So, we know Anne Milton was supposed to be Health Secretary before Hunt decided he likes screwing the NHS over too much to stop. How do we know this? Because last night, her wikipedia entry was amended to remove the fact that her husband is a director at Virgin Care, by an IP address known to be in the House of Commons.
AD - MemberHunt in charge of social care. Surely this is some kind of elaborate joke?
Well, they moved most social care elements out of the NHS (so they could slash social care without "cutting the NHS", and so that they could shuffle money around existing budgets and pretend it was new money), and that caused massive problems where the 2 meet, so it makes sense to have them all under one arsehole again. I mean roof.
She can reshuffle s as much a she likes but it's still s at the end of the day.
A government that holds utter contempt for a large proportion of the populous and has repeatedly shown that the party comes before the country time and time again.
As for social care and the NHS, as far as I am concerned May and her cronies have blood on their hands.
Words fail to express how much I loath this government.
AD - Member
Hunt in charge of social care. Surely this is some kind of elaborate joke?
Role expanded.
Obviously, the NHS is working more or less according to Tory government plans.
Of course it is, as Theresa May said the other day they planned for the current crisis to happen just like they planned for last year's.
to be fair if their is one thing you can trust this govt to do its to lurch from one crises to another
You’ve got to credit her with consistency. Absolutely everything she does collapses into a total omnishambles!
Regarding the canceling of planned operations
I know for certain that urgent cancer ops are being cancelled as well, due to lack of ITU beds, this does happen from time to time and it's always worse in the winter but much worse this year, even than last, next month when the flu season peaks, will presumably be worse.
But the man who delivered this definitely needs his role expanding, rather than him being sacked?
It does indeed show that she’s more than happy with the direction of travel under his stewardship.
Run it into the ground, then offer privatisation as the ‘only solution’ in the post-brexit economies tsunami
hardline Brexiteers are indeed unsackable.
Of course they are unsackable, its what people voted for.
Aside from booting out Hammond a reshuffle was unnecessary, hence what we see today. No real changes
I don’t remember voting to a bumbling ****-wit to be an (unsackable) international embarrassment on the world stage and turn us into a laughing stock, but if that’s the ‘Will of the People’ eh Jammers?
I take it you think you think he’s doing a great job? 😆
As someone said on HIGNFY, sacking Johnson would be like letting an arsonist walk away from the scene of the crime, only to come back later claiming to be the fire brigade.
I love the fact that our countries entire economic future is a secondary consideration to the internal machinations of the Tory party
It’s like some ****ing feudal medieval court!
It’s like some ****ing feudal medieval court!
Except lacking the only benefit of a medieval court.
thegreatape - Member
It’s like some ****ing feudal medieval court!
Except lacking the only benefit of a medieval court.
Subtle but I like it.
Very true.
Just read about Justine Greening getting sacked, that's a shame, she got lumbered with trying to implement some truly terrible policies and totally sidelined in the queen's speech by brexit but she was a strong contender for "least awful minister". (the head of the ASCL says he regrets her leaving and that "She has tried hard to tackle the school funding crisis, without any help from the chancellor or prime minister")
But that's the price of being a remainer I guess.
Not a great day for Esther McVey either, knowing that she's second best to someone that didn't want the job. I once had to tell a failed candidate they'd got the job because the first one wouldn't do it for the money so I empathise with Theresa May on this one, it's no fun
Toby Young appears to have quit...after May gave her wholehearted support
Just when you thought May had clawed back a bit of credibility, she tries a reshuffle and it all goes tits up.
Johnsons(s) & May backing of Toby Young now makes them look even stupider as he's realised being a professional troll is incompatible with being a gov. advisor.
Weak & Wobbly
She couldn't run a third world country.
After Brexit I might have proof of that. 😉
The fact that HUnt refused to move and May let him get away with it shows her weakness
Regarding the canceling of planned operations
I know for certain that urgent cancer ops are being cancelled as well, due to lack of ITU beds, this does happen from time to time and it's always worse in the winter but much worse this year, even than last, next month when the flu season peaks, will presumably be worse.
@kimbers it's just the same in France except their the Government directed the hospitals to do it. The French system is much better funded than is the NHS, mostly due to a combination of higher taxes and fact the service is not universally free at the point of delivery
Today's reshuffle brought in some new faces. Onwards and upwards we go
Up to where? Have wages caught up with inflation? What about earnings and house prices?
Perhaps a reduction in national debt and no big bills coming up?
Now where was the 350mil this week
Onwards and upwards we go
Whilst your blinding optimism might be laudable, I'd suggest delusional is a more appropriate adjective.
That said, I doubt we could get much lower...
Im sure May will be reshuffling this reshuffle again soon, when the next round of scandals, sackings & incompetence surfaces
[quote=jambalaya ]Onwards and upwards we go
Like Icarus
double post.oops
Remember Cameron, his increasingly bilious visage, his bloated self confidence born from of a life of utter privilege?
Remember Osborne, his seemingly sneering disregard for everyone around him?
I'd have them back in a heartbeat
It was impossible to imagine at the time that we would look upon this as a golden era of benign parliamentary competence...
Having said that, heir final act was to deliver us into this shitstorm, and it will be all either of them will ever be remembered for
It was a rude shock to wake up on the 24th June 2016 and to realise that Cameron and Osborne were the moderate wing of the Conservative Party.
It's interesting to note that the Conservatives have stopped publishing membership data. I've seen estimates as low as 70,000 card carrying Tories as there appears to have been a large number of party members leaving since the Referendum but this is largely speculation based upon opinion poll data.
[url= ]Party membership data[/url]
The great thing about Conservative Party members is that if the party continues on its' current course then members will die off faster than they can be replaced. Good riddance.
I'm not sure about that. People seem to become more conservative as they get older, so as the middle ages moved into old age they will go that way.
[quote=yourguitarhero ]People seem to become more conservative as they get older, so as the middle ages moved into old age they will go that way.
Maybe. To a certain extent I'm sure it's true with a small c, but it may be a political truism which isn't. I find it hard to believe I'm the only person around who's become far less big C Conservative as they've got older.
People seem to become more conservative as they get older, so as the middle ages moved into old age they will go that way.
I would say, traditionally educated people have, but not any more. What we are getting now is people suffering a lifetime of propaganda on right wing issues by most of the established media.
research lately has been showing its no longer the case that people are turning Tory as they age, as they once did.
The reasoning being that people are taking much longer to get on the property ladder & accumulate wealth , but that is no longer happening at the same rate (thatchers right to buy & Cam+Os' help-to-buy were political tools to expand their voter base)
But Tories have made great efforts to insulate pensioners from wrst of austerity at the expense of the young, hence why Mays dementia tax was sucha disaster even though its something that needs addressing
thats still offset by the shift in our demographics to an older population, but it is still shifting
until then we are still being held hostage by the oaps until they get theyre blue passports back
PJM1974 - MemberIt was a rude shock to wake up on the 24th June 2016 and to realise that Cameron and Osborne were the moderate wing of the Conservative Party.
It shouldn't have tbh, they were always the polish on the jobby
they were always the polish on the jobby
It would seem that the party has given up on trying to detoxify the brand and appears to be doing all it can to push the agenda culturally, it's telling that some Conservative commentators are more concerned about university student unions not platforming far right speakers and the ever increasing social media presence of organisations like Stop Funding Hate than they are about working towards providing adequate housing, social care and funding for the NHS.
If one stands outside Conservative Party HQ and listens carefully, you can just about make out the slurping noise as the party disappears up its' own fundament.
Should May resign? When she is so weak that Hunt can refuse to move posts then yes. She has lost all power.
Now Rudds gone who can May hide behind?
At this rate just call me Dave will be back in office.
At this rate just call me Dave will be back in office.
I suspected when she took over May will end up making Cameron look like an enlightened leftie by comparison. However, Cameron deserves to be lynched for starting the Brexit fiasco so he'd better stay hidden.
Our local conservative leaflet is making promises that if in power after this weeks elections they challenge the current administrations proposal to make Green bin collections every two weeks.
With a manifesto for the borough as strong as that how could I resist...  Its indicative to me the conservatives don’t really have much to offer.
If she did resign I hear there's a job going at the Daily Wail that would suit her.
Interesting idea on pay gaps and explaining it though as usual action is better than headlines....
I’m left bemused as to how MayBot has lasted so long, that and the Lying BloHard and Davies.
Seems the more lies you spout and the harder you shout and point, the longer you last in this pathetic lying circle of bullies.
May - I think two issues. she has a real sense of "duty" and believes she is the only one who can deliver and unite the tories and also that no one actually wants to depose her now knowing that they would carry the can for the brexit shambles and the next election is going to be lost. They all want to be the next but one leader
I do feel a bit sorry for her in one way - it must be real mental torture for her but because of this sense of duty she just keeps ploughing on
I do feel a bit sorry for her in one way – it must be real mental torture for her but because of this sense of duty she just keeps ploughing on
Ive tried to feel a bit sorry for her, but despite my best efforts I really couldn’t