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  • poorly more often as you age ?
  • MrOvershoot
    Full Member

    So far since the start of Covid in early 2020 not a single sniffle, not had Covid either and worked all the way through with a small team around me.

    But I’ve been to hospital 3 times, twice with cellulites from insect bites on my legs.

    The last 3 days actually in hospital with AF admitted with a resting HR of 160. According to the tests its my Thyroid, markers were off the scale” back home now with lots of holes in my arms and a big bag of various pills 🙁

    Good news is from scans my heart is in good condition with no build up anywhere, a Cholesterol of 2 probably helps 1.5HDL 0.5 Non HDL.

    Weird thing is it was my Braun blood pressure monitor that picked it up on Sunday with 157, when I was discharged my HR was 129-119 has been coming down slowly over 3 days but in the 15 minutes it took to get home it was down to 78 as I checked it straight away.

    Today 64 & now its 58! Now I’m worried its going to go too low, you can’t blood win can you?

    Oh I’m 57 BTW

    Full Member

    I have far less un-productive days due the hangovers than I used to in my 20’s but I have far more niggling injuries (generally caused by poor posture/muscle imbalance though I concede they could just be old age symptoms as well)

    Full Member

    Covid lockdown saw me have less sniffly illnesses but now 100+ biohazards come through my class per day and it’s back to not feeling great. In fact I think covid did a disservice as teachers quickly build up a resilience which diminished over the lockdowns ime.

    Full Member

    Obvs in my job i see a lot of people day to day, some ill, some worried..

    I find it interesting that many people (not necessarily the OP) can’t get their head round the fact that an 80..90..100 year old human will be iller, frailer, and recover less well from all manner of illnesses…

    I think if we said “why is my 40 year old car slower and less reliable than when it was factory fresh” no-one would say anything other than “what do you expect – it’s a 40 year old car”, yet there’s this belief (which i partly blame media for, for painting the image we’ll be octogenarians skipping through a field..) that humans should jsut ‘go on forever’ and never weaken, fail bit by bit, or simply just stop working with no obvious cause other than ‘too many candles on the cake’.


    Free Member

    I’m not a doctor, but looking around friends and family I think people also underestimate the impact of poor mental health on their physical health. It’s not enough to eat healthily and exercise. If you stressed because of job or relationships you’ll not sleep well and get more ill. There’s also a lot of reasons to be stressed at the moment with cost of living crisis / nuclear anniliation.

    Full Member

    Haven’t seen a GP for at least a decade, don’t get poorly but certainly can’t lift as much as I used to.

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    Full Member
    Obvs in my job i see a lot of people day to day, some ill, some worried..

    I find it interesting that many people (not necessarily the OP) can’t get their head round the fact that an 80..90..100 year old human will be iller, frailer, and recover less well from all manner of illnesses…

    I think if we said “why is my 40 year old car slower and less reliable than when it was factory fresh” no-one would say anything other than “what do you expect – it’s a 40 year old car”, yet there’s this belief (which i partly blame media for, for painting the image we’ll be octogenarians skipping through a field..) that humans should jsut ‘go on forever’ and never weaken, fail bit by bit, or simply just stop working with no obvious cause other than ‘too many candles on the cake’.


    Posted 2 hours ago

    so basically your saying, because i am old and have been round the clock a few times, been active with sport all my life, and have had a few major breakdowns, then i am just fubar. ace.

    Full Member


    so basically your saying, because i am old and have been round the clock a few times, been active with sport all my life, and have had a few major breakdowns, then i am just fubar. ace.

    Nope!!! Not at all:

    I find it interesting that many people (not necessarily the OP) can’t get their head round the fact that an 80..90..100 year old human will be iller, frailer, and recover less well from all manner of illnesses…

    But I guess there is the reality that yes, as you get older, the chance of getting an illness that’s harder to recover from, and general health andfitness DO decline….
    I was just making the extreme point of the VERY old that still expect the same outcomes as the ‘not very old’!


    Full Member

    This comes at an all too appropriate time for me as I have missed yet more riding due to a virus. I am 73 and it seems I miss more every year. I don’t expect to be as fit as I was forty years ago but the constant drip of minorish ailments gets very depressing.
    But still I do get out as often as I can and get no sympathy from my wife who says, ‘What are you moaning about, you’re still here aren’t you ?’

    Full Member

    my kids are 11 and pretty good washing hands when they get in etc.

    When I used to row (a lot = six days a week and twice a day in the spring/summer) and commute into London town I was ill all the time. A few years back it all get much better, mainly due to kids getting older and not using the trains/riding to work every single day for a few years I am thinking.

    Diet is really good and getting better as I get older, I dont drink much or smoke and ride/dog walk/Peloton/lots of stretching every day almost. For the past say five years I have had the odd sort of cold for a couple days a year. I am 55

    Free Member

    The opposite, due to greater wisdom. How to eat, how to rest, how to live.

    Full Member

    veganrider = troll

    Free Member

    Frank Conway, that’s a poor way to disagree with someone.

    Full Member

    As @DrP says older->higher chance of many sorts of illness. Very old->higher yet + some that become more common.

    Certainly I find more general aching, pain, and less flexibility. Though colds and the like are less frequent now that two vectors are away from home.

    Some of that can be helped by fitness and training.

    Clearly individuals can differ from each other a lot.

    Generally things like immunity and cellular repair fade with increasing age.

    Supplements? Depends on your diet and location on what might help. Generally it’s a bunch of snake oil.

    Full Member

    I wonder if the people on here complaining about kids bringing all the snot home from school are the same ones who wanted schools to stay open or who moan about teachers taking time off 😄

    Full Member

    I wonder if the people on here complaining about kids bringing all the snot home from school are the same ones who wanted schools to stay open or who moan about teachers taking time off


    I’m astonished at the resilience of teachers.

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