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  • Liz! Truss!
  • Poopscoop
    Full Member

    Surely after today her time has come and she now deserves her own thread. Don’t think our soon to be new PM has one yet?

    She had no idea how to speak via an interpreter. Lavrov had to tell her to slow down like a helpful old uncle.

    She insists the UK will never recognise 2 territories mentioned by Lavrov as being sovereign to Russia… thinking they are in Ukraine. They are not, they are in the Russian federation.

    Left and Billy no mated till she realises its time to go and Lavrov just about bothers to push a door partly open for her.

    Full Member

    However, she probably can correctly embed a tweet!😁

    Full Member

    Bit late aren’t you? For some bizarre reason the other one was closed. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    Liz Truss!

    Full Member

    However, she probably can correctly inbed a tweet!

    and correctly spell embed 😉

    Full Member

    The whole cabinet were chosen solely on having a fanatical devotion to Brexit – which pretty much means they are all morons. I suspect most have an IQ below 90….

    So their behaviour (one moronic thing after another) is pretty much to be expected.

    Full Member

    Ah, sorry mods. I thought now that Liz is well and truly on the world stage now and also manoeuvring for the Premiership it would be ok?

    She’s also extremely funny.

    Full Member

    and correctly spell embed 😉

    No idea what you mean?😉

    Full Member

    Why you little tinker…

    Full Member

    Let’s revisit her finest moment, shall we?

    Full Member

    Lavrov vs Truss is the diplomatic equivalent of a boxing match between Mike Tyson in his prime vs my 81 year old mother.

    Full Member

    The whole cabinet were chosen solely on having a fanatical devotion to Brexit

    Truss was a remainer.

    Full Member

    Just been taken to big school and dropped off at the gate.

    Full Member

    But she knows the dress code as she’s seen every 80’s film set in Russia.

    Free Member

    However, she probably can correctly inbreed a ****!

    Seems harsh… but, probably fair.

    Full Member

    It would seem to be a prerequisite of being Foreign Secretary in the current administration is the complete lack of geographic knowledge. Self-styled hardman Dominic Raab famously didn’t understand the importance of the Dover-Calais link as one of the UK’s main trade routes with Europe, and Truss, who is completely out of her depth in a children’s paddling pool, recently mixed up the Baltics and Balkans as well as being blindsided by Lavrov in the talks around Ukraine today.

    Free Member

    Truss was a remainer.

    Probably by accident.

    It would seem to be a prerequisite of being Foreign Secretary in the current administration is the complete lack of geographic knowledge.

    Can we generalise this?

    It would seem to be a prerequisite for any cabinet position in the current administration to have a complete lack of any specialist subject knowledge.

    Full Member

    Wow, we really are the laughing stock of the world aren’t we.

    Full Member

    I think she runs the official Jamiroquai fan club in her down time, hence the homage in Russia.

    Full Member

    Truss was a remainer.

    I don’t think she understood the question

    Full Member

    Full Member
    Wow, we really are the laughing stock of the world aren’t we.

    Yeah, joking aside for a moment I was saying to my oh last night that I can’t wait for UK politics to return to the mostly boring old humdrum of old. Don’t see that happening anytime soon though.

    Full Member

    She watched Austin Powers instead of reading the brief, didn’t she?

    Free Member

    “Brief? There was a brief? Why wasn’t I told?”

    Free Member

    It’s easy to criticise…

    Full Member

    I’m guessing her appalling and very public performance, which is all over the Russian media, plays right into Putin’s lap too?

    “Perfect example of the West; In decline and don’t understand or respect us, here is the proof.”

    Free Member

    The whole cabinet were chosen solely on having a fanatical devotion to Brexit – which pretty much means they are all morons. I suspect most have an IQ below 90….

    So their behaviour (one moronic thing after another) is pretty much to be expected.

    Makes me wonder why people with an IQ >90 like yourself can’t be bothered to step up to be elected and run the country. After all these IQ<90 people are ones creating the laws and taxes that shape your life

    Full Member

    In the race to the bottom of potential tory candidates to pop on the top step, LT is the quintessential proof that the conservative party simply never knows when its beaten! When it looks like they have distilled the very essence of incompetence in one (flabby) package of never to be bettered dross, they come thundering back in with an offering so perfectly awful you kind of have to admire them.

    Full Member

    Brexit Brexit Brexit there I said 3 times.

    Full Member

    It’s easy to criticise…

    Indeed, she makes it so easy to criticise I almost believe it might be deliberate.

    Full Member

    Truss was a remainer.

    I don’t think she understood the question

    For someone who didn’t understand the question she made a very strong, and passion driven, case for remaining in the EU :

    “I don’t want my daughters to grow up in a world where they need a visa or permit to work in Europe; or where they are hampered from growing a business because of extortionate call costs and barriers to trade,”

    Every parent wants their children to grow up in a healthy environment with clean water, fresh air and thriving natural wonders. Being part of the EU helps protect these precious resources and spaces.”

    Won’t someone think of the children?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Lavrov vs Truss. Like a cat playing with a mouse potato

    Full Member

    She’s since claimed that she campaigned for remain only out of loyalty to Cameron, but really was Leaver the whole time (whether she’s telling the truth or not…)

    Either way Lavrov played her perfectly today

    Given Russia just the kind of pretext they wanted, but at least she got some instabangers to help with her leadership campaign 🙄
    She got the Black Sea & Baltic Sea mixed up before & he mocked her for that – regional geography obviously not her strong point

    She also missed her own deadline for sanctions before recess

    Full Member

    Wow, we really are the laughing stock of the world aren’t we.

    Yes, it’s doubly embarrassing when they travel abroad, it’s like airing your dirty linen in public.

    Her trade deals were shameful, completely one sided (and not to our benefit), rushed and signed in desparation to show how amazing Brexit is…..

    Full Member

    she campaigned for remain only out of loyalty to Cameron,

    That makes more sense. Why would she be concerned about her two daughters future?

    Full Member

    That makes more sense.

    This is Liz Truss we’re talking about. Sense is the last word I’d associate with her.

    Free Member

    Unless “Sense” is the brand name of some expensive product she can order on expenses.

    Full Member

    She famously snookered herself on brexit

    Full Member

    ^^ Yeah, I’ve always found that Brexit question she attempted to answer very telling.

    She isn’t good at thinking on her feet or doing preparation. That was always going to be a stick used to beat here with yet she seemingly never had a stock reply at the ready. An experienced/capable politician would have had an answer ready on tap. Well the politicians of old would have.

    Free Member

    Liz! Truss!

    I think you mean


    Free Member

    It’s extremely doubtful that she’s going to be the next leader, she might think she is but the portfolio grabbing shows as she can’t cover the main brief effectively. This embarrassment will haunt her as it shows her failing on the world stage, it’s not a good look and there are plenty of better candidates

    I imagine the FO diplomats are either getting shouted at for not preparing her enough or more likely holding their heads in their hands

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