As in the ones that might be in a curry or such.
Asking for a friend.
Scoop them out?
Is it the sign on an expert level vegetarian?
'I'm so dedicated, even my poo is made of leaves'
If you take a dump in the forest then it’s perfectly normal!
Depends how well the loo roll was processed??
Eats, Shits and Leaves?
Autumny Trouble?
Twiglets germinated?
If I eat nuts my poo has an uncanny resemblance to crunchy peanut butter.....
uncanny resemblance to crunchy peanut butter.....
Sun Pat or Tescos own??
Sun Pat or Tescos own??
Look wise SunPat, taste wise Tescos own
One way to check is to search on [url= ][/url]. There are no matching questions. So no, it is not normal.
I would be worried if I hadn't eaten any leaves.
[url= ][/url]
Strange thing is the curry was eaten first with other food later that evening.
Here is the paradox:
Should be first in, first out, right?
Yet the offending dollop literally had the leaf sitting atop the little volcanic island. Like a little black palm tree.
So in this case first in equalled last out. Evidently the leaf had travelled through a singularity during its exit.
My mate says thanks for the info.
That isitnormal website is an eye-opener.....
Poopscoop.. interesting stuff ..did the fact that the leaf came out last necessitate the need for loo roll ?
Or is that too much to ask your friend ? 8)
Erm, my mate said that it was still required.
I see where your coming from though.
Self cleaning poo. Wish I, he I mean, could bottle it. Not sure of market he'd be aiming for though?
[s]Your[/s] / his aim would have to be pretty good to get it in a bottle
and could probably be served again
Who says you were the first person to eat those leaves?...
try having crohns and a shortened intestine
My bog can look like a pizza hut salad cart at times!