Next door's ch...

[Closed] Next door's children throwing stones at my car 🙁

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I live in quite a quiet cul-de-sac, but every so often things flare up although in the grand scheme of things they probably don’t rank that high.

On Friday my children had a bit of a standoff with the children next door. They had been kicking the hedge that separates our two front gardens, pulling leaves off the hedge, giving my children the middle finger and telling them to f*** off.

There were 4 of them and their ages range from about 4 to 7.

On Saturday next door’s children did similar things and I went out and asked them politely and firmly to stop it.

I went back indoors and about 10 minutes later I heard some strange noises from the front of the house and I went out to have a look and I found 4 biggish stones (about 4 to 6 inches) beside my car and a load of dirt on the window and bonnet. I couldn’t work out where it had come from and then I saw the two little boys next door chucking a stone at my car – these boys are probably 4 and 6. I shouted “Oi” at them and they scarpered round the back of the house, so I knocked on the front door and asked the 2 men in the house to come around and look at my car.

I was angry, but kept my calm as I have fallen out with them once before a long time ago and we get on okay now.

We looked at the car, but couldn’t see any damage. The two men went back inside and sometime later I went back outside, after calming down and getting my head around what had happened, and proceeded to clear the dirt off the car. When cleaning up the car I found 3 separate places where the stones had scratched the car. The scratches are bad enough to feel with a fingernail, but I don’t think they have gone through the clear coat. I went back to the house to try and speak to one of the blokes, but they were both out and I spoke to one of the wives and she said that she would get someone to come around and speak to me.

No-one has still come around, so I am going have to go around and speak to them again about getting the scratches sorted out.

To be honest, I could probably polish the scratches out myself and it is an old car, but the children’s behaviour was unacceptable.

Kids, eh!

Posted : 13/08/2013 11:50 am