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  • Should Theresa May resign?
  • deadlydarcy
    Free Member

    a Corbyn / McDonnell IRA/Sinn Fein sympathising government


    Utterly lost all sense of perspective since election night when his predicted wet dream of a “150 majority” went up in smoke.

    Free Member

    In your world view everyone agrees with the May vision of Brexit. The problem is it no longer includes the chancellor or the Head of the B of E

    We will end Theresa May’s reckless approach to Brexit

    Labour manifesto supporting mays vision on Brexit according to jamby who does not need facts and will still continue to repeat the lie.
    Its no wonder so many get personal with you when you do this.

    Free Member

    Long live the May/Foster/UDA love in(by love in i really mean extortion racket)! 😆

    Free Member

    jambalaya – Member
    DUP confirmed they will vote for the Queens Speech with or without a deal. They are 100% committed to

    Fill in the blank.

    Problem is that buys may 10 minutes. She needs them onside onnevery issue along with the entire party including the Scottish Conservatives.

    At the first sniff of dissent everyone else will oppose. How many votes can she loose before no confidence is called? If she can’t pass legislation and scrape through what good is she?

    Anyway I’m sure they studied mays brexit puff piece of contradiction from the papers but I reckon they want an orange white and blue one.

    What NI needs is a an even hand from the mainland which means being able to talk to and listen to both sides.

    Free Member

    Mike, the day after the election I posted that May would be totally dependant on 100% support from all tory MPs and the DUP to pass any legislation and that would probably require the imposition of three line whips for tory MPs on every vote as a matter of course which is clearly impractical.
    When the DUP have what they want their support will be guaranteed but May will be unable to control some of her own party.
    This is a mess but we ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

    Free Member

    Indeed frank. It’s going to be a mess. An embarrassing mess while we’re going through some kinda important breakfast meetings in Brussels.

    I’d also add that over the last few days, you can infer from the various speeches by Hammond etc that her authority is gone. She’s just being kept in No. 10 under house arrest by her own party while they figure out who gets the job next.

    Full Member

    You know you never really get the impact until you experience it. Mrs K is carrying an ACL injury with private surgery scheduled for October. ~She went over on her leg at the weekend and its swollen massively, still after 2 days. Our local A&E was shut down last year and turned into an “Urgent Care centre”.

    So off she went, and after an initial inspection she was suggested the she employ RICE and revert to a private consultant. “But” she argued, “Aren’t you going to ask someone to do a further examination?” The direct answer was given – that there was no further qualified staff to see her in the building, and that as it’s clearly not a break they would not waste money on an X ray. But the chap did write a letter of recommendation to the private consultant.

    It’s the clearest experience of the NHS cuts I’ve experienced and to have a medical facility effectively turn you away to lack of staff with skills and cost saving as the excuse brings it right to state of bleedin’ obvious. I’m lucky my work enables family private care, there’s many that don’t have it.

    Add to that the low key compromised queens speech today and I’m feeling like a very exposed, leaderless weak Brit at the moment in a country with a paper thin framework.

    Full Member

    So there is a queen’s speech, but still no deal with the DUP?
    (Even tho Maybot said a week ago there was)

    How can we expect these clowns to get a deal with the EU when they can’t even get their chums in the anti-gay/evolution/women’s rights/science gang to sign up with them !?

    It’s not a coalition of chaos, it’s just a Chaos- new collective noun for Tories

    Free Member

    I really hope the Day of Rage protests planned for today doesn’t kick off.

    Free Member

    I really hope the Day of Rage protests planned for today doesn’t kick off

    It was the only way the Poll Tax was killed off.

    Full Member

    So there is a queen’s speech, but still no deal with the DUP?

    I thought there were legals that said if this was not the case, the opposition automatically takes charge?

    Full Member

    I think the idea that riots was the only reason the poll tax was scrapped is a bit incorrect.

    Full Member

    It will be interesting to follow the debate on the Queen’s Speech I think. Does anyone know why it’s a dress down day for Her Maj rather than full robes this time? A sign she can’t really be bothered?

    Free Member

    If she loses the vote on the Queen’s speech (or any one of multiple votes on it). The DUP are currently saying they will vote for it whether or not there is a formal deal – though I have to wonder if they plan to play brinksmanship.

    Free Member

    Does anyone know why it’s a dress down day for Her Maj rather than full robes this time? A sign she can’t really be bothered?

    According to the BBC too close to trooping the colour for the hassle

    Full Member

    She could offer soft brexit or a second vote.

    If the lib dems were really committed to staying in Europe they could ‘take one for the team’ and make a second referendum a condition in the Queens speech.

    Ha ha! No one can stay leader of the Conservative party now if they offer a vote on the deal, they’ll be replaced immediately. The quickest way for May to lose grip is to look to be backsliding, or open to letting the people decide to Remain when the reality of Leaving is starting to become clear.

    Free Member

    Kryton57 – Member
    So there is a queen’s speech, but still no deal with the DUP?
    I thought there were legals that said if this was not the case, the opposition automatically takes charge?

    The DUP will vote through the queens speech I imagine. I’d take a guess that all that’s happening here is they are giving the tories and early lesson on brinkmanship and letting them (and the country) know who’s in charge.

    Free Member

    racer – Member
    though I have to wonder if they plan to play brinksmanship.

    Snap, just read that. That’s exactly their game. It’s gonny be great! 😆

    Free Member

    The thing is, the Conservatives have to keep May in No 10 right now for a number of reasons. Firstly, if there’s a leadership challenge then the party will break into factions, which will ultimately mean that nothing gets done in parliament and could force the dreaded vote of no confidence triggering another GE, which the Conservatives will either likely lose, or will suffer the loss of yet more seats, further weakening their hand.

    Also, the clock is ticking on Brexit.

    Free Member

    there’s loads of tories starting to share their own opinions or atleast look like they have their own opinion, so I think maneuvers have already started on the leadership front, just a case of waiting on timing would be my guess.

    Full Member

    are they actually keeping TM in chains now?

    is that guy behind her holding onto the lead?

    Free Member

    She looks very, very tired.

    Full Member


    Free Member

    Interesting point from John mCdonnel reported by the guardian: The conservatives have materially altered their intentions (as put down in queens speech) compared to their manifesto with which they campained. Therefore actually they don’t have a mandate at all, neglectin whether they manage to do a deal with the DUP.

    Personally I think the other parties should jsut let the conservatives get on with it and use the very slim and shaky majority (assuming a deal) to temper an hard right policies and moderate the brexit plans. However its certianly interesting to watc it a ll play out. Bets on this being a part of the core curriculum for politics / history in the next 50 years 😆

    Full Member

    Bets on this being a part of the core curriculum for politics / history in the next 50 years

    The Weak & Wobbly Parliament?

    Free Member

    Weak and Wobblybotism! 😆

    Full Member

    t. Bets on this being a part of the core curriculum for politics / history in the next 50 years

    third century crisis of the british empire

    Full Member

    ‘The end of the United Kingdom’ ?

    Full Member

    what price power

    about 2bn actually..

    DUP asking for one billion extra for NHS and one billion extra for infrastructure report colleagues at @BBCnireland

    Full Member

    When the queen had to read “best possible deal” I was hoping she was going to just throw the thing on the floor.

    Full Member

    Anyone else think May looked very, very ill in palour? Her Majesty wasn’t all that either and it did strike me that she didn’t appear to really have any belief in what she was reading.

    Generic stuff, need to see the detail.

    Full Member

    The BBC just gave their verdict on the speech:

    Full Member

    DUP asking for one billion extra for NHS and one billion extra for infrastructure report colleagues at @BBCnireland

    That’s an awful lot of wood pellets.

    Full Member

    kilo – Member
    That’s an awful lot of wood pellets.

    Free Member

    Arlene Foster has the look of a portly 1980’s 2nd division footballer, I just can’t remember which one….

    edit – Andy Payton mibbe?

    Full Member

    Paul Merton is suing

    Free Member

    God, you’re right, Mrs Merton!

    Full Member

    Apologies to Peter Beardsley

    Full Member

    so would the Barnet formula apply

    if NI gets 2bn extra

    the england should get an extra 40.4bn

    wales 3.2bn

    scotland 5.6bn

    …. no wonder the Tories didnt want costings in their manifesto!

    Free Member

    Queens speech mostly about Brexit. For ****’s sake can’t anyone see that if we held a second referendum the result would be ‘remain’?

    Still, the great (hah) British public must be allowed to press the self-destruct button if that’s what they want. 🙄

    Totally out of context, but quoting Enoch Powell:

    It is like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre.

    What a shower of shit.

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