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  • Rough justice.
  • SurroundedByZulus
    Free Member

    Fan runs onto field, gets caught by 4 coppers. One decides to beat the crap out of him. Pitch invasion in which rough justice is served. What are your thoughts?


    Free Member


    Free Member

    my real actual thoughts..?
    How many sausages would it take to hide a medium sized sheep..?

    Free Member

    I believe the answer to that would be many yunki, many.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Free Member

    good on the fans
    serves the police right. there was no need for the sneaky blows the police delt that guy. he was on the floor detained

    Free Member

    violence breeds violence

    Full Member

    Yunki, thick, thin or cumberland?

    Free Member

    i’ve jsut worked out how to make babies steam powered and buoyant if the world were to flood. all you need is gaffa tape, empty 2ltr water bottles, a tea-light candle and an empty aluminium cigar tube

    Free Member

    barnsleymitch – Member

    I believe the answer to that would be many yunki, many.
    maybe, maybe not

    Free Member

    Look at the size of that snorker!

    Free Member

    Free Member

    They’ve strapped that one two posts up down pretty firmly, it must be a bit of an animal!

    Free Member

    I had four sausages for lunch and can confirm there was no medium sized sheep in the vicinity, unless nano-sheep can come in small. medium or large sizes in which case the coppers had it coming

    Free Member

    I had four sausages for lunch

    ummmmmm! i’m telling iDave on you!

    Free Member

    ummmmmm! i’m telling iDave on you!

    Sausages are fine, silly.

    Free Member

    Are they definitely cops not stewards? Every copper I’ve ever seen at football has been dressed in yellow. (Only watched it on a small phone screen so quality isn’t so great)

    Free Member

    the sausages were with a lentil with ragu type concoction (Jamie Oliver) phil, none of them were harmed.

    Free Member

    Quality isnt great anyway, but it’s not from the UK.

    Free Member

    i hurt my sausage last night at the xmas party

    Full Member

    Quality isnt great anyway, but it’s not from the UK.

    Yeah I prefer British sausages too.

    Free Member

    Does it have a rash today?

    Full Member

    Coppers in the wrong for cheap shots but noone deserves a beating like that for such a teeny action.

    Full Member

    Without knowing what was said between the cops/guards, and what’s not visible on the vid – it looks to me like the one who actually did the beating escaped whilst his ‘mates’ bore the brunt of the crowd attack. It’s not nice.

    Full Member

    on the idave diet, are you allowed to eat Greggs sausage rolls if you remove the pastry first?

    I’ve no idea how many sausage rolls it would take to hide a sheep. Do you think we could get sponsorship from Greggs to find out?

    So many questions……

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