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  • Pikes, Whats the difference?
  • rich-6
    Free Member

    Apologies for been daft, but upon trowling the net for a set of pikes (possibly) ive come accross

    454 air
    454 coil

    Now i know what the air and coil mean but whats the difference between the model numbers, do they perform any different, are they different besides hurting your wallet?

    Free Member

    Heres what i think

    426’s are the new 409

    426’s are coil and have a steel steere

    454’s are coil or air and have an alu steerer and hollow crown so come in about .5lb lighter than the 426

    Full Member

    409 and 426 have a steel steerer, 454 an alu one.

    I think 409 is the OEM designation – they probably have less adjustment than the 426 if they’re like my 409 Revs (no extrenal floodgate adjust).

    But somebody more knowledgeable will probably be along in a tick to set me straight.

    Free Member

    I have the 426, they are coil with steel steerer and have the handlebar mounted floodgate thingy, also have u-turn.

    Free Member

    409 – Steel Steerer and solid crown, coil sprung, no external floodgate adjustment (Still adjustable with an allen key)
    426 – Same as 409 with external floodgate adjustment
    454 – Aluminium Steerer and hollow crown saving quite a bit of weight

    Air U-Turn = Air Sprung with U-Turn function to allow travel adjustment
    Coil U-Turn = Coil Sprung with U-Turn function to allow travel adjustment
    Dual Air = Air Sprung with no travel adjustment (Saving weight by leaving out U-Turn gubbins inside)

    All clear now?!

    Free Member

    Not quite – 2009 Pikes are now all coil, no air (that spots been taken by the new Revelations).

    The information that Fishers/RS appear to have sent out to online dealers is, frankly, pants & very confusing.

    Free Member

    Exactly what barrykellet said.


    Free Member

    But there are still no air Pikes in 2009, despite what that link says.

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