I've been a happy user of these for years,but this morning, I can't access the Ordnance Survey mapping,is there a problem I'm unaware of,they were working OK last week?
Its not worked for me all week, may be an issue with them not paying for the OS licence. Shame, as I used to print out sections for map reading.
Damn,I've been using Chrome,but just checked and it's the same on Edge,one of my favourite sites.
Not working for me either. Try Walk The Highlands or Where's The Path if you need an OS map
Still appears to be on streetmap
Thanks STW,will try the alternatives.
walklakes is another alternative for free OS maps
Didn't work for me yesterday.
Shame, I liked Bing for drawing routes on the OS maps. Hope it comes back.
Working just fine here and has been all week.
Didn't realise it was a thing. I use the Maps app in Windows sometimes, mainly on my tablet as I can download entire countries or states for offline use. Does scribbling on the map, routes and measurements. Not noticed OS maps on it though, only Here maps, but then maybe the app never did it.
I always use OSM for nearest thing to OS, and to be honest it has most the same stuff and things crowd sourced that OS doesn't have. And nice cycle map layer.
Or bikehike.co.uk
Working just fine here and has been all week.
Where's "here"? Provide screenshot for evidence please!
Working on my Samsung phone. Full OS maps just by clicking the select button.
No idea how to put images on here so you'll just have to believe me!!!
I noticed the same last night. Not working for me. Chrome on Windows 7 laptop.
just bookmarking for "other" sites to use....
Bing is good.
For £19 a year the OS Maps subscription is good; it works on mobiles, offline, does routes and whatnot and (presumably!) is always up-to-date (I hope!).
I used Bing maps or maps of dubious origin on AlpineQuest but the OS subscription is a lot better.
Seems like a tech issue, given that the os button is still available on bing maps
It's something technical I reckon. It used to only work on bing.co.uk not bing.com. Now when you select it, the web address updates to bing.com/maps?cc=gb. I reckon someone has f'd an update without realising.
There has definitely been an update of some sort, the UI looks slightly different.
Mine used to take me somewhere odd like Swindon or Witley near Reading. Now it takes me to an overview of europe. TH OS button is there, but it doesn't work. Pretty sure it was working earlier this week.
I like that it still says this:
Mine used to take me somewhere odd like Swindon
Round the back of Nationwide?
Not working for me either(Chrome/Windows 10)
Nor me, Win 10 / Firefox
it's back now.
Yep... you can thank me for raising it with Microsoft
Working. I didn't know about this before. Awsum!!!
It is handy. Print fullscreen and you've got free OS maps. Really would be better on Google maps and working on mobile devices.
Another for OS maps at 19 quid a year, really worth it for offline mapping outwith 4G range.
It's working for me in Chrome on Windows 10. Interestingly OS doesn't seem to be an option with the Bing Maps app that ships with Windows 10.
Not working for me either(Chrome/Windows 10)
Don't forget that you only see OS maps above a certain zoom level; if you zoom further out you'll get a non-OS view.
Phew, working again! Can cheekily plan this afternoons ride again
I didn’t know about this before.
Best thing about it is the right-click, Measure Distance option. You can draw a line on any route and it well, measures the distance... (it appears they've recently removed the ability to save these as routes, so you have to screenshot them.)
It is handy. Print fullscreen and you’ve got free OS maps. Really would be better on Google maps and working on mobile devices.
Be warned it's not the most up to date mapping, the one for my area is several years out of date whilst the open OS map is bang on. Not knocking it but you shouldn't rely on it for completely up to date info.