£180 though allegedly
I think I look rather royal now...
Still needs to be shorter round the back and sides
Let's hope it grows again quickly so he doesn't look about 60 years old.
I thought this was going to be about British Cycling's advice to its athletes in order to avoid saddle sores.
What a pleasant surprise to find its only the prince, who has spent all my bike parts allowance on a #1 all over. 🙁
£180? My local barber shop charges a tenner for a haircut even with hair on top.
He could have bought a set of clippers for one third of that. I'm sure that Kate would oblige with sorting the neckline out for him.
I thought this was going to be about British Cycling's advice to its athletes in order to avoid saddle sores.
Quite the opposite I believe, certainly for the female riders, more coverage means less sores apparently.
Anyway, back on topic, yes, good to see him embracing baldness, looks alright you know.
He did go downhill pretty rapidly after about 25. Similar to most inbred Royals with degenerate DNA.
His brother still looks pretty good for his age though, eh?
His brother still looks pretty good for his age though, eh?
I'm not sure about baldness being a result of inbreeding, but I have to laugh about Harry and all those speculations about who is his father when I see a. the bald spot and b. the jowls appearing. Breeding will out.
Too long on back & sides 😕
Prince of Wahls?
Should’ve gone shorter, is he Max Wall in disguise?
£180? My local barber shop charges a tenner for a haircut even with hair on top.
Pah, that's nothing. Tracy down the hairdressers does me a 3 all over for £5 & sometimes even sticks a tit in my ear! Bonus! 8)
Tracy down the hairdressers does me a 3 all over for £5
Define [b]'all'[/b] over...
Prince of Wahls?
Perchy for mayor.
I thought he was keeping it longer to hide the head tatts above his right ear?
Don't. Now we will have JHJ join the thread...
Now we will have JHJ join the thread...
to say....
I thought he was keeping it longer to hide the gills above his right ear?
Prince of Wahls?
[quote=Nico ]Breeding will out.
Cracking cheese, Gromit!
His brother still looks pretty good for his age though, eh?
I take it you're colour blind?
. Interesting, mine is close at £160 p.m. It's like getting pocket money.who has spent all my bike parts allowance on a #1 all over
I am only posting to get the thread above the cricket and scone threads..
That's a fair old scar on his forehead!
Wonder whether it was something being removed or inserted?
That's a fair old scar on his forehead!
Chicks dig scars.
And castles.
Just Googled it.
Something was inserted. A golf club.
Well I like my full head of hair, but I'd rather have a Prince William than a Prince Albert.
Head and beard for a tenber here... And the barbers is under my flat so can't ask for much more.
No tits though...
My mum's friend who used to cut my hair is not a small lady so spent most of the haircut "supporting" her with my shoulders/back
Prince of Wahls?
😆 very good.
Hmm well had my ‘william’ mines 9quid but always give a tenner .
He could have bought a set of clippers for one third of that. I'm sure that Kate would oblige with sorting the neckline out for him.
Well maybe He did a 3 on himself and she ‘helped’ then he had to have a 1 to sort out the resultant mess.
(As per my experience)
IMHO he should wear a royal baseball cap.
Speaking as one of the folically challenged just shave it all off with a razor. Doing anything other than clippers with a bare blade or shaving it just makes you look like an old man. You can’t escape it so just embrace it.
Spooky. He looks the absolute spit of my brother in that first picture, albeit about 15 years ago. No, our family surname is [b]not[/b] Windsor.
It's three quid for a single guard clippers job round here. He could have gone once a month for five years for £180!
Needs to get a parting tattooed down the middle.
Spooky. He looks the absolute spit of my brother in that first picture, albeit about 15 years ago. No, our family surname is not Windsor.
Is it Hewitt?