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  • PSA Countryfile tonight Extreme mountainbiking…..
  • thats_not_my_name
    Free Member

    Countryfile BBC 1 7pm “Matt Baker tries his had at extreme mountainbiking in the South Pennines”.

    What’s extreme mountainbiking?

    Free Member

    you’ll find out at 7pm, same as everyone else.

    Free Member

    you’ll find out at 7pm, same as everyone else.

    Heh….genuine lol.

    Free Member

    :D Can’t wait!

    Free Member

    What’s extreme mountainbiking?

    I think he’s a bit of a biker isn’t he? so maybe something that actually resembles some good MTB, not the forest roads you normally see on TV

    Free Member

    There was a photo of him and Chris Akrigg knocking around recently…

    Free Member

    ooh clashes with F1 highlights !

    Free Member

    Do you think he’s going to bring the gnaaaAAAAARRRR?


    Free Member

    Met him once. He’s a decent guy.

    He used to be a National level gymnast so he should have good balance and co-ordination. Although I;m not sure the BBC insurance would let him do.

    Free Member

    South Pennines
    extreme MTBing?

    Mary Townley loop would seem countryfiley. Not extreme, if only epic
    Lee quarry?

    Ive no idea

    Free Member

    Is it like extreme ironing?

    Full Member

    Mary Townley loop would seem countryfiley. Not extreme, if only epic
    Lee quarry?

    They did that a couple of years ago now, MTBs open gates for horses apparently.

    Free Member

    Matt Baker and Ellie Harrison head to the South Pennines, where old rivals Yorkshire and Lancashire collide. It is also home to the Pennine Way, which runs through the backbone of England. Ellie takes in part of the Pennine Way with local poet Simon Armitage. Meanwhile, Matt uses two wheels for some extreme mountain biking.

    My moneys on Lee Quarry as it’s very close to the Pennine Way and the Lancashire/Yorkshire border!

    Free Member

    Met him once. He’s a decent guy
    Well he’s bound to be, he’s a Durham lad! :lol:

    Free Member

    Well he’s bound to be, he’s a Durham lad!


    Likes his bevy as well.

    Free Member

    Are you from Winston, Winston?

    Free Member

    Nah mate. I’m a North Durham, “Chesta” lad originally.

    Been in exile in various places for 10 years now.

    Full Member

    I think he’s a bit of a biker isn’t he

    Not when they did a feature on gawton about two years ago. He threw himself at it though..

    Free Member

    Been in exile in various places for 10 years now.

    I know the feeling, I’m exiled in North Yorkshire, not bad though, only 35/40 mins from the Dales or Moors.

    Full Member

    Last week Matt mentioned jumping a few rocks and drops.

    He’s a good all round sporty person, so should be good viewing.

    I usually watch for the cute ickle lambs – awww.

    Full Member

    Chris akrigg mentioned it on Twitter earlier in the week, and Charge bikes have mentioned it just now

    Full Member

    Last time the BBC did some “extreme mountain biking” round this neck of the woods it involved riding (walking/pushing) up Winnats Pass (yes, the road climb) then going down the Broken Road. A round trip of approximately two miles.

    Gnarl to the max, that one. :roll:

    Free Member

    Yeah, it’s with Chris akrigg so probably more “extreme” than the average stw’er will ever get…
    And speaking as another exiled Durham chap, I’d agree that matt seems like a top bloke.

    Full Member

    Aye, just saw a little clip at the start with Matt Baker doing not too bad on a Trek, then what looked like a recovered Akrigg doing some flying.

    And yep, he does seem a sound feller- almost made David Cameron cry that time, that was good.

    Free Member

    Please tell me that wasn’t it. A pint of tea!

    Free Member

    Drinking pints of tea, yep about as extreme as most of the collective on here manage from behind the safety of their desks……

    Free Member

    KY jelly on Countryfile 8O

    Free Member

    There’s more to come, you impatient sods!

    Free Member

    here we go. with Chris Akrigg
    EDIT: damn I thought it was starting. good thing love a bit of dandilion

    Full Member

    Baby Robins?

    Full Member

    Back to the footie then….

    Full Member

    Drinking pints of tea, yep about as extreme as most of the collective on here manage from behind the safety of their desks……

    Tea, on here ?? Nah. More likely to be a fullcaffhalfcaffdecaffskinnylattefairtradeespresso… hand ground in the latest designer bean grinder. :D

    Free Member

    I bet he says “Oh my word” at some point…

    Free Member

    oh adams farm. brill

    Free Member

    I usually watch for the cute ickle lambs – awww.

    I hope you’ve been watching, then, otherwise you just missed a good one.

    Free Member

    Lambs are awesome!
    Now witches. Does it get any better?

    Free Member

    I will answer that question after seeing the extreme biking

    Free Member

    Should we objectify a presenter while we’re waiting?

    Free Member

    Have i missed it?

    Free Member


    just about to begin! (after the weather )

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