I seem to have developed a habit of just breathing through my mouth at night and other then swallowing a spider, it's worrying me that this may mean more restless sleep. I tried one of those mouth tapes from Amazon but i was a little wary so took it off, before dropping off but has anyone got any cures? My nose is fine.
I tend to breath through my mouth at night, nose does block a bit though.
been doing it all my life, still here. To be fair I think once asleep the breathing slows and it reverts to nostrils anyway. I haven't kept a spider tally
I've started using nasal strips.
My OH is an obnoxiously loud snorer, but complains that I "breathe loudly", not sure why I'm the one that has to wear nasal strips TBH.
Doesn't stop you breathing through your mouth, but stops you from needing to.
I get moaned at that I click - usually only on my left side, but that's generally mucus moving about. I do find I get a dry mouth whilst falling to sleep, which can cause a cough. I think, like above, once asleep I breath through my nose. It's the 'getting to sleep'.
Having broken my nose twice playing rugby I can't breathe through it at all now. Mouth for me. Spiders are just added protein.
I used Runesol-Dilators and find they help a lot ( from Amazon)
That nose breathing thing is very on-point at the moment, GCN and others also talking about it
Trend based off James Nestor book:
I read (some of) the Nestor book, and thought it was quite good. Briefly went down a buteyko breathing rabbit hole, but then just made more effort to breathe through my nose. It's actually improved my sleep I think - I don't wake up as much and I don't have a horrible dry mouth and wake up parched. Realising that it's often possible to unblock my nose deliberately has been a revelation, as I've always had a stuffy nose.
I've not succeeded in not mouth breathing when cycling though, as my nose runs a lot. Stupid nose.
Are you a smoker
No definitely not. I swim a lot so breathing during the day and under exercise is good.
No definitely not.
Maybe you should start....
My OH is an obnoxiously loud snorer, but complains that I “breathe loudly”
Or was she just complaining you’re breathing at all!
Once I’m asleep, I have no idea whether I breath through my mouth or nose at any given time, ‘cos I is asleep.
I’ve been moaned at for snoring, but my response of, “well, I don’t know, I’m asleep” didn’t go over well, but then she did too - I just stuck earplugs in…