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  • Oops! Someone best phone social services….
  • DezB
    Free Member

    *Plays Junkyard’s game*

    you are repeating the same arguments and the same tired old jokes
    Awesome stella and whiskey chasers all round


    Free Member

    Clean, green, nuclear free, extensively reared and tasty meat

    You forgot corn-fed.

    They can’t shoot much pigeon though because it’s hardly flooding the supermarkets, surely?

    Free Member

    Awesome stella and whiskey chasers all round

    I think you must realise this is quite a poor argument.

    Difficult to argue with any of this really:

    If I had specific food requirements (like vegan stuff) then I should provide a packed lunch, unless I had an agreement that they would go to a particular type of restaurant (in which case I would expect to pay for it).

    I wouldn’t expect another parent to take their children to a vegan restaurant just because my child cannot eat anything else.

    I still think covering it up is out of order though.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Oh has this already been said? I haven’t read the thread. 🙂

    Full Member

    let’s hope binners doesn’t take the kid camping…

    Free Member

    Late to this but have read through most of the arguments and can’t help having sympathy with both sides.

    Personally I managed to bring up kids without exposing them to the Golden Arches and the three eldest still avoid it to this day, the fourth however would be all over binners like a bad rash, so my choice is wether I’m happy to enforce my beliefs by making her not hang out with her friend who happens to have a parent with a less than enlightened attitude to food and kids.

    I wouldn’t however lose that much sleep over it, with kids you can but show them a way, if they follow all well and good if they choose not to, then san ferry anne, you did your best.

    Funny last night a good mate was teaching his kid to be a fish murderer, and the little b’stard was pulling out Rudd by the dozen, we engaged in some friendly banter, I pointed out to the kid those little fish were some big fish’s children and how would he liked being dragged up into the sky by a space alien with a hook in his mouth and through the jest you could see he was thinking about it, – then went back to catch another dozen. The point is, they’ve got their own minds, you have to accept that and guide rather than force with your own values…

    Free Member

    is there a highlights show on BBC2 at 10 o’clock?

    Free Member

    I still think covering it up is out of order though.

    He’s not though, is he? Did they ask him and did he lie? I doubt it.

    The girl is the one who has to decide if she tells them or not.

    Full Member

    Indeed. Does that fall under freedom of choice? Hmmmmmmmm. None of the right-ons seem too hot on that particular concept

    Anyway…. It’s fair trade, corn-fed humous, and ethically sourced organic, soil association approved broccoli for tea, while we settle down for a documentary about murdering cattle. That’ll learn us all! 😀

    Free Member

    They can’t shoot much pigeon though because it’s hardly flooding the supermarkets, surely?

    Most of it goes to somewhere where they appreciate the quality of their food:


    Free Member

    Awesome stella and whiskey chasers all round
    I think you must realise this is quite a poor argument.

    That is how reductio ad absurdum works and, of course, it is not my argument it is his still.
    Shall I take it we all agree then the kids dont have to consume what is put in front of them then?
    Hopefully answers Dez B point as well

    The booze thing also works as it is perfectly legal to give a child booze , as it is a burger. I assume that most would object to someone, who though this was ok, getting their kids pissed and then keeping it secret from them.
    The burger [ booze] is exactly the same except you think it is ok and the vegans dont. Its the same scenario with a different a different thing.
    I suspect most are insisting it is not the same as you have to accept I have a point as you all know you would object. Its is not complicated ot grasp.

    Full Member

    FFS are you lot still arguing?

    Even for STW this is scraping the barrel. 😉

    Free Member

    The first couple of pages were quite fun, now it’s gone all Singletracksy.

    Full Member

    Gunz – Member
    The first couple of pages were quite fun, now it’s gone all Singletracksy.

    No it hasn’t. Where did it go all



    😉 😉

    Full Member

    So, based on the past 13 (!!!) pages, as a man who is old enough to make up his own mind about food, but with vegetarian parents who would rather I didnt eat meat, what shall I have for tea?

    Free Member

    Make your own mind up obviously but tell them the truth

    The later bit appears to be the contentious bit though 😉

    Free Member

    Not read all the thread, but I have been a vegetarian for 30 years (for health reasons) and in that time been the subject of many jokes about my diet, which were actually borderline insults in many cases. I’m with Junkyard on this one!

    Free Member

    Maybe it was a test for the girl…

    Full Member

    FFS are you lot still arguing?

    No, we’re having a discussion, which you’re not bringing anything remotely valuable to.

    what shall I have for tea?

    Whatever you like. In’t choice brilliant?!

    Free Member

    Only just read this thread, and having done so, I’m completely outraged.

    Free Member

    Thank god for that!!!

    Free Member

    Part of me wonders what the transit time through a vegan of a mcdonalds burger would be. Would it be faster or slower than through someone like Elvis?

    Also, are they lack toast and tolerant? 😉

    I have been a vegetarian for 30 years (for health reasons)

    If you don’t mind me asking, what health reasons?.

    As far as I’m aware, there is no peer reviewed studies showing a vegetarian or vegan diet is beneficial over an unprocessed meat diet.

    Free Member

    As far as I’m aware there’s possibly some chronic illnesses relating to the digestive system that can benefit from the reduction and possible exclusion of meat from the diet..

    As far as I’m aware there’s possibly some chronic illnesses relating to the digestive system that can benefit from the reduction and possible exclusion of meat from the diet..

    Is this supposed to be some form of rebuttal?, or are you trying to be clever? because, if so, you’re failing miserably.

    Free Member

    Can cause IBS to flare up on occasion which is rather unpleasant even with a mildish case

    Can cause IBS to flare up on occasion which is rather unpleasant even with a mildish case

    Hi LoCo,

    I’ve got a shock I’ll send to you when I stop procrastinating.

    But on topic, what can “cause IBS to flare up on occasion”?, as someone with a close relative with IBS, it’s completely dependent on the person isn’t it?. I’m not 100% informed on the situation, so I’m only going off what I’ve been told.

    Free Member

    Yep I’ll go veggie for weeks at a time sometimes because of this, &
    yep fire us a booking form and we’ll get you booked in.


    Thanks and will do.

    Free Member

    Is this supposed to be some form of rebuttal?, or are you trying to be clever? because, if so, you’re failing miserably.

    Free Member

    Last night I had a Saag Chana and two rotti’s from my local takeaway. It was stunning.

    Full Member

    But Hora, did you feed any kids who aren’t allowed “foreign food” at home? You know. Level 5 ukip parents who won’t eat anything prepared by someone who looks a bit shadowy…

    Full Member

    Can cause IBS to flare up on occasion which is rather unpleasant even with a mildish case

    My wife doesn’t eat meat for this reason. I do eat a bit, but over the past year have started getting IBS symptoms if l eat a lot of it.

    Free Member

    I was vegetarian for a few years and have been pesciverous for over twenty I felt immediate health benefits and became very ill when I reverted to meat eating for a month. Pure anecdote I know but for me the health benefits are real .
    In relation to the initial post I think Binners is being a bit silly in his gloating but at the end of the day I would be more upset by someone taking crankbrat to somewhere as unpleasant as McD’s as allowing him to chose to eat meat. At a very healthy 32 months he has no meat in his diet and does not eat it at parties except for chick in nuggets which he mistakes for fish fingers . When he is 10 I will trust crankbrat to make his own choice about meat but it will be fully informed and he better be prepared to kill and prepare it with my godfather . If you can’t kill an animal you should not eat one .

    My diet choices are however now rooted as much in habit and preference as morality . Junkyard’s I would respect absolutely if I invited his kids to a party I would ensure that as my guests I catered for their diet . The idea that you invite a child but expect the parents to proved diet specific food is frankly weirded surely it is the hosts obligation and pleasure to ensure everyone enjoys themselves.

    Free Member

    I would be more upset by someone taking crankbrat to somewhere as unpleasant as McD’s as allowing him to chose to eat meat.

    Now that’s ridiculous.

    Free Member

    It is ridiculous to think that Mc Donalds is not healthy and not a place you would want your kid to go to ? Is there nothing/nowhere you would object to them consuming or going to eat?

    What about witherspoons then – can we go there instead Molly? 😉

    My kids have been once, for a poo

    Eldest on leaving in loud voice so he was heard

    ” daddy why are all these people so fat?”
    me walking faster trying to ignore him

    ” is it because they eat too much and dont exercise”
    ” pretty much son, pretty much”

    True story

    Free Member

    It is ridiculous to think that Mc Donalds is not healthy and not a place you would want your kid to go to ?

    It’s ridiculous to think that one unhealthy meal on a day out is going to be a big issue.

    Free Member

    As a pescetarian I feel I should be in this thread. What’s going on, then?

    Free Member

    What about one fag on a healthy day out then 😉

    Wont do any harm either eh
    OK now I am torturing analogies but they may return to explain their reasons.
    Given you questioning nature, I am surprised you dont understand why someone may object to Mc Donalds as an eatery,
    You must have encountered this view before. I

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