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  • Putting off doing something you want to do
  • simonfbarnes
    Free Member

    those 3 prongs look passing strange! What’s going on there ?

    Free Member

    not so much cliquism, I just dont like doing what I’m told, so the forum equivalent of a big flashing advert doesn’t encourage me to buy it.

    Free Member

    (Notices ultra-sophisticated zip-tied cable, giggles)

    Free Member

    those 3 prongs look passing strange! What’s going on there ?

    Tyre clearance / anti chainsuck iirc., and I guess it is cheaper than having a tube bent to that shape.

    Free Member

    (Notices ultra-sophisticated zip-tied cable, giggles)

    yeah, I thought that too :-(

    Free Member

    (Notices ultra-sophisticated zip-tied cable, giggles)

    Presumably he’s not got the bolt on cable guides yet?

    Free Member

    Or maybe he’s just realised that you’d have to use a zip-tie, once that rivnut falls out anyway… :D

    Free Member

    Presumably he’s not got the bolt on cable guides yet?

    Does make me wonder how hard it would be to bodge cable guides to work with those bolt on holes. Flat metal strip, ruler, calculator, saw, file, drill, 10 minutes should do it I reckon.

    Free Member

    Maybe some people are a bit fed up with hearing about BBB[/url] but is it any more annoying than the constant “Which Satnav” to buy threads?. Its got great potential and with WCA in charge what can possibly go wrong ? :wink:

    If nothing else Avon Tyrrell looks like a great place to take the family for the weekend with plenty of activities for everyone.

    Do the man a favour and post a link to BBB on any other websites that you visit, he then sells all the tickets, lots of money raised for charity and no more promotion threads required.

    Free Member

    lots of money raised for charity

    That’s the key bit, I think some people are forgetting. The fund-raising aspect was in there from the very start. That was one of the key aspects of the whole thing, for WCA.

    WCA has recently lost his job. I expect a man of his intelligence and ability will no doubt get another, soon, but his selflessness, even now, is still there. At a time when many others would be thinking more of themselves, his priority is to make BBB a success, so that people enjoy themselves, and charities raise much-needed funds.

    And God Bless him for doing that. The SSSD Summer Festival, which he hosted last summer at his house, was a roaring success, and everyone who went had a fantastic time. The man has a gift for putting on a good show. And he is an extremely kind-hearted and caring person. His main priority, was that everyone was looked after, and had a good time.

    As for his ‘annoying’ promotion of the BBB[/url] on here, well; he’s putting loads of effort into promoting our sport, and trying to organise something that people will enjoy. Wy not just give him credit for that, eh?

    Full Member

    Moving stuff there Rudeboy, I think i’m going to cry.

    You are right though.

    Free Member

    like I’ve said several times in the past (mainly to Poddy) – “It’s not being rammed through your letterbox is it?”

    Free Member

    Aw guys, I am welling up.

    Thanks fir the nice words, the valid critisism has been taken on board and I will throttle back on the promotion on here. I can’t promise not to mention that there are tickets available at ever again but I will try to keep it in check. Please can you all spread the word for me though so it is a fun weekneds with freinds.

    This thread was a genuine one as I was expecting the majority of ticket sales to be to STWers but was pleased and surprised how many others have bought tickets.

    Also, this has prodded at least a dozen ticket buyers to buy now rather than risking being disappointed.

    Free Member

    So it was about the Big Bike Bash after all? 8O

    Free Member

    You don’t have to voice every smutty thought inside your head. Most of us manage some restraint.





    From a bloke that voices his thoughs before they’ve even properly settled in his brain!
    Verbal diarreah?
    Nooooooooo, surely not?

    Free Member

    You don’t have to voice every smutty thought inside your head. Most of us manage some restraint.

    well, I have much smuttier thoughts about aleigh which I do keep to myself :o)

    Free Member

    Poddy, thoughts never actually settle propply in my brain.

    Free Member


    Full Member

    I am aware of a number of women attending said event. Not least the lead singer of one of the bands.

    Do you mean this lead singer soma_rich?

    Free Member

    Hmmm… I think I might go to this great sounding event after all!

    Free Member

    Well, it does seem like amazing value for money, what with bikes, beer and bands all in one weekend, at such a fantastic location! :D

    Free Member

    BBB – BBB – BBB – BBB – BBB – BBB – BBB – BBB – BBB – BBB – BBB – BBB!!!

    Free Member

    Where is WCA with his ever helpful links when you need him?

    Full Member

    MAybe its because you have a wedding to attend to on the preceding friday?
    In Ireland
    And your the best man
    And its your bessie mate from School
    And He came to your Dads funeral
    And you went to his Mums funeral
    And you went to his Dads funeral


    Free Member

    Well BBB looks a good event to me, reading the events list I think it is going to be a bit like the old Malvern Classics….ah happy days!
    I am very very tempted to go go, its only that its the Vanfest on the same weekend thats currently stopping me ordering tickets.
    I wish WCA best of luck, and really hope its a big success :D

    Free Member

    I am very very tempted to go go, its only that its the Vanfest on the same weekend thats currently stopping me ordering tickets.

    Forgot to mention, that’s another potential reason for not buying tickets already. Good luck to WCA but the August Bank Holiday weekend is probably the single busiest weekend of the year for festivals/shows/gatherings throughout the UK. I’d bet that if you’d chosen pretty much any other weekend for the event, you’d have sold more tickets already, simply as the competition is so vast on that weekend!

    Undoubtedly it’ll sell out and be a success though, so why worry about it all?

    Free Member

    Good luck to WCA but the August Bank Holiday weekend is probably the single busiest weekend of the year for festivals/shows/gatherings throughout the UK

    I think thats why they chose the weekend they did.

    Free Member

    mboy – Weekend BEFORE the bank holiday. Less busy and guarenteed sunshine*

    *If sunshine is unavailable we may provide alternative weather conditions

    Free Member

    Tell me about the bands playing @ BBB[/url] and what kind of music will we be chillaxing out to ? Is RudeBoy doing a Friday night disco session ? Should I pack my moobtube ?

    Free Member

    Soma_rich is in charge of the music. I know he has a few good bands booked and a DJ.

    Free Member

    BBB site is poorly by the way….Fatal error: Call to a member function fetchAll() on a non-object in /home/bigbikeb/public_html/blog_headlines.php on line 18….or is it just me ?

    Free Member

    Thanks Muke – I will get the web master onto it this evening. I think it is the news feed site that is causing the problem.

    Either that or the rush of people trying to buy tickets!

    Free Member

    So thats Thinking for Tuesday[/url] as one of the bands @ BBB[/url] then ? Nice one Will/Soma/WCA

    Free Member

    The website is rubbish.
    not one event i can see that i would want to do
    the website is rubbish
    What exactly is happening?
    Is it a bike jamboree? ‘shudders’
    the website is rubbish

    Free Member

    Thinking For Tuesday – Myspace We are really looking forward to it. Can’t wait to see some of the racing thats taking place as well.

    Free Member

    Bands booked so far off the top of my head:
    Thinking for Tuesday,
    20 seconds to mars,
    Diesel Noi,
    Idiot 3
    plus many more I have forgotten about.


    We even have a stage sorted now !

    Full Member

    hang on Dezb (supposedly irritating) and RB (draw your own conclusions) are going to BBB and there will be alcohol?

    do you do refunds?

    only kidding, i’m turning up for the action in the ST forumers love=fest tent

    Free Member

    20 seconds to mars. quality.

    oh and its the only holiday the wilsons are going to be affording this year. So it had better be good.

    No pressure :wink:

    Free Member

    We even have a stage sorted now !

    All sounding good so far, is the beer tent sorted yet and what local refreshing beverages can we look forward to then ?

    Free Member

    Beer tent sorted.

    We have the Director of Beer tasked with sampling the local breweries fine beers to select only the finest for the event.

    I thought this would only take him a couple of days but when I last spoke to him he said he wanted to be thorough and was working his way through all the breweries again. He did sound a little strange and kept giggling and slurring his words though.

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