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  • Liz! Truss!
  • binners
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    The sheer weight of shame should keep her quiet for another year at least…

    Somewhat unbelievably, I think that she’s even less familiar with the concept of shame than her predecessor.

    In her own head (imagine being in there?) she’s still a misunderstood genius and one day we will all appreciate her infinite wisdom

    I’m sure the labour party are hoping she’ll be giving a speech a day from now until May 4th

    Full Member

    The symptoms are low growth, rising living costs and declining value of wages. The disease is ever larger government you and your useless party, oh and too many cars.


    What do we need to do for her to stop talking such simplistic nonsense?

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    Full Member

    In her own head (imagine being in there?) she’s still a misunderstood genius and one day we will all appreciate her infinite wisdom

    Not just her head. That entire wing of the party still believes the general idea was right its just the execution failed. Probably because of the woke elite.
    Wonder how much she is getting paid for that speech?

    Full Member

    That entire wing of the party still believes the general idea was right its just the execution failed. Probably because of the woke elite.

    I believe Liz and Kwasi laid the blame firmly at the door of ‘the financial orthodoxy’ of those pesky marxists in ‘The Markets’ and the Bank of England.

    Wokery is to blame for everything else though

    Full Member

    These Woke Elite are incredibly powerful given that the Tories have been in power for 13 years, have a large majority and control significant sections of the media.

    If everything that is going wrong truly is the fault of the Woke Liberals, they must be unbelievably influential to be doing all this from a position of zero power and control!

    Full Member

    That’s because the current Tory government is conservative only in name, ask Nigel.

    Full Member

    Probably a repeat post, sorry if it is… but you have to feel for the contemporary satirist…

    EDIT: Just adding something fresh but pointless…

    Full Member

    Ok I’m curious, what models of Maserati or Ferarri are considered left wing or right wing!? And Where do Lamborghini fit into this bizare measurement? Clarkson bought a Lamborghini tractor and he’s totally not a lefty.

    The sheer stupidity and brass neck of it is off the chart, we’re gonna need a new measurement of scale.

    I guess if you can grift some after dinner speeches in the US then that makes it ok, money is money.

    Full Member

    what models of Maserati or Ferarri are considered left wing or right wing!?

    I’d say the Quattroporte is left-wing, on account of being able to easily fit 4 comrades in. Good socialist car that. Also, any Ferrari in red.
    There’s an obvious Lambo from the 1970s-80s, but that would get me in trouble if I spelt it the way I want to.

    Full Member


    The Zenvo TSR-S 2019 has an active wing that will tilt left or right or up and down depending on speed/downforce and which direction the car is pointing.

    I wonder what Truss makes of that? I’d guess she’d call it a ‘an elite woke centrist’.

    Full Member

    I suppose Boris Johnson would be a VW Corrado, with the automatic rear wing that pops up at 60mph and tells the police when you’re breaking the law. Except that it’d be permanently up.

    Rishi Sunak’d be the ebay rear wing on my shitbox MX5, barely held on with a bit of double sided tape and not actually doing anything. And just like with the average Tory party member I have to admit the colour isn’t quite right.

    Full Member

    Looks like Mad Lizzie has gone Full Trump. She’s still rattling on about the ‘anti-growth coalition’ that only exists in her head. Looks like she’s adding climate change denial to her long list of hatstand delusions

    So she’s now blaming socialists and environmentalists as well as lefty bankers in her list of people who destroyed the economy that definitely weren’t her and Kwasi

    She also described crashing the economy as ‘a setback’, but still believes her ideas were right 😳

    The woman must be on meth. It’s the only possible explanation

    Full Member

    It’s ironic, because a new economic model based on stagnation and redistribution is actually a brilliant idea, and will make the next 100 years go fantastically better than the unsustainable-growth and rewarding-of-wealth idiocy that we actually have. But literally nobody with any power is actually pushing it, let alone <checks notes> The Markets and the capitalist establishment

    I wonder how it works… You become prime minister on a million to one shot, your dreams come true, 10 seconds later you’ve irrepairably ****ed it and everyone knows you’re a halfwit. But there’s this 1% of even bigger halfwits who will still flatter you and tell you how it’s not your fault even while 99% of the world laughs at you or worse still, forgets you. I lack the… eh… skills, to be a Liz Truss but i guess if I was, hanging out with the 1% of absolute drongos would be very tempting indeed.

    Full Member

    Lizzies journey has been a right old blast, hasn’t it? For everyone.

    From the Lib Dems, via the remain campaign to Brexiteer economic Armageddon deliverer, then full-on, far-right conspiracy theory, climate change denying nutjob?

    Quite a trip!

    Full Member

    Next stop turquoise shelllsuit

    Full Member

    Good god. She has to be one of the least convincing politicians I’ve ever heard.

    Full Member

    Conspiracy of Lefties? Err does that include her parents 😉
    Keep going Lizzy hopefully you’re batsh1t crazyness will put people off the Conservatives more. The only conspiracy is in their minds, mind you I’d rather not get in that one, it would imply they have one. I worked for companies destroyed by Lizzy, so here theories on economy has hardly any credibility with me. Just another failed CFO…


    Full Member

    “Socialists in environmental clothing” makes me think NBC suit & mask rather than the (presumably) fair-trade slacks Truss is referring to. Given the outlook, I’m off down the army surplus for ration packs and chlorine tabs. I might want to go to the beach soon as well, so it seems prudent with all the discharge.

    Full Member

    She is good entertainment value tho

    Full Member

    She is good entertainment value tho

    No, she’s wrecked far too much to be good entertainment plus she’s too cringe to be entertaining.

    It’s like watching one of the more stupid Apprentice candidates attempting to run a branding campaign; it’s way past entertaining, it’s just embarrassing.

    Full Member

    As much as I would like to think that she is entertaining in her pure delusion and comedy value, I agree with @crazy-legs and think it is much worse than just cringey. Whether we like it or not, she is a former Prime Minister and a current Member of Parliament of a governing party. That means that she represents the UK on the world stage and is currently devaluing the UK as a nation.

    Any party that is not party to her delusion will have to work to overcome that in the future and that makes it harder to recover from the carnage she and her friends wrecked on the UK.

    Full Member

    As much as I would like to think that she is entertaining in her pure delusion and comedy value, I agree with @crazy-legs and think it is much worse than just cringey.

    Indeed. It was funny when we were all laughing incredulously at her ridiculous ‘Pork Markets’ speech and her getting angry about cheese, but it ceased to be even mildly amusing a long time ago. When she wasn’t in a position for her boundless stupidity to do much damage.

    But what the hell does it say about us as a country that such an absolute ****-wit ended up as PM? I still find it quite surreal. Like some nightmarish cheese dream. It seemed like everyone in the country, bar the racist pensioners that make up the Tory party membership, could see she wasn’t fit to run a bath, let alone the countries economy, yet she was handed the keys to number ten and given free reign to wreak absolute havoc, pretty much unchecked. Like handing a loaded machine gun to a monkey.

    When Boris Johnson was elected I saw a foreign journalist refer to it as the UK’s ‘Berlusconi Moment’. While that is a very good analogy, what the hell does that make Liz Truss’s coronation? I don’t think theres an equivalent

    There must have been collective hysterical laughter in the capitals of the world as her and Kwasi strolled onto the world stage, pulled the pin out of the hand grenade and lobbed it casually at our own economy, then stood there grinning.

    And the woman is so thick, arrogant and deluded that she still thinks she was right and its everyone else who was/is wrong

    It was Matthew Parris who summed her up best..

    Full Member

    she’s wrecked far too much to be good entertainment plus she’s too cringe to be entertaining.

    It’s like watching one of the more stupid Apprentice candidates attempting to run a branding campaign; it’s way past entertaining, it’s just embarrassing.

    This ^^

    Good god. She has to be one of the least convincing politicians I’ve ever heard.

    and very much,this^^

    Putting that to one side for a moment,I can never get my head around the fact that she can still get work.
    Who in their right mind ,would ever think,”I know who we should get as a guest speaker,a total incompetent,that was sacked,is best known for being the shortest serving UK prime minister in history,and struggles to string a coherent collection of words together”
    “Yes,let’s get her,she will be perfect” .
    It’s like going back to the days of Bedlam and charging people to come and stare at patients.

    Free Member

    ,”I know who we should get as a guest speaker,a total incompetent,that was sacked,is best known for being the shortest serving UK prime minister in history,and struggles to string a coherent collection of words together”

    Because a lot of them believe what she was trying to do was “right”.

    She has just made a speech in that she thinks that redistribution of wealth is a bad thing. She is not hiding the fact that she thinks helping the poorer people in our society is a bad thing. She thinks that the rich should continue to get richer and the rest of us get the scraps of the table.

    Where’s the end game? Feudalism?

    Full Member

    The worrying thing is that its not just the headbangers in some US Think tank, though.

    When she instigated her suicidal budget, against the advice of anyone even vaguely sane, she was cheered to the rafters by a large rump of her own party’s MPs (who are still in government) and pretty much all the press, who lorded her as The New Thatcher (as if that could ever be a good thing)

    And whats more terrifying is that even after everything thats happened, blinded as they are by their ideology, none of them have changed their minds and they’d let her do the same again tomorrow if she got the chance. Or fully support anyone else proposing the same madness.

    Full Member

    Its the trickle down illusion – that if the whole economy is growing then everyone is better off.

    complete delusion

    Free Member

    The New Thatcher (as if that could ever be a good thing)

    Just look at how her Witch Hunter General Chancellor was lorded when he died a couple of weeks ago.

    Full Member

    Who in their right mind ,would ever think,”I know who we should get as a guest speaker,a total incompetent,that was sacked,is best known for being the shortest serving UK prime minister in history,and struggles to string a coherent collection of words together”

    As MCJnr is involved in getting speakers at uni, you’ll not be surprised to learn that some of it is to do with clicks and views. (Cambridge Union on YouTube if you want to see speakers and debates. Sone surprisingly good, others less so!)

    Though they only pay expenses, (and it isn’t ex-ministers who are the worst for **** them over on that cost)

    Full Member

    Its the trickle down illusion – that if the whole economy is growing then everyone is better off.

    I doubt they believe it though. Its just a better sales tactic than going “we are going to screw you over to make more money ourselves”.

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    Full Member

    Might as well be wearing a Shell logo emblazoned hard hat.

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    Full Member

    Well at least one person writing for that bulwark of commonsense conservativism, the Daily Telegraph, agrees with Liz Truss that the UK’s economic problems are the result of 13 years of left-wing rule:

    “The Left’s belief that state intervention is the answer to every serious economic, social or health problem has prospered under 13 years of Tory rule.”

    Full Member

    These people – Jesus.

    The idea she thinks the private sector can generate money is so totally ridiculous that 30secs of relatively simple analysis destroys any concept of that.

    They are totally obsessed the idea that the private sector can operate without the state.

    It can’t – fact. And the dirty concept that we might rely on the government for economic solutions is anathema to her is also barbaric.

    I’d say she’s confused. Listened to too many neocons about the economic function of things, rather than actually studied how the system works.

    Why hate the state so much? It’s one of the most powerful tools we have. The monopoly issuer of the pound. Markets on the other hand are given the power by the state to serve us – which ironically has failed on nearly all metrics unless you’re one of a tiny majority.

    Years of not pushing back against those people have led us to this ridiculous situation.

    That slow drip feed of breaking up BT and British Gas just so your uncle can have £250 of discounted shares led to this thinking.

    But then when things fall apart all these same people blindly expect the state to step in and repair everything (ignoring the fact according to them the state doesn’t have money of its own.) so it can oil the wheels of the system just enough so it doesn’t collapse.

    Full Member

    * tiny minority. Edit.

    Free Member

    “But then when things fall apart all these same people blindly expect the state to step in and repair everything (ignoring the fact according to them the state doesn’t have money of its own.) so it can oil the wheels of the system just enough so it doesn’t collapse.”

    Corporate Socialism.

    Full Member

    You know what, having heard some of six-week-Lizzy’s prattle now it’s pretty clear where this is headed.

    She knows she’s utterly done in UK politics and public life, and she was speaking in the country where Marjorie Taylor Greene is able to hold office, grift and spout pretty much at will.
    And so she simply figured she’d have a punt at that game, she’s obviously been holed up in a hotel room for a week or so watching Fox and getting all the main bat-shit talking points down, learning to use insults like “socialist” almost as if she meant it, and weaving in her dreamt up concept of the ‘anti-growth movement’ as a rich tapestry of people who can’t afford homes, can’t afford energy, filthy environmentalists and those terrible, terrible trans people.

    Despite all she has apparently experienced she still has all the natural charisma and communication skills of a damp flannel.
    If she has a speech writer and/or a public speaking coach she needs to sack them…

    If this is indeed her new career choice I wish her all the worst. The world really doesn’t need another failed Neolib’ grifter selling incoherent zombie capitalism with fascist overtones. That market is already saturated with slightly less awkward speakers…

    Full Member

    I know she is a dangerous idiot and cost the country a lot but by ‘eck she is good comedy value

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