Couldn't see a thread for this, but he's been missing for quite a while after leaving some worrying tweets, Police have his mobile.. is believed to be in the Edinburgh area if anyone spots him.. last seen in South Queensferry which is worrying close to the Forth (if anyone follows his music)
Hope he turns up safe, he's one of the greatest song writers and lyricists ever IMO.. has helped a lot of people (including me) through tough times with his music..
Aye, worryingly close to the bridge as you say, hopefully not though, fingers crossed. Great band, for what it's worth...
Yeah i've been following his disappearance which is unnerving given his battles over the years with illness, I so hope he's found safe & well somewhere. A very talented musician indeed.
Oops, sorry....the track i posted is merely my fav frightened rabbit track and it appears to be in bad taste given the circumstances
Not really bad taste imo, pretty certain it’s the track the OP was alluding to anyway
Not really bad taste imo
No, quite moving in the circumstances really.
TBF it's pretty difficult to find an upbeat Frabbit track, they're mainly about heartbreak/depression/suicide etc.. Swim is one of the happier ones musically at least.. the one I was referring to is called Floating in the Forth..
Oh yeah, that one too
I've never really listened to them but they're very good aren't they. I hope he's found and needed some help but if not I hope he's found peace.
Yeah, I missed the boat on Frightened Rabbit but i've seen Scott perform solo twice- last time in London supporting the Hold Steady, where he was awesome, but also was joking and bantering away with the audience and generally a picture of happiness and confidence. But you never know what's underneath. Really hope he's OK.
Hope he shows up happy and well soon. A really great band
They found a body
Body found
Don't know the band, but depression sucks.
Was working with a good friend/band member of his yesterday.
Devastating news, especially poignant considering both the circumstances and his music. A local lad too.
His rawness and honesty really struck a chord when going through a tough time myself a few years ago, played an important part in getting me through.
We can try and be glad that he is no longer suffering.
Horrible news. I've seen FR a few times over the years , a great band . Thinking of his family and friends .
I'd never listened to Frightened Rabbit before but I saw Scott at the same London show as Northwind and he was very good. That was only a couple of months ago, this is tragic news.
Sad news ,been dreading this since he went missing.
One of my favourite bands. RIP
Awful. A fave for us too since we saw them as a support band for Biffy.
Caught the words of 'You can't find love in.......", did that guy just say what I think he did, fans ever since.
That's really sad. Awfully prophetic songs mentioned earlier in the thread.