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  • My dear old things, it's STW TMS!
  • CaptainFlashheart
    Free Member

    The reassuring sounds of Soul Limbo will be ringing out at 1020 as coverage begins at Headingley.

    Captain Cook to pass 10k today, perhaps?

    Free Member

    And there is…no run

    Full Member

    Captain Cook to pass 10k today, perhaps?

    And be the youngest ever to do so if he does!!

    Free Member

    Now I’ve got the tough choice between listening to the cricket or watching the Giro. Life is hard.

    Full Member

    Ah, I wondered why the weather had turned a bit rubbish. Must be the first home test of the summer.

    Free Member

    I am quite envious, I think I would have liked cricket, but Fruechie in the village championship apart in the 80’s (and they are about to fold)the climate makes it a pointless activity up here.

    Full Member

    Can’t wait, the sound track to the summer starts here. Would love the question marks over Hales to be removed by him scoring runs. Vince to do well too, then we have a side to take to Aus next winter.

    Full Member

    Liked the interview with Broad on R4 earlier.

    ‘So you’re the #1 bowler in the world today, does that mean you’ll get choice of ends?

    ‘No. In all the tests I’ve played with Jimmy, I never get choice of ends. I’ll be running up the hill again, like usual….

    I know in all changing rooms there are different characters, but are there many others that are so well loved and yet so universally noted as being grumpy as Jimmy Anderson?

    Full Member

    It’s over cast up here in Leeds this morning, so if Jimmy gets the ball swinging he can be as grumpy as he likes!!

    Free Member

    I know in all changing rooms there are different characters, but are there many others that are so well loved and yet so universally noted as being grumpy as Jimmy Anderson?


    Jimmy’s a “Northerner” isn’t he? ;-)

    Free Member

    martinhutch – Member 
    Ah, I wondered why the weather had turned a bit rubbish. Must be the first home test of the summer.


    (Bloody hell duckie, are you from Freuchie? Better keep my head down as I come past later)

    Free Member

    I know in all changing rooms there are different characters, but are there many others that are so well loved and yet so universally noted as being grumpy as Jimmy Anderson?

    I am not sure Trotty loves him.

    Free Member

    the climate makes it a pointless activity up here.

    I read an article that claimed more cricket was played in Aberdeenshire than any other part of the UK – whilst I find this difficult to believe – you couldn’t make the claim unless there was plenty of cricket.

    Free Member

    I’ve played cricket in Fife and mini THM is doing so now (not literally as in an exam right now). Rather play golf though ;-)

    Free Member

    [Opps FrUEchie….safe to use the A91 then!!!]

    Anyway back to TMS, sorry for wide extras there :wink:

    Free Member

    Toss lost….

    Sorry for stupid question, but what is the point of a Wendy kick-about a few minutes before Kick off the start? And when we’re grounds full of crap/people in the middle before a match?

    Yours a cricket fuddy-duddy

    Full Member

    Cook, Hales, Compton, Root, Vince, Stokes, Bairstow, Moeen Ali, Broad, Finn, Anderson

    There’s some big hitters in there (not the argue about helmets and religion kind).
    Not sure there’s enough to noodle around a moving ball at headingley though. Could be an interesting start to this game

    Free Member

    MMMMmmmmm TMS – always an excuse for a lovely bit of cake!

    Free Member

    I miss CMJ

    Full Member

    And i miss Tony Cozier, even though we haven’t really had chance to miss him yet.

    Full Member

    This is my first summer without sky sports in 8 years and I hate the C5 highlights coverage so TMS will be my cricketing solace.

    Apart from when Boycotts on. He’s still an arse

    Free Member

    And i miss Tony Cozier, even though we haven’t really had chance to miss him yet.

    No doubt I will too, still miss Donna Symmonds, who I think is still alive, but doesn’t seem to be on the panel anymore.

    Free Member

    Apart from when Boycotts on. He’s still an arse

    I love Boycers precisely because he is an arse – he talks such a wonderful kind of B0llox..

    Full Member

    The iOS iplayer radio app was updated yesterday, and now it’s dropping out on TMS. :(

    The web feed is working fine :)

    Free Member

    When people ask me what I miss most about England , it’s not Stella Artois or Pork Pies , or Wasps or indeed Branston Pickle , it’s Cricket . God I miss getting nicely toasted at lords/ oval / headingly and goading former colonies.

    Full Member

    Maybe the gap caused by Tony Cozier could be filled* by Donna?

    * yeah, like that gap could ever be ‘filled’.

    Free Member

    Working fine on Android here – thought you’d like to know 8) :twisted:

    Free Member

    Boycs!!! Says they couldn’t bowl his gran out, cue a perfect ball

    Free Member

    Boycott’s granny!

    Free Member

    Ok. Not great conditions for batting and his is a test match, but this is not exactly riveting so far is it?

    Still an unbroken partnership to lunch would be nice.

    Oh beefy – “start using a tennis ball shall we?….you’ve gotta wear a helmet…they’re professionals aren’t they?”

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Even more bugger.

    Full Member

    Buggery bugger

    Free Member

    Hells bells

    Free Member

    Looking good

    Free Member

    That’s why test is Da Best yo

    Free Member

    Bairstow is in a rich seam of form.

    Free Member

    THM, 2 eyes but only 10 fingers, not a Fifer.

    Free Member


    Full Member

    Argh +1 (-1 ?)

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