One for the metal f...

[Closed] One for the metal fans....

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I'll confess that Metal passed me by. But oddly enough, a drinking buddy of my dad* and me is a chap called Steve "Krusher" Joule and he is Very Metal.

He's also just published a kindle book which might be of interest to some of you, much as a book on sheds and axes might interest me.

When the kings of metal, Black Sabbath, went on their greatest tour, Stephen "Krusher" Joule went with them. He was the DJ, MC, photographer and bands confidante as Sabbath, Slayer, Slipknot, Rob Zombie and other giants of rock blazed loud across the United States. It was Sabbath's finest hour, documented here in words and over a thousand pictures from on stage, back stage, and inside the dressing rooms. Now Sabbath are no more, After Forever records what they were in the most insightful, intimate story of sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll ever written. These are the stories that have never been told. These are the pictures that have never been seen.

Krusher has written about the '99 tour. There are something like 1,000 photos. Much back stage, some a bit noodie, none of them ever seen before. And his stories are immense.

He was the art director at Kerrang! for 10 yrs, designed loads of band and album artwork including the worst album cover ever conceived:
[img] [/img]

He now lives in ruralshire producing freaky Easter cards for his fans on facebook.

* right odd couple. Steve has long hair and beard and silver skull rings. Dad wears mustard cords and a cravat. They're huge mates! It's the weirdest thing you ever did see.

Not my dad:
[img] [/img]

Posted : 15/06/2017 9:24 pm
Full Member

Is he the same Krusher that used to present Raw Power on ITV?

If show his usual show greeting of...

"Droogies, Boozers, Strumpets and Losers"

Will stay with me to my dying day. Something about the line and the voice combined.

Edit. Google tells me it is. Very interesting and entertaining guy from what I remember of his broadcasting. If I had a Kindle I might even buy the book!

Posted : 15/06/2017 10:50 pm
Full Member

"Welcome once more, to the Kosmos! Hope you're havin one out there, because me an Bullseye are certainly having one in ere"

And what does Krusher have in common with our own Chipps? Facebook wouldn't recognise it as his name


Posted : 15/06/2017 11:17 pm
Full Member

Raw Power! That brings back some memories. Used to watch that with my dad when I was in my early teens.

Will have to buy the kindle book for my dad now. Good shout!

Posted : 16/06/2017 3:56 am
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In 1994 [Raw Power!] changed its name to 'Noisy Mothers' a name which Krusher hated, always believing it should have been called 'Watch with Mother******'

Krusher's bio

Posted : 16/06/2017 7:04 am
Free Member

Well that brings back memories. Met Krusher when I was living in Wales a few years back. A mate of mine died, and turns out Krusher was his brother so he was up for the funeral. Great guy, shame to meet under those particular circumstances.

Posted : 16/06/2017 7:10 am
Full Member

I used to record Noisy Mothers and watch it the next day - on late on a school night, FF through the adverts and dross (there was some!). A lot of good stuff on there though, that show was the introduction to a lot of bands for me.

Please thank Krusher for the music next time you see him!

Posted : 16/06/2017 7:31 am
Free Member

what ned said up there- krusher was ace and introduced teenage me to loads of great heavy music!

Posted : 16/06/2017 9:26 am
Free Member

That's a name from the past, I used to listen to his rock show on one of the London radio stations probably about 30 years ago, got me into some great rock and metal.

When I started reading this thread I thought it was going to be an RIP, glad to hear he's still going strong:)

Posted : 16/06/2017 10:19 am
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[img] [/img]

Posted : 16/06/2017 10:48 am
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[img] ~c200[/img]

Posted : 16/06/2017 11:50 am
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Stoner thanks that's added a little smile to my day, hope you're all enjoying your beer. 🙂

Posted : 16/06/2017 12:04 pm
Free Member

Some friends of mine are still friends with him. Seems like a nice guys.

As above, I used to religiously watch Raw Power, Noisy Mothers etc etc. It's a real shame we don't have anything like that any more, although I guess the internet has taken over that role.

Posted : 16/06/2017 12:29 pm
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Friday lunchtime pint with dad and Krusher always a pleasant break in the day.

You wouldn't believe the cut amazon take from sales, all the more larger because it's a huge filesize thanks to all the photos.

Posted : 16/06/2017 3:38 pm
Full Member

That's awesome - big smile on my face to head out of the office with! I'm going to stick Soundgarden on for the trip home.

Posted : 16/06/2017 4:27 pm
Free Member

i don't wish to ruin anyone's day here, but since i was reminded of their existence whilst reminiscing i felt it was only fair to bring them up here... but do any of you lot remember the bailey brothers?! what a pair of utter turds they were! are they mates with anyone here's dads?!

Posted : 16/06/2017 5:46 pm
Full Member

Is he the same Krusher that used to present Raw Power on ITV?

Bah, I was into it when it was the Power Hour. (-:

Great thread, I was only wondering last week whatever happened to Krusher. Popped into my head when I heard Phil Alexander presenting on Planet Rock radio.

Stoner, would you mind if I reposted that photo onto Facebook?

Posted : 16/06/2017 6:21 pm
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no problem. see if you can FB krusher's page if you like

Posted : 16/06/2017 8:22 pm
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Cool pic, cheers Stoner!

Posted : 17/06/2017 2:27 am
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bit of fun eh? 😉

Posted : 17/06/2017 9:02 am
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That's the period of heavy rock that passed me by, I started with Zeppelin, Sabbath, Purple, etc in the early 70's, and I'd pretty much grown away from it by then, gone through punk, post-punk, new wave, grunge, Indy, etc.
That book does look fascinating, though, so I might well check it out.
Thanks for the tip, it's good to see there are people still keeping the faith (no more).

Posted : 17/06/2017 8:34 pm
Free Member

Fascinating oddball friendship by looks/sounds/on the face of it, how did they become such good friends?.

Posted : 17/06/2017 10:45 pm
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the power of a good local pub and people not being boring really.

Posted : 18/06/2017 7:15 am

Secret Diary Of Benjamin Haworth Age 47 3/4

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