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  • petty insignificant things that really piss you off
  • allyharp
    Full Member

    People who write brought instead of bought

    Free Member

    Turning my bike upside down, and damaging my left hand Deore XT Thumbshifter on a paving slab.


    Full Member

    People who cannot use Latin correctly; The plural of ignoramus is ignoramii.

    Oh really?

    Free Member

    Socially inadequate people on "mountainbikes" rocking up in a secluded carpark in the woods late at night with silly **** spotlights stuck to their heads thinking there's something funny about ruining a good dogging.

    Free Member


    Full Member

    Random braking on motorways / dual carriageways
    people who have to 'Plan ahead'
    Chavs with attack dogs and small children
    People determined to live beyond their means
    'skint' people with cars, mobiles, internet, sky plus , fags and booze.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    'skint' people with cars, mobiles, internet, sky plus , fags and booze.

    What's the cut off line for a skint person? a packet of beef monstermunch?

    people who have to 'Plan ahead'

    So how did you find yourself "non skint"? wealthy parents?

    Free Member

    singletrackmind – Member
    Random braking on motorways / dual carriageways

    That'll be people not knowing how to turn off their cruise control without dabbing the brakes. Which is something that REALLY gets on my whatsits!

    Free Member

    Prefixing nouns with the letter "i" to imply that they are fashionable and cool.

    Full Member

    OK.- So whats the cut off line for a 'skint' person ? Living in the first world, modernised with a full wellfare system in place, then in my opion , a 'skint' pertson is one who cannot afford for example, take-aways, meals out, holidays, a car, a tele, petrol, nights out in the pub, christmas presents, has social security loans, and assisted housing.

    As for how did I find myself non skint?
    Its non of your effin business but fyi… try dead parents, who were not 'rich' by Surrey standards, we did not have a car for many years when i was a child, nor a colour tele, we rented a B&W, Mum and Dad both worked hard, Mum had 2 low paid jobs, Dad was a account clerk at an Insurance firm. Got a lucky break when they had the oportunity to buy the flat they had rented for 25 years from the landlady. PLus i work hard, manage my finances , do not live in a debt fuelled bubble, and i am good at making do.
    Its people who say "I'm skint", who basically aren't , or the other classic ' Im starving' really, Is anyone in the UK really starving ? It is petty and in most cases not true.
    Whilst i am at it , Pregnant girls who smoke….. makes me angry.

    Full Member

    If you not understand the PLAN AHEADlet me explain. There is no other form of planning is there. You simply cannot plan retrospectively , ie , for somethink that has already happened.



    Free Member

    As for how did I find myself non skint?
    Its non of your effin business but fyi

    Ah, but it is, you filthy hypocrite….

    PLus i work hard, manage my finances , do not live in a debt fuelled bubble, and i am good at making do.

    So,you are included in

    people who have to 'Plan ahead'


    Are you a petty insignificant thing that pisses yourself off?

    Full Member

    People who stick their elbows into my airline space. Like the guy sitting next to me, in fact …

    Full Member

    Ah, but it is, you filthy hypocrite….

    I am sorry, Dumbing down in the education obvious means that you are not understanting exactly what i have typed.
    People PLAN .All planning is in the future, therefore adding the " Ahead" is unneccessary.

    At what point am I being a hypocrite . The thread is about things that piss you off, like improper use of language eg.- bought and brought, I get annoyed by people who claim to be ' skint' , when they cleary are not. Skint peole have to watch every penny, and cannot afford many of the luxury items, like computers and the internet , that the majority of STW members enjoy. You are not skint, I am not skint.
    Your replies and arguements are random and unfounded. You do not know me, as alot of people on here do, so please do not judge and hurl insults willy nilly.


    Free Member

    At what point am I being a hypocrite

    When you suggested there's something that pisses you off about people who "have to plan ahead"…and then you spent several posts singing your own praises for doing just that.

    And also here..

    I am sorry, Dumbing down in the education obvious means that you are not understanting exactly what i have typed.

    Which suggests I made more of my education than you did.

    There's no point in getting angry, that would just encourage me.

    Full Member


    Free Member

    I'd also like to add this. The idea that "skint people" with an internet connection or a mobile should be a source of irritation to anybody is a bit of a steaming pile of shyte. Spend a day working in a jobcentre and you'll soon realise that both are a prerequisite for applying for work or being "on call" and instantly available for all the crap jobs an agency may throw your way at a moments notice. Unless of course you would prefer the unemployed to spend every waking moment under house arrest waiting by the telephone and only able to apply for the out of date jobs listed on the jobcentreplus "jobpoints" and the five or six agency jobs advertised in the local paper that require an emailed cv. Of course though there are a lot of people taking the piss. I've seen it first hand.

    Also, please don't make assumptions as to my finances, or include me amongst the STW "bretheren". It's not a club I would wish to join.

    Free Member

    People that use the term "shambles" to mean a bit chaotic rather than a bloodbath or butchers.
    People that say "the net" or worse, "have you got the net" as if it were a disease.
    People that say i.e. when they mean e.g.
    People that say "the hoi polloi".
    People that don't know the difference between disingenuous and ingenuous.
    People that post things they don't really mean.

    Full Member

    Also, please don't make assumptions as to my finances, or include me amongst the STW "bretheren". It's not a club I would wish to join.

    I rest my case, as you are , a member of the 'club'

    can you please point to the bit where i mentioned unemployed. Your words, not mine.

    Night Night

    ps nice debate, nearly got me on making assumptions of your finances. ..

    Full Member

    Badly designed cutlery with poor ergonomics.

    Free Member

    Night Night

    That's the second time you've gone to bed tonight. Prostrate?

    I rest my case, as you are , a member of the 'club'

    Am I? Is there a handshake?

    can you please point to the bit where i mentioned unemployed. Your words, not mine.

    You know what? you're correct. Major assumption on my behalf. I stand corrected. I'm of the belief that it takes a great man to admit that he is wrong.

    Free Member

    "Urban" myths.

    Full Member

    The little shite kicking the ball outside and those people who get up early and stick those stupid happy birthday notice/pictures on lamp post then then can't be arsed to take them down the following day.

    Free Member

    Barking dogs at night

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