Look how quickly and brutally they got rid of fatcha once they knew she’d run her course. Ironic considering how they idolise her now
May was finished on the morning of the election result. I’m sure she’d have done a Dave and walked then. But the powers that be know that the senile old racists that constitute their membership will elect Boris Johnson as… well… they’re senile old racists. They love that shit!
So like most rational people, the Tory paymasters know that he is a self-serving egotistical clown, and the damage he would do, if left in charge of Brexit, would do irreparable damage to the country, usher in economic catastrophe, and more importantly to them, end their gravy train and make the Tory’s unelectable for a generation, at least
But there’s nobody else either. So Theresa gets told once again “you broke it, you own it! You’re going nowhere!”