn’t like having it pointed out to him, in gloriously graphic fashion, that he’s not half as clever as he thinks he is, does he?

    Full Member

    A great day,
    Mrs May gives a speech,
    And f’s off

    Full Member

    Not a single security guard or Cabinet member did anything when the protestor got to May, he was mobbed by camera men, every attendee just sat dumbfounded

    Just imagine if they did that on prescott’s watch!

    Free Member

    “Somebody I’d like to give a P45 to”

    Went down well with the zealots in the hall, and not a bad ad-lib in the circumstances, but when you examine the idea properly:

    – if Corbyn was rubbish, then TM wouldn’t want him to get the sack
    – it’s actually JC who’s effectively handed TM her P45 (though she has a long notice period)

    I’m interested to see people saying they feel sorry for her though – that seems a normal human reaction towards another human having a tough time. Whatever you might think of her and her policies, and even that she’s brought it all on herself (personally I don’t believe she’s an inherently bad person, just completely out of her depth), she’s clearly in a bad place.

    I also think a lot of the commentary on the speech is a bit unfair – sure criticise the content, don’t have a go at her for being ill.

    Free Member

    sure criticise the content

    Oh, go on then – have we done how it was ripped off from the West Wing?

    Full Member

    don’t have a go at her for being ill.

    the coughing not her fault, nor the sign collapse, the shoddy security?, Johnson , Mogg etc undermining May so much that shes just reduced to a walking punchline for comedians ?

    This was sold as her comeback speech to unite the party, the cough alone would have been bad enough, I am no fan but genuinely felt sorry for her then, seeing a parade of Torys tell us how she struggled through adversity to finish the speech like she’d survived a life threatening illness I lost my sympathy.

    as for the content, her fix to the housing crisis equates to <20 house per local authority over 3 years…..

    Full Member

    Yeah, like the massive commitment to the ‘Northern Powerhouse’ amounted to having a root around the back of the sofa to see what loose change they found. While there are still limitless billions for Crossrail in London, and HS2 which nobody in the north prioritises over our woefully underfunded, Victorian era public transport

    I don’t know how she can keep a straight face while she’s announcing these insults. Which will probably be quietly cancelled within a couple of weeks anyway. Like all other previous grand announcements.

    They can **** right off, the patronising ****s! Do they think we’ve all just fallen out of a ****ing tree?

    Free Member

    Do they think we’ve all just fallen out of a ****ing tree?

    Well, going by recent referendum and election results, they’d be right to think that.

    Full Member

    Harsh but true. I think that once they can no longer get their mates in the press to blame the EU, who have actually funded stuff that a London-centric government would never even contemplate, things might change fairly rapidly. Even for the proper thicko’s

    A lot of Tory MPs have privately expressed concerns about rioting when ‘the provinces’ realise how much they’ve been conne.

    This shit is just the latest slap in the face

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    Free Member

    Well at least she didn’t let being a bit ill stop her from going to work #ToryValues

    Full Member

    Wouldn’t trust the legs on that sofa to last more than a month in our house.

    Free Member

    If she did something about the poisonous air she may not have such a nasty tickle.

    Free Member

    See, I almost fell into that trap of feeling sorry for her on a human level. As most sketch writers have pointed out in response to the “British dream” tagline, her speech was like an anxiety dream come true on many levels. Like finding yourself naked during an exam while your teeth are falling out.

    Then I remembered that swivel-eyed, nativist “citizen of nowhere” guff she came out with this time last year, to huge cheers, and I wondered how karma managed to get hold of accreditation for the Conservative Party conference.

    Full Member

    The two major parties are in total disarray and neither are fit to govern. The leaders of all three major parties are unfit for purpose too.

    I only see one party in total disarray.

    The Tories have been tested and have proved how hopeless they are.

    Free Member

    But Jeremy said….and Jeremy would….

    Free Member

    While I feel a smidge of sympathy for being ill during a conference….

    “She’s had a cold all week”

    “She did 20 interviews yesterday”


    When facing a crisis of leadership, of her party and her country, and needing to deliver in a way that unites and galvanises, this seems to me to be once again a triumph of failing to plan and adapt to the changing situation. Yes, you don’t KNOW that the consequences of 20 interviews (where you have been told to get emotional and angry and… to appear more human) might be to lose you voice but you need to be 100.000% sure that you won’t. Sure, fallout from ‘doesn’t want to talk to certain papers / press’ but compared to this.

    As for security and the set. I can only hope a conservative Malcolm Tucker is self combusting right now


    Full Member

    muggomagic – Member
    Wouldn’t trust the legs on that sofa to last more than a month in our house.

    Hang on, DFS haven’t got a sale on?
    It’s the end of days.

    Free Member

    fp not on kimbers post

    Full Member

    Then I remembered that swivel-eyed, nativist “citizen of nowhere” guff she came out with this time last year, to huge cheers, and I wondered how karma managed to get hold of accreditation for the Conservative Party conference.


    Free Member

    She’s been dead in the water since the election..

    Free Member

    Can the people not ask for a vote of incompetence for chrying out there’s an entire future of a country dangling in the wind here , and if that debacle was representative of our dear leaders then we are royally ****

    Free Member

    The hand that wields the knife shall never wear the crown

    so who will be stabby and who will be crowned ?

    Full Member

    I’m interested to see people saying they feel sorry for her though – that seems a normal human reaction towards another human having a tough time.

    Not her fault she’s ill.

    Free Member

    Exactly rusty, though that was the least if her problems. I’m sure many who have had their disabilities assessed will be very sympathetic.

    Free Member

    No, it’s her fault she’s **** the country up though.

    Full Member

    It did appear to be a psychosomatic cough to me. She looked devoid of confidence and afraid of making a speech. She might even be aware of the complete and utter cluster **** she is making of the job.

    Free Member

    I don’t remember TM campaigning for Brexshit nor JC campaigning much either way. So she can only be attacked for execution post result

    If TM goes, who fills the void……? 😯
    If the Tories go, who fills the void….? 😯 😯

    What a bloody mess. But be careful what you wish for…..

    Free Member

    So she can only be attacked for execution post result

    She ain’t off the hook for her previous jobs. She didn’t exactly campaign very hard for remain too.
    Wish for? Tory collapse and another election leading to a majority government.

    Free Member

    teamhurtmore – Member
    If the Tories go, who fills the void….?

    The void already exists

    Full Member

    I’m not sure I could name anyone in the current crop of politicians who is capable of any form of leadership. Amber Rudd? Boris? Andrea **** Leadsom? David Davis? Gove? And the other side is scarcely any better.

    It’s one of those moments where a military coup starts looking like an attractive option.

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