I'm after a name for our new IT Helpdesk because we will be running two shortly and I reckon it'll be less confusing if the newhas a name rather than 'the new helpdesk'.
So, suggestions please. Less predicable than the ones below though, thanks 🙂
'whatever you say we will report it as something else that won't help the tech teams in the slightest so you may as well call the bloke you know who's really helpful instead'?
We're going with two helpdesks because we've outsourced our infrastructure support (eg the hardware and basic software) to another company. We moved all calls to that company's helpdesk (eg even the ones they don't support that we do in-house) but it's not worked very well so we've put in a second helpdesk for the in-house stuff (actually based on our own helpdesk that we have before outsourcing so the new helpdesk is actually kind of the old helpdesk which makes it all the more confusing, hence why we want a name).
Cheesy – the helpdesk isn't a phone one so it's the "bloke you know who's really helpful" who will pick up the 'calls' anyway 🙂