Replacement cargo b...

[Closed] Replacement cargo bike for a Kona MINute...

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Offline  DrP
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I guess the obvious would be a Kona Ute (full size...)

Currently ship my kids around on a kona Minute - 9 year old on teh back, 4 year old in a wee ride...

They both want to be on the back now - the Minute deck is a bit short for both.

Ideally i'd get just a kona ute / Yuba mundo frame, but can't seem to find any at a reasonable price at present.

Any other suggestions? Or anyone seen one online/second hand at all??



Posted : 22/01/2019 5:38 pm
Offline  epicyclo
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Muru Canning Stock Route

Muru Cycles

The last bike you'll ever need... 🙂

Posted : 22/01/2019 8:03 pm
Offline  lardman
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The Yuba Mundo was a great bike, I had one to ferry my twins around on.

Trek do a good bike similar to the Yuba, might be able to source one of them?

Trek Transport Cargo It's called.

Shame you weren't asking last year, as I'm in Brighton and I had one for sale!

Still have two child seats that are perfect for a cargo bike if you do find one, and need seats.

Posted : 22/01/2019 9:23 pm
Offline  edhornby
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I've sold my Ute because two kids on the back didn't work for me, the eldest behind the younger child* was effectively sat on the end of the board behind the back axle which meant the steering was unweighted - this was at the ages of 4ish and 7. Surly big dummy seems a better bet - or a tandem and a bigger wee-ride !
also I suspect you are getting to the point where a 9yo is on the limit of being able to go on the back of a bike and not provide any power. Have you calculated the total weight of the two passengers?

*the eldest behind me in the middle and the smallest behind her wasn't an option, she couldn't reach the cruiser bars to hang on safely and she'd have been even further back because of the length of the arms and legs of the eldest

Posted : 22/01/2019 10:19 pm
Offline  lardman
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I used stoker bars for the eldest (10 when I sold it) directly behind me, with one of the younger ones behind him in a child seat.

Although, I've had the whole family on there at one point.

The wife and eldest child standing on the running bars, the twins on the rack in shield seats. Hills were a challenge, but along the seafront it was fab.

Posted : 22/01/2019 11:04 pm
Offline  TiRed
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Thorn triplet or kiddyback plus tagalong. Nine year olds should be pedalling!

Posted : 22/01/2019 11:13 pm
Offline  Malvern Rider
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I had a Ute (29er) and loading deck/rack was just too high to be a proper cargo bike. It also shimmied and flexed respectively at higher speeds and loads. Shame as was very comfortsble to ride but not a purpose-built cargo bike, IME more of an ATB/town bike with cargo pretensions.

Yuba Mundo looks good. Also worth looking at modifying a beater with the Xtracycle kit for a Big Dummyish setup. Not cheap tho. Also beware, I bought the kit and the decks, bags etc only to find that my recessed dropouts (1997 M-Trax 150) didn't work for the buid 😡

If you dont mind fixerupperers, and fancy going proper (ie a bakfiets) then one just recently went up on Facebook marketplace. Search for a Popal Cangoo

Posted : 23/01/2019 1:57 am
Offline  TiRed
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Circe Morpheos would be cheaper than a Bakfiets and offer more flexibility at the expense and f removing a seat for the sap cargo. I’d still get a kiddyback tandem if you made joy shift kids.

Posted : 23/01/2019 9:28 am
Offline  TimP
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You are more than welcome to try my Ute to see how you get on with 2 out back. I have done big suermarket shopping trips on it before and the steering does get a bit vague.

Was actually thinking mine is too big!

Posted : 23/01/2019 9:46 am
Offline  TiRed
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Have a read and see what you think. I’ve always wanted a Pino.

Posted : 23/01/2019 10:12 am
Offline  DrP
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Cheers for the inputs y'all!

I guess the oldest SHOULD be peddling...but... A cargo is ideal as:
-i don't always have the kids on it, so don't want a full tandem
-i need the rack - my GP bag clips to the back.. and i use the bike for work
-sometimes i'll pick him up/drop him off, and then carry on 'empty'.

Ideally, I'd get yuba mundo (which...I THINK is 700c??) with the outriggers, and fix a way of towing the oldest's bike when he's either tired, or when I go to pick him up (my life is lots of back and forth!)

also I suspect you are getting to the point where a 9yo is on the limit of being able to go on the back of a bike and not provide any power. Have you calculated the total weight of the two passengers?

s'training innit!!


Posted : 23/01/2019 1:45 pm
Offline  TheGingerOne
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Have a look at Dutch websites as they (I expect) would have more brands and options available as they are more normal over there. Then find a way of getting one in the U.K. or justifying a trip over to buy one either new or on ebay

Posted : 23/01/2019 1:57 pm
Offline  grantyboy
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Urban Arrow??? I don't have one but see one regularly going about town, looks good

Posted : 23/01/2019 2:12 pm
Offline  nixie
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Big dummy. Just need a cushion over stock as kids are older.

Posted : 23/01/2019 2:27 pm
Offline  nixie
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Depending on size there is a 16 for sale on Facebook I live my big dummy group. Also a Facebook UK cargo bikes for sale group which is worth a look.

Posted : 23/01/2019 2:29 pm
Offline  downshep
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Ute's are pretty adaptable, you just have to work out what's best for the load in question.

I carried both kids on the Ute in different configurations. Large one immediately behind rider on a foam pad and small one on purpose built seat at the very rear was fine until the smaller child got a bit bigger. I swapped them round, placing the child seat right behind me and the larger child above the rear axle (with foot pegs) leaning forward, with both holding the same stoker bar. This was stable enough but you eventually get to the point where they become too big. I continued to carry the smaller one until she was about 10, which was totally safe and great fun.

The Ute really did shine as a child / shopping carrier but the kids are 12 and 16 now so it hasn't been used for a a while.

Have now started bothying, which generally involves lugging 10Kg of coal and kindling along unmade roads and paths. I suspect the Ute will be coming out of retirement and losing the child seat, stoker bar and foot pegs.

Posted : 23/01/2019 5:01 pm