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  • ⭐ Our Forum – README / FAQ ⭐
  • Mark
    Full Member

    The ethos of this forum must be one of mutual respect for everyone who uses it. You may argue and debate with anyone but when the argument becomes heated or abuse begins to creep in, then you will have crossed the line. If you don’t step back from it then you will likely be moderated.

    Respect for everyone is paramount. If we see evidence or have good reason to believe that you are looking to get a rise or to deliberately force a reaction from any other users (Trolling) then we will stop you.

    If you are here to chat, respectfully debate issues or ask genuine questions of the thousands of users who come here then you are welcome to stay and we have no doubts you will add positively to our huge community.

    There are literally thousands of new posts every day and we simply can’t read everyone of them, or even a small fraction, so we ask that if you spot anything you think we should be aware of then please use the REPORT function at the bottom of every post to make us aware of it. Please don’t assume that if it is there that we have allowed it to stay – we just haven’t seen it yet and we need your help.

    This forum is remarkable in its scope of topics, experience of its users and sheer numbers of regular visitors – we hope you all enjoy it.

    <span style=”text-decoration: underline”>Play nice :-)</span>

    On behalf of everyone at Singletrack

    Full Member

    We have implemented a new feature which is to allow private messaging from:
    – Only people you specify
    – Only friends
    – Everyone
    – Except certain people

    This can be accessed from Profile > Settings > Message Privacy.

    If you receive a message from someone you don’t want messages from, you can block them from sending messages to you straight from inside the message itself using the “Stop receiving messages from this user” button.

    Full Member

    By popular demand: how to enter smileys manually.  See the table here:

    [EDIT: Users of Windows 10 can also access an emoji keyboard using Win-[.] (hold the Windows key and type a full stop).]

    Full Member

    To all that have had trouble logging in recently, try this link – Reset Cookies. This link is also found at the bottom of the login page called ‘Troubles logging in?’

    This link will clear all cookies. This means it will log you out if you are already logged in. This will make sure any old cookies have been removed allowing for the new ones to work as expected.

    If you still experience troubles logging in, please contact us here

    Full Member

    Having login issues?

    Step 1. Click reset link – Reset

    Step 2. Restart the device

    Feedback appreciated on these steps.

    Full Member

    GDPR functionality has been added to the profiles section. It can be found at:

    Profile > Settings > Privacy.

    It can also be found at the Privacy Tools page. More information in regards to GDPR can be found at the Data Protection page.

    Full Member

    We’ve had a fairly major site upgrade.

    There’s a bunch of minor changes and tweaks, but the biggest change from a user perspective is to how the site’s front page works. You can now see content from all the channels and customise this to your tastes.

    Mark’s written an overview / guide to how this works. This can be found here:

    Full Member

    The whizzy new anti-spam engine in the Classifieds has now been in place for a little while. This has reduced the spam we’re seeing there to, well, zero, but we’ve had a (very small) number of false positives where genuine listings have been incorrectly marked as spam. The moderators don’t get automatic notification of this – yet, a new module is being developed to do this – so if it happens to you please drop an email to the moderator@ address to bring it to our attention. Don’t forget to include your username and ad details, it’ll save us a lot of time.

    Full Member
    Full Member

    Update from Mark:


    Thursday update:

    Charlie has made it home. As you may be aware we are running a very strict policy of 1 person only at the office. Charlie is heading in at 2pm tomorrow to start on the despatch. He reckons it will take him 3 hours to get everything packed and over the post office.

    Thanks again to everyone for placing orders – Normal conditions still apply, so don’t hesitate to contact Charlie if anything isn’t right at

    A big welcome to all the new Premier members, we hope you find your membership to be great value. We are all working hard to generate as much content for you as we can. Today is podcast recording day. If you’ve not already done so then clicking subscribe to our podcast in your favourite podcast platform is another way to help us. The higher the numbers who tune in the easier it is for us to secure a paying sponsor.

    Links to podcast sources are over in the RH column or scroll down on mobile. We are on Apple platforms too – I’m not sure why that button isn’t showing up over there. But just open your podcast app and search for Singletrack Magazine and you’ll find us.

    Cheers All,

    Stay well, stay safe, ride alone

    Full Member

    Profile picture upload is now working. (Sorry, I missed this earlier.)

    The “Comments” (and presumably “Posts”) links refer to articles outside the forum, so the latter list will be empty for most readers and the former too if you’ve never commented on an editorial piece. Your forum posting history can be found under the “Forums” option.

    Full Member

    If you notice something not working with the site as it should then there’s now a specific place you log bugs and glitches here..


    That form gets logged and tech are alerted to it. It doesn’t mean it will shoot whatever is glitching to the top of the priority list but it will help us track issues and deal with them much more effectively.

    Full Member

    At 1pm today (Wednesday 20th May) we’ll be switching to a new CMP provider for our ads.

    CMP = Consent Management Platform

    This is the source of the dreaded “we value your privacy” popup that you have to deal with before you can access the site. I hate it as much as, if not more than you do but it’s a legal requirement (GDPR) for all websites that run personalised ads.

    What’s new with this one is that it’s got a great big “deny all” button that I think needs some clarification from me right now. Clicking that button means that you won’t get ads that are personalised based on your interests. But you WILL get just as many ads as everyone else – they will just be a bit more random in what they advertise to you. Obviously that has an impact on the engagement with them and the bottom line is we get paid less for those.

    They won’t be completely random as a strategy from the ad networks when a user opts out in this way they target the general demographic of the website – this being a site about bikes you can still expect to see a number of ‘relevant’ ads.

    The ad market has utterly tanked right now, hence our ongoing appeal for you to subscribe. For subscribers the ads are a non-issue as they don’t see any. In fact we don’t just disable the ads for subscribers, we actually remove all ad code from the pages you view. There’s no part of what you do on our website or elsewhere on the net that is shared with us or by us for subscribers. We’ve even set our google analytics account that we use to measure traffic to be anonymous – so even google doesn’t see you personally.

    But, in our ongoing struggle to survive I’d like to reiterate how important subscribers are to us, now more than ever. If privacy is of a concern to you then subscribing is the absolute best way to deal with that on our website. If you don’t want to join us as a subscriber then the next best thing you can do for us is to not click the “deny all” option on the popup. But if it is and you don’t want to subscribe then that’s fine and you should feel free to click the deny all button.

    I hope that’s at least informative and sheds some light on how the ads/privacy/subs etc all interlink with each other.

    If you have any concerns about anything regarding all this then please feel free to DM me on my profile page. If something glitches for you then please help us sort it by reporting it on the form I linked to above.

    Full Member


    Please provide details in the form Mark linked to two posts back [EDIT: this is now linked to the Help icon (?) in the bottom left corner of every page]. This ensures that all the reported information is kept in one place rather than scattered to the four winds.

    If you’re using Safari its default Privacy setting of blocking cross-site tracking is known to have compatibility issues with some plugins (notably the content management Mark mentioned above which is scheduled for replacement), please try disabling this. Otherwise try using a different web browser as a workaround until your issue has been resolved.

    (If you have a non-technical issue, see the Contact Us link at the bottom of most pages for email addresses of the various departments.)


    Start a new thread about it. The Tech guys, generally, do not read the forum and will not see it. Also, if it’s an issue affecting multiple visitors then that potentially means multiple threads which could rapidly gum up the forum (and generates unnecessary work for your friendly neighbourhood volunteer moderators).

    Full Member

    Version 2.7.5 of the website went live today. Amongst many other tweaks, you should now have the ability to send PMs directly from the classifieds. Within the individual adverts you should now see an envelope icon to send a PM to the poster similar to the one at the top of the page to view your own messages.

    Full Member

    We are aware of issues with logging into the site right now. We are narrowing in on the problem and are in communcation with teams to help resolve the issue.

    We are sorry for any inconvenience and hope to get you back up, logged-in and online shortly.

    Full Member

    The login issues have been identified and are being addressed. Users should be able to log into the site again.

    If the issue persists, please contact

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