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  • Oooo Strava licensing its data?
  • scaredypants
    Full Member
    Free Member

    This is pretty lousy statement – big headline and “Discuss”…

    to advocacy groups and government agencies looking for insights into road and trail use.

    I don’t see anything wrong with that. Supposedly it’s anonymised. Maybe. I hope so. But I have gave up on owning any of the personal information I submit online.

    On Wednesday the company announced Strava Metro, which uses some of the same data and is processed to remove personal information and restructured to be compatible with geographical information systems (GIS) used by government agencies.

    Several organizations are already using the data, including the Oregon Department of Transportation and the cities of Alpine Shire, Australia; Arlington, Va.; Glasgow, Scotland; London and Orlando, Fla.
    On one hand it’s cool that they are using actual data by actual cyclists. On the other Strava users are somewhat specific segment of the cyclists.

    This from the other topic, which I didn’t see earlier:

    For me Strava users are exactly the wrong people to use as a sample.

    They tend to be doing longer journeys, they may pick routes which are faster rather than safer and most importantly they’re keen cyclists who are unlikely to be ‘Joe Bloggs’ riding 2 miles to work and back each day.

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