This one has 123mm tyre clearance so just enough for a BFL on a hundy, should be plenty on a 80. This and other things may well get tweeked before production.
Stu: No. granny ring won’t work, perhaps not the top few sprockets. I’m going to talk to Ison about getting some BFLs and Clown Shoes so I can say for sure.
just out of interest can you get a rohlof to fit a fat bike with the threaded axle version (TS?) therefore negating some of the gearing tyre overlap issues?
I just emailed Pat at Ison about tyres. He’s been at Eurobike but I’ll talk to him when he gets back. To be fair to them fat tyres are still a very small market. It must be a pain trying to second guess what to stock.
CFH, you clearly know nothing then as this one of Shaggys will more than likely be used for its true purpose than all the others on here and a dam sight faster too!
Yay! Another fugly, pointless for almost all riding niche
stroker wagon!
Bit like you riding your MBR best seller must have trail sensation killer down Brechfa blue then.
Oh, don’t get me wrong, for those occasions where a fat bike makes sense, they make excellent sense. Hence, “pointless for almost all riding”.
So no different to a 6″ full sus / fully rigid s.s. / jump bike e.t.c which each have their strengths and weakness, but really most of the time there particular deviations away from a “standard bike” are not needed.