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  • Oven cleaning
  • bearnecessities
    Full Member

    Hmm. I’m already embarassed.

    I’ll immediately get that in I’m tidy chap; it costs a lot to live in a place so I keep it clean.

    ..except the oven.

    What product to a) clean the glass and b) the poor oven.

    Sooo many products, I just want to know which one actually works. Oven isn’t too bad but the glass scares me – a range of products and elbow grease had produced sod all result.

    Thanks! 😳

    Full Member

    Lakeland do the best cleaners by far – for both the oven and hob. Can’t remember the names as I’m not near them right now so just do a search on their site.

    Full Member

    Get a man in. £60 is a pound a week. And it will look like new. I’ve cleaned ovens with Mr Muscle and other H2O2 based products, but to be honest, they never looked as good as the steam bath in the back of the van by a man who can.

    My local has a degree in Physics and does it to supplement his Cricket coaching career. Discussions are always entertaining too.

    Free Member

    Can a mod get this thread on mumsnet ASAP please?

    Free Member

    The only one ives used that works is oven pride. Put the wire racks in a bag with the cleaner and soak the oven (preferably over night) seems to melt all the gunk off

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    Free Member

    +1 for oven mate from Lakeland, doesn’t smell at all, and really is put on and wipe off.

    Full Member

    Oven Pride works.
    Just don’t do what my OH did a few weeks ago and undo the wrong screws holding the outer glass panel of the door on, so she could get to the inner panel.
    The outer door panel dropped, smashing to a million bits on the tiled floor! Oven is to old to get a new one, so had to trawl eBay to find a half decent one to tide us over!

    Free Member

    +1 oven pride.
    WEAR GLOVES, it will burn your skin.
    Dont splash it around, if you get it in your eyes your in big trouble!

    Full Member

    +2 on Ovenpride, comes in a cardboard box. Sainsburys sell it among others.

    First time I made sure the shelves were laid flat in the bag of goo, and turned them over etc to get good coverage. Then my wife used it and actually read the instructions, you don’t even need to lay it down, the goo just sits at the bottom and the chemicals loosen all the gunk.

    You can honestly take a grimy oven that hasn’t seen a cloth for a year, and it pretty much just wipes clean after a good soak. Much better than scrubbing away with a scourer.

    Free Member

    + 1 for ovenpride.

    moved into our gaff , was clear the oven hadnt ever been cleaned.

    threw in oven pride and OMG it just worked.

    wonder how good it would be at degreasing engine componants 😉

    Full Member

    I just dumped the racks into the dish washer, majority of crap came off on a hot cycle, rest came off with a small bit of encouragement from a wire scourer. Very little fuss & no special ingredients. Admittedly the glass is a different matter, but taking it off the oven & doing in over a sink made it a lot easier.

    Do ppl actually use those ‘oven cleaner man in a van’? Must be easier than trying to clean an old encrusted oven yourself, but don’t know of anyone whose ever used their service

    Full Member

    Cheers for replies 😀

    The glass though is the problem child; does this oven pride do the glass as well?

    EDIT: It’s integrated so sticking in the back of a van isn’t an option (I don’t think)

    Ta again!

    Full Member

    Ovenpride’s good, will work on glass, but be careful where it goes and whatever you do don’t get it on any wood surfaces. Or floors. Or skin. In fact I’m surprised it hasn’t been banned on H&S grounds. But it does work well.

    Free Member

    It’s integrated so sticking in the back of a van isn’t an option (I don’t think)

    Most integrated oven doors are removable,open the door,
    Look down at the hinges and you should see a little metal tab that sits flush on top of the hinge,
    Lift this up and back,
    now when you try to close the oven door(gently)it will only go so far before the whole lot moves on the hinges,
    You then lift it up and out and the door should come away from the oven.

    Full Member

    Ovenpride here too, plus diswwashing the racks afterwards.

    Full Member

    Them oven pride bags are bloomin ace.
    Spray the racks & glass panel.
    Pop in bag.
    Rinse off.
    Job done.

    Free Member

    if you have left it a bit too long…..

    place a couple of old towells in the bath, place racks/glass in bath, cover in very hot water, shake in a good lash of washing powder (as in for the washing machine) leaver overnight if you can, lift out racks and give them a run down and rinse off and your good to go.

    read this one line after trying oven pride etc and this is the easiest and most effictive way iv tried

    Free Member

    Mumsnet are more interested in acronyms

    Free Member

    Another oven pride here! And hob-brite for ceramic hobs.

    Full Member

    Just looked at ours…bloody hell…it’s shameful! Everything is needing cleaned. We have a 2 part built-in over – top one is in need as is the bottom.

    Also discovered we’ve had a small fire in the microwave (popcorn left too long!) and that also needs it.

    Oven Pride says not to use on the glass, but I’ll get the 2 racks, grill rack (and the grill?) in the bag thing and sorted and the rest I will need to use between the top and bottom and hope to have some left over for the microwave. Racks appear to be ok-ish, it’s just the inside of the oven and microwave that look really bad…

    This’ll teach me for being a lazy barsteward and not using anything but the hob! Will also hopefully teach the wife to get her finger out and clear up after herself!

    So what is best to be used on the glass parts of the oven?

    Free Member

    I’ve tried all sorts over the years and by the the best method is paying a man £50 and leaving him to it.

    Without doubt, oven cleaning is the worst job in the world, ever. Used 2 firms, both did exactly as well, ie perfection. Ultimately I think it comes down to time, and I value mine too highly to spending doing something I detest.

    Full Member

    £50 for what appears to involve about 15 minutes work, 4 hours (ideally overnight) leaving to it’s own thing and then a 20-30 minute wipe down/rinse? Easy money if you can get it!

    Free Member

    Come round my house and do it and I’ll happily give you the £50

    Free Member

    The instructions for mine say to undo screws that hold clips that hold glass. Don’t drop. Use Brillo Pad and hot soapy water in sink. Be sure to replace the right way round – it’s written in the glass under all that crud.

    It worked for me.

    Free Member

    I used ovenu

    Cost about £100 for our range cooker (ie two ovens and a hob)

    The oven is about 8 years old and afterwards it looked like new.

    Yes you could do it yourself but for the convenience I wouldn’t (are people really soaking their grill pans in the bath?)

    Full Member

    place a couple of old towells in the bath, place racks/glass in bath, cover in very hot water, shake in a good lash of washing powder (as in for the washing machine) leaver overnight if you can, lift out racks and give them a run down and rinse off and your good to go

    This sounds beautifully simple (and cheap!). Will try first.

    Will ovenpride the glass if that fails.

    Unovolo, thanks – useful to know if above both don’t work, and if there’s any glass left to clean!

    Free Member

    Using a metal scraper works a treat for all the flat surfaces

    Full Member

    Will ovenpride the glass if that fails.

    Ovenpride does the glass and shelves/side supports, with stuff left over for the oven walls/floor. i.e. the whole lot. Last time when we were finished, we chucked the minging wire shelf from the BBQ that came with the house, and it still had plenty of kick to bring that up shiny.

    Full Member

    We’ve had ourselves a vax steam cleaner and it’s ace at cleaning most every bit of the home and you don’t need any type of product. I’m doing the conservatory ceiling with it today and the dirt just melts away.

    Free Member

    I agree jeckll … We got akarchersteam cleaner at xmas and it is the muts knuts for the oven and the glasshob and splashback.

    Does a good job of wall and floor tiles , grout , the stove , windows ,

    Key thing to remember is its not a 1stop shop for cleaning , you have to sweep and hoover first on floors then steam it.leaves much less water behind than moping so happy to use it on the oak flooring too and its done no damage so far.

    Full Member

    11 month old thread gets revived with a post linking to a specific company? With that post being the only one from that account?


    Full Member

    Moreover, I doubt a London-based oven cleaning company will be much use to the poster in Bulgaria. Gone.

    Free Member

    Oven pride works ok for most of the crap but if you use one of those oven cleaning services your oven will come up like new. We’ve just had our range done and it’s spotless. They have done form of device in the back of their van bubbling away like a cauldron, and they take the door off and all the parts that come off any broil them in their cauldron. I even had an oven shelf I’d used on the BBQ last summer and had left it outside with the BBQ. I handed it over to them expecting it to still come out mucky and end up in the bin, but even that came up like new.

    After this I’d say forget about oven pride, it’s not worth you faffing around with dangerous chemicals. Every 2or 3 years get it done properly.

    Full Member

    It’s ok. I moved house instead.

    Free Member

    Just done the glass, remove glass, make a mix of bicarb and washing up liquid apply liberally, leave it for a while (few hours) have a go with one of those green pan scrubs. Mine came up as good as new.

    Full Member

    The glass; I spent ages trying things. Best way: remove glass and use a ceramic hob scraper to take the bad stuff off. Get as much as you can off.

    Then you use pretty much any standard cleaner to get the rest off. In fact those scrapers are awesome for most things.

    Finish off with the hob cleaner (same people make the scraper) in the orange bottle!

    Free Member

    Get the pros in if it is bad. Let them get it spick and span. Then you can do it after that. Oven Pride is very good.

    Full Member

    Finish off with the hob cleaner (same people make the scraper) in the orange bottle!

    I got some of that stuff for my hob. It’s good for ‘finishing’ as you say, but Jif Cif is much better for actually cleaning it.

    Free Member

    £50 for what appears to involve about 15 minutes work, 4 hours (ideally overnight) leaving to it’s own thing and then a 20-30 minute wipe down/rinse? Easy money if you can get it!

    The bloke who did ours virtually took it apar to its componentst, all the interior panels, heating elements, door in bits to get at the glass, took all the bits to be dipped in the chemicals and they came out spotless. He cleaned all the rubbers, and seals, all the door hinges and stuff, every nook was spotless.

    And when he had put it all back together, the oven looked brand new.

    If you think that’s easy money, why aren’t you doing it ?? 😉

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