Not putting the hea...

Not putting the heating on - how's it going...?

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Think I'll just set fire to the mountain of artworks the children produce, and their colouring books. Should keep us going for a while.

Posted : 29/09/2022 9:44 pm
Full Member

12.5 currently in the bedroom 🤣

Posted : 30/09/2022 7:39 am
Free Member

12.5 currently in the bedroom 🤣

Omg that is cold!!!

Posted : 30/09/2022 7:46 am
Free Member

My wife went to ask if she could put the heating on while we had tea yesterday 😂
Jokingly I said why don't you wait until eating tea warms you up? A nice spaghetti bol I'd made.
Sod it she said why am I asking you? I'm putting it on for an hour!!! 😂

To be fair I've told her to put it on for a bit a few times when she's cold sat WFH wrapped up in throws and a coat. I even asked if she wanted me to get her a cordless heated throw, bit no she doesn't want one 🤷

Posted : 30/09/2022 7:53 am
Full Member

@molgrips look up Falke, few different designs, I have some cosyshoe bought for me a few years back. Tougher than the usual slipper socks, but not rigid and good enough for the odd trip out to the bins or log shed. Apparently they are really popular in the area of Germany our friend is from.

Posted : 30/09/2022 7:58 am
Free Member

I need to tap the ‘adult kids’ gaming machines heat, given they use about 3-4 KWh of our energy every day.. 200w idle, 400 watt gaming x 2 machines….

Set them up to run power saving mode when off. They'll have to wait longer to boot and won't have stuff installed when it's "off" but unless they're paying the bills tough luck.

Posted : 30/09/2022 9:35 am
Full Member

I live in a house full of women, heating timer is on for an hour morning and evening now.

Despite my best endeavours none of them believe me when I explain a thermostat cranked to 35 doesn't heat a house up faster...

Posted : 30/09/2022 9:41 am
Full Member

Dropped a bit in temp in the house today, hall Nest thermostat says 17.5 which aint too bad for a hallway and no heating apart from cooking and heat from appliances and us.
It doesn't help our utility room has no ceiling at the moment (half of the utility room is in the garage building on the side of the house so ceiling off exposes it to garage roof which has very good ventilation) due to some issues with how the concrete lintel was fitted a few years ago, this along with massive holes in the inner block work in there that will be fixed once the lintel is hopefully adjusted (too much point load currently).

Also calculated gas use without heating over the last 48 hours - 1m cubed this is around 10KWh. Actually used less as it was around 0.8m cubed.

Posted : 30/09/2022 11:49 am
Full Member

'Heat keeper' socks work, they can be used as slippers if your rooms are carpeted.

We caved in and put the heating on last night. A few hours after work and a couple of hours in the morning. Hot water bottle in bed.

Posted : 30/09/2022 12:46 pm
Free Member

15.3 deg here in Harrogate and there is no way I am putting the heating on yet - I am sitting here working and don't feel particularly cold yet. I was too hot in bed last night despite only having a summer (3.5tog) duvet on.

Posted : 30/09/2022 1:06 pm
Free Member

Wood burner got lit for the first time last night. Still no CH though.

Posted : 30/09/2022 1:08 pm
Full Member

Hive is at 21 degrees, house actually at 21.6, next schedule takes it to 22 degrees at 5pm. I don't get why folks are sitting under blankets and wearing gloves and jackets inside, unless of course they are so hard up they have to.

I'm presuming lots of posters on this thread have expensive hobby kit - bikes and other toys and are happy to spend cash there. I'd rather be warm and comfy in my own house if I had to make a choice. Thankfully I don't have to, but I just don't get it. Maybe it's just me !

awaits flaming (or maybe flagellation with a lukewarm old candle .. 🙂 )

Posted : 30/09/2022 1:14 pm
Full Member

Wife is WFH and gets fairly cold easily so have the heating on for few hours per day as agreed having an office (upstairs) temperature of 14degC and wearing 4 jumpers whilst still shivering wasn't right!

Thermostat set to 19degC (downstairs) which seems to get her office to a useable state but when we moved the thermostat upstairs we found her office has sections at 22degC whilst other bits were sub 17degC - and there's no noticeable draught so we've left it downstairs where it reads more consistently!

Not switched my insulated shed office heating on yet when WFH but have started wearing my work fleece as an extra layer. Reckon as long as it's above 10degC outside I can keep getting away with this but anything where the heating panel (2kW) is on more than 4 hours a day it's cheaper to drive to work sadly!

Posted : 30/09/2022 1:21 pm
Full Member

All good here. Heating is still mostly off apart from a couple of towel rails and boosting the living room radiator now and again. This year will try and use the fire more I think, as that heats the rooms above too.

I’m presuming lots of posters on this thread have expensive hobby kit – bikes and other toys and are happy to spend cash there. I’d rather be warm and comfy in my own house if I had to make a choice. Thankfully I don’t have to, but I just don’t get it. Maybe it’s just me !

Yeah, we have other costs, but oil and elec costs have roughly doubled, food bill is up 25%, petrol too and we're on a fixed income, so wearing a jumper around the house rather than t-shirts doesn't seem much of an issue?

Posted : 30/09/2022 1:22 pm
Free Member

I don’t get why folks are sitting under blankets and wearing gloves and jackets inside, unless of course they are so hard up they have to.

Have you read any news recently?

Posted : 30/09/2022 1:23 pm
Free Member

I don’t get why folks are sitting under blankets and wearing gloves and jackets inside, unless of course they are so hard up they have to.

Well, because why not? Snuggling under a blanket is very pleasant, at 21 the house would be far too warm to actually do that. And given that costs are so high currently, and I do have a limited amount of money, I'd rather spend it on other more fun things. I could spend all my disposable income on bills but that would be a pretty rubbish thing to do.

But really, there are so many up-sides to using as little energy as possible that it becomes pretty hard to justify keeping your house warmer than it needs to be. Just put a blanket by your sofa, it's easy to get used to.

Posted : 30/09/2022 1:26 pm
Free Member

No heating on as yet, but we did pre-emptively stock up with a few tonnes of hardwood as we have a couple of stoves we use most of the time for heating. They have been lit a couple of times in the evening.

So you HAVE put the heating on - you've lit the fire FFS.

I was right with my willy-waving comment.

Posted : 30/09/2022 1:26 pm
Full Member

Has it got a cover on it? If not, chuck a duvet cover or similar over it, makes a big difference

Thanks, trying that today.

Posted : 30/09/2022 1:28 pm
Free Member

ive taken to wearing my merino mountain shirt (a lock down extravagant purchase) and long sleeve baselayers round the house now its cold ( as I do every winter) - im super toasty and not putting the heating on for a while yet.

Posted : 30/09/2022 1:30 pm
Full Member

Still off. Despite the minging weather.

Though I'm planning on fixing the CH this weekend

Posted : 30/09/2022 1:30 pm
Full Member

Is it me, or has the September been colder than usual?
Heating is on a smart thermostat it's set to 21c in mornings, 18 during day and 20 in evening. It's been on every morning for 2 weeks.

Posted : 30/09/2022 1:34 pm
Free Member

Hive is at 21 degrees, house actually at 21.6, next schedule takes it to 22 degrees at 5pm. I don’t get why folks are sitting under blankets and wearing gloves and jackets inside, unless of course they are so hard up they have to.

I’m presuming lots of posters on this thread have expensive hobby kit – bikes and other toys and are happy to spend cash there. I’d rather be warm and comfy in my own house if I had to make a choice. Thankfully I don’t have to, but I just don’t get it. Maybe it’s just me !

I know right, all those people on lower incomes would be so much happier if they just stopped eating avocado on toast and subscribing to netflix, then they could have the heating on!

Posted : 30/09/2022 1:40 pm
Free Member

I don't think it's bee colder. It was 18C or so for much of the month IIRC.

Posted : 30/09/2022 1:41 pm
Full Member

Is it me, or has the September been colder than usual?

I think it's more the shock from the heights we were at in the summer!

Posted : 30/09/2022 1:41 pm
Full Member

Both WFH today, wife and daughter (not in Uni today) said they were cold, so it got switched on ! It's at 18c though.

Posted : 30/09/2022 1:47 pm
Free Member

I don’t think it’s bee colder. It was 18C or so for much of the month IIRC.

I've been wondering if it's been mild. Today feels like the first day of going out at lunchtime and thinking it would have been nicer in a jumper, and this mornings the first one I've felt like I had to wear a jacket on the bike rather than just wearing it for the high-vis and dealing with being a bit warm.

But we had the cavity walls insulated this year so it's hard to judge.

Posted : 30/09/2022 1:59 pm
Free Member

17.5c in our lounge now. 17c in our bedroom. Wet and windy outside.

I'm fine in trackies and a hoody, bare feet, not really feeling the need to put heating on. My wife will probably want it on for a bit when she gets home as she seems to be a heat sink for the world 🤣

No fancy spending going in here. Only one wage as I'm not working due to ill health. Pre-payment meter joy, and oil heating too. 12 yo zafira, old un-fancy bikes, and don't go out wining and dining. Our family holiday this year is a week on Loch Tay in a cabin. So, yeh we do need to watch the pennies, but there are many far far worse off than us who will be really struggling.

Posted : 30/09/2022 2:01 pm
Full Member

Well, because why not? Snuggling under a blanket is very pleasant, at 21 the house would be far too warm to actually do that. And given that costs are so high currently, and I do have a limited amount of money, I’d rather spend it on other more fun things. I could spend all my disposable income on bills but that would be a pretty rubbish thing to do.

But really, there are so many up-sides to using as little energy as possible that it becomes pretty hard to justify keeping your house warmer than it needs to be. Just put a blanket by your sofa, it’s easy to get used to.

This puts it better than I can.
Like most, there are better things to spend money on than heating a house when you can be just as comfortable under a blanket. I think we're still on our summer weight duvet as well, though that may get changed soon.

Posted : 30/09/2022 2:12 pm
Free Member

Renovating a house means all my rads are either gone / waiting to be replaced, or not connected to the boiler, I'm expecting to have access to two downstairs and one in the kids bedroom from Oct 27th onwards when the plumbers booked in for.

There was just a piece on Vine with a few experts going on about the effect of house and health over a winter of no heating, I'm more worried about the house than me tbh but keeping the windows on the latch in the most used rooms should keep the condensation down.

Tbh living alone in previous winters my heatings barely on, ride home from work then go to the gym or diy means I'm never sat there freezing, then come 9.30 - 10pm it's a blanket and not long to bed anyway.

Posted : 30/09/2022 2:22 pm
Free Member

I think if it gets a bit colder and stays wet then the house will start to get damp, which is when I'll turn it on. Probably going to try and limit it to a few hours in the evening.

Posted : 30/09/2022 2:31 pm
Free Member

Nah, it'll be a while yet. Just had September's gas and electric bill:£46.92. Damart longjohns, a down jacket, and evening work shifts for the win over this winter, I think.

Posted : 30/09/2022 2:44 pm
Full Member

Not on yet, firstly I’ll be changing my habit of living in shorts and a tee, furry joggers and fleeces have been located for when it gets cold (currently 15.9 in living room) and once they and a blanket/throw aren’t enough we might crack. Deffo find we warm up after eating.

Posted : 30/09/2022 2:59 pm
Free Member

Deffo find we warm up after eating.

Get you, show off. With the current energy bills and cost of living increasing, we just look at pictures of food now.

Posted : 30/09/2022 3:09 pm
Full Member

I think if it gets a bit colder and stays wet then the house will start to get damp, which is when I’ll turn it on. Probably going to try and limit it to a few hours in the evening.

Our hallway always starts to smell a bit musty around this time of year (Victorian terrace, suspended floors etc). As soon as we start using CH it goes away.

Posted : 30/09/2022 3:25 pm
Full Member

My missus has a shocking immune system and has always felt the cold really easily. She layers up whilst I'm in shorts and t-shirt, and monkey jnr will often overdress in 30deg+ yet also wear shorts and t-shirt when its freezing.

Had a chat with some dads at Scouts this week and even the wealthy ones were saying that they're going to stick it out as long as they can, partly to save money but also out of principle.

So far we're having the CH on for an hour every morning to give a boost.

Beyond that, we were going to replace the conservatory roof because it's the biggest room in the house and loses a fair amount of heat (has 4 rads) but I've started insulating it with some SuperQuilt then I'll plasterboard over. Not much else we can do other than layer up and see how it goes.

Posted : 30/09/2022 5:07 pm
Full Member
Topic starter

Nearly caved today. Lit a fire instead; although at this rate I’ll get through two years supply of wood in a month…🙄

Posted : 30/09/2022 5:09 pm
Full Member

Mine is on. Just got a whole new system so it's going to help balance out the cost rises- not sure exactly how it'll fall. I've stopped thinking of it as a normal everyday cost and started thinking of it as being basically a luxury, like an expensive bike, and in that light I just bloody want to stay warm and cosy- but then I'm lucky enough to be able to afford it, and I'm basically heating 1 room.

Posted : 30/09/2022 5:55 pm
Full Member

Log burner and heating will be on tonight - got visitors round and want to show off!! 🤣🤣💵💵💵

Posted : 30/09/2022 6:25 pm
Free Member

Not putting the heating on – how’s it going…?

I'm in Southern England and it's not October yet so same as any other year.

Posted : 30/09/2022 6:30 pm
Full Member

I can see my breath tonight.

Legs have been going numb with the cold these past couple of days too.

It's not even winter yet.

Posted : 30/09/2022 6:33 pm
Free Member

The wife gave in this afternoon, even though its warmer today than the last couple.

Posted : 30/09/2022 6:41 pm
Full Member

I stuck mine on last night for an hour or so, just to take the chill off a bit.

Posted : 30/09/2022 6:41 pm
Free Member

I’m in Southern England and it’s not October yet so same as any other year

Go on give us a clue in a unit of temperature measurement....

Posted : 30/09/2022 6:53 pm
Free Member

Things I've noticed:
1. Washing up is surprisingly annoying now, as it's impossible to roll up my sleeves when wearing so many layers
2. I have a LOT more warm top layers than I do trouser layers
3. I'm taking a weird satisfaction in the challenge
4. I'm doubtful how much longer that will last

Posted : 30/09/2022 7:14 pm
Full Member

From a French friend....

[url= g" target="_blank"> g"/> [/img][/url][url= ]Attestation dérogatoire de chauffage[/url] by [url= ]Ben Freeman[/url], on Flickr

Posted : 30/09/2022 8:20 pm
Full Member

My OH got in at 630 pm after spending all day doing archeology stuff outside. Got rained off eventually but the main contractor sends shitty emails if they clock off early. So they hung around on site in wet PPE, as far as I can tell.

She got home drenched, cold and knackered.

I put the heating on and did dinner.

We'll be carrying on as normal, the direct debit was increased to £241 before the reduction, based on last years consumption.
It's now dropped to around £150. I'd budgeted for the increase, so the extra is going on the mortgage.

I've replaced a few uPVC window hinges, insulated the loft hatch and fitted a new letterbox.

Posted : 30/09/2022 8:24 pm
Full Member

It’s 16°C in Pembroke tonight. Bit windy but very mild. Windows are open but will have to close at bedtime cos the curtains flap too much.
I’m in shorts and a thin jumper with barefeet in a Victorian terrace with tiles on the kitchen floor.
There are still many steps to go before the heating goes on.

Posted : 30/09/2022 8:24 pm
Full Member

Im in my tent in northern Spain. Its cold enough to see my breath. I am well over 2000ft up. Sky is clear its gonna get cold. Anyone got a heater i can borrow?

Posted : 30/09/2022 8:45 pm
Full Member

Quite nippy the last couple of mornings in SW Edinburgh. Have had a couple of short heating boats mainly for the towel rails. Still in shorts and long sleeve top.

Posted : 30/09/2022 8:51 pm
Full Member

Im in my tent in northern Spain. Its cold enough to see my breath. I am well over 2000ft up. Sky is clear its gonna get cold. Anyone got a heater i can borrow?

Sounds lovely! Enjoy.

Posted : 30/09/2022 8:51 pm
Free Member

Im in my tent in northern Spain. Its cold enough to see my breath. I am well over 2000ft up. Sky is clear its gonna get cold. Anyone got a heater i can borrow?

Why does this make me feel jealous?!?!

Posted : 30/09/2022 8:54 pm
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