Going down Devil's Elbow in the Peaks at some speed last night, and my feet were bounced off the pedals, which was pretty alarming. I managed to stay on the bike but it made me realise how much I really want to avoid that happening again.
It's a hardtail so I appreciate there's a bit more shaking around on a rough descent, but even so I'm totally against the idea of being fastened to the bike, so SPDs are a non-starter. I've been looking at Superstar Nano pedals - can I use them with my North Face Hedgehog walking shoes, or would I need 5-10s or something of that ilk to get the most out of them? Also I notice the pins look pretty nasty - are a set of shin guards essential, or merely a good idea?!
Alternatively, does anyone have any other suggestions of pedals, shoes etc to maximise grip?