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[Closed] Recommend me a fan for turbo trainer use

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Offline  spxxky
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Any ideas on a quiet fan for turbo trainer use?

Needs to be powerful!


Posted : 03/05/2017 3:52 pm
Offline  i_like_food
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I'm my experience quiet and powerful are mutually incompatible when it comes to fans.

After much messing around I ended up with one that sits on the floor (as opposed to being on a stick) so it didn't topple over (£40 from BandQ) and louder speakers, can't hear it over the music!

Posted : 03/05/2017 4:00 pm
Online  zilog6128
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I got an 18" floor fan from Screwfix a couple of years ago. It's very powerful, but loud (although I've never found that a problem!) Just had a look as I fancy getting another one. The one I bought (for £50) is on clearance for £20 although out of stock everywhere near me. There's a newer model for £30. Can't comment on it but it looks pretty similar so I'll probably take a punt on one for myself.

Posted : 03/05/2017 4:00 pm
Offline  barrykellett
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[b]zilog6128 - Member[/b]
I got an 18" floor fan from Screwfix a couple of years ago. It's very powerful, but loud (although I've never found that a problem!) Just had a look as I fancy getting another one. The one I bought (for £50) is on clearance for £20 although out of stock everywhere near me. There's a newer model for £30. Can't comment on it but it looks pretty similar so I'll probably take a punt on one for myself.

I just purchased the new model and did a 2h indoor ride on monday with 17c temps outside in [i]relative [/i]comfort.

Having a floor fan blowing up over your whole body makes a huge difference than a desk fan positioned in front of your face.

I was surprised at how quiet it is tbh, my turbo generates far more noise.

Posted : 03/05/2017 4:21 pm
Online  nedrapier
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Looking at the reviews on amazon, there are poor reviews for everything at every price point.

I spent £15 on a 12" table top fan, with plenty of 5 star reviews and the standard wodge of 1 star reviews.

Built it up, turned it on, and it vibrated like crazy; really loud, looked like it was shaking itself to death. Obviously the fan blade was unbalanced. I figured at that price, it's just down to moulding tolerances and material weight, and a replacement might be just as bad or worse, so I experimented with dabs of blu tac on the back of the blades.

2nd try, with a 5p sized dab on each blade, it was quiet and smooth, and I didn't have to go to the post office with a big box. 😀

Posted : 03/05/2017 4:32 pm
Offline  convert
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Any ideas on a [b]quiet [/b]fan for turbo trainer use?

Needs to be [b]powerful[/b]!

I think you get to choose one of those two

I can recommend this as powerful... but quiet it most definitely is not. Makes a mockery of how quiet my smart turbo trainer is.It also makes domestic fans feel like toys. Have not dared to put it on any more than the minimum setting as I might either get blown over or hypothermia!

Posted : 03/05/2017 4:40 pm
Offline  barrykellett
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Twice the air volume flow of the screw fix one, never did I think I would have floor fan envy

Posted : 03/05/2017 4:52 pm
Offline  concept2
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Argos floor type.. adequate on number one of three settings..

Posted : 03/05/2017 6:57 pm
Offline  spxxky
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Thanks for the replies everyone... I was looking at the £30 Screwfix one so on the advice I'll try that... £70 is more than my budget but may resort to that if the Screwfix fan doesn't live up to expectations 😉

Posted : 03/05/2017 7:02 pm
Offline  fibre
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Same as concept2 for me, it seems to be available under various brands elsewhere. Full power feels great and you really dont have to worry about sweat. It is very loud, but has 3 loudness settings 😉

In general i'd say go for the largest fan possible with different speed settings, if available in specs check the DB level and CFM if you want to get the best compromise.

Posted : 03/05/2017 7:43 pm
Offline  stumpy01
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I just bought a cheap pedestal fan from Amazon or eBay....can't remember now.

It's a bit rickety but only cost about £20 and has survived a few years so far...

Posted : 03/05/2017 7:50 pm
Offline  cat56
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If anyone's still in the market for a good fan, I stumbled across this one on another forum and have bought one. It definitely does the job!

Posted : 15/01/2019 1:54 pm
Offline  TurnerGuy
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I use 3 Honeywell HT900Es, one on the floor in front of me, one near the ceiling in front of me, and one near the ceiling behind me, and a remote control power block which allows me to switch them on as I need them :

Posted : 15/01/2019 3:06 pm
Offline  thisisnotaspoon
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(another great big screwfix on here, on it's minimum setting)

Posted : 15/01/2019 3:26 pm
Offline  feed
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I just have the one remote control fan 🙁

But find it to be more than adequate. The remote control is brilliant as you can turn on\change settings as body temp increases without having to pause the session and get off the bike.

I have it on a shelf in front of me but no reason why it wouldn't work on the floor. It's reasonably quiet or at least I've never noticed the noise from it.

Posted : 15/01/2019 3:28 pm