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  • Just been totally shafted by my boss…
  • Helios
    Free Member

    Doesn’t matter how or why really, but I have bascially had 1.5 days of holiday taken off me (not because they expired or I forgot to take them before the end of the year etc). I want your opinions on my options:

    a) Man up, accept that these things happen, and get on with work.
    b) Pull 1.5 days of sicky
    c) “Work From Home” for about 3 days, watching TV and only answering e-mails so she doesn’t get suspicious, then produce work she doesn’t know I’ve already done and pass it off as the product of 3 worthwhile days
    d) Have a full-on kicking and screaming tantrum, head to HR and the top man, and try to get my sodding holiday back
    e) Quit, because I’m sick of her bulls**t
    f) Spend the rest of the working year doing as little as possible in revenge
    g) Other…

    edit: What is the point of a swear filter that doesn’t filter?

    Free Member

    …are you at work now?

    Free Member

    Doesn’t matter how or why really

    it does

    Free Member

    I predict the next person to post will be TJ

    Free Member


    Free Member


    Full Member

    Have you asked her why?

    Just ask HR for the payment in lieu of them (as they are a contractual entitlement – technically, this sounds like a breach of your employment contract).

    Free Member

    how do you mean ‘taken off you’

    it must be a contractual thing, so ask for it in writing.

    then d

    Full Member


    Free Member

    Take 3 days at home and do nowt.

    Full Member

    without knowing how they’ve been taken away it’s difficult to say but if you think you have a strong case then d) to stop her doing the same again over somethign else.

    Free Member

    Jeez binners I reckon you could do some real damage with those… 🙂

    I’m a wuss and I can’t face up to conflict, so Option 3 for me:

    c) “Work From Home” for about 3 days, watching TV and only answering e-mails so she doesn’t get suspicious, then produce work she doesn’t know I’ve already done and pass it off as the product of 3 worthwhile days

    Free Member

    a) Don’t just take it, as they’ll know they can do it again on another occassion. More people need to stand up for themselves in the private and public sectors.
    b) Will be put on file – might look bad when moving jobs
    c) Doesn’t prove anything – doesn’t show you’re upset, and they’ve done something wrong, see point a)
    d) Almost there – see below
    e) Silly move
    f) Doesn’t look too good – especially if redundancies ever come up

    HR – But don’t throw a tantrum. Just ask for a documented and valid reason on why this has happened.

    Full Member

    I had a more decent boss, who recognised I lost my days becuase of the effort I put in, then allowed me to be “off” for 1 day at a time without it going through our HR system (ie I just made sure he know which day I was having off, he agreed and I didnt turn up for work)until the bal;ance was readdressed.

    If you’ve lost your entitlement due to your employer needing/pressuring you to work, that above is fair IMO -suggest it to her.

    If you didn’t bother to book it, thats your fault IMO (sorry to sound harsh). Most companies allow you to roll over a certain amount then the rest you lose.

    Free Member

    When you go to HR just say you are confused about the holiday entitlement and are looking for clarification.

    Waht reason did your boss give?

    Free Member

    c) but that is what i sort of do anyway.

    Free Member

    If you call losing 1.5 days ‘totally shafted’, you haven’t been in business long….

    Free Member

    “Just been totally shafted by my boss…”

    Oddly enough, I watched a video on cliphunter this morning with just the same title. 😯

    Free Member

    I am curious too about the reasoning behind her decision to take 1.5 days from your entitlement – what explanation did she give?

    Full Member

    Reason does matter as there may be justification of why it was done, if there’s not then we can the pitchforks out.

    Free Member

    Shafted is being asked to save the company by working straight through from Friday evening until monday morning – taking the odd nap in the rest room – in order to get an order out that is vital

    When you you’ve got it all done and really feeling quite warm and fuzzy about making it, an accountant from some solvency firm walks in and tells everyone to go home

    no one ever saw the boss again

    Free Member

    The IT dept have analyzed the total amount of time spent on Singletrackworld and have decided to take this off his holiday entitlement. 😉

    Free Member

    join a union.

    Full Member

    If you call losing 1.5 days ‘totally shafted’, you haven’t been in business long….

    Yep – being fired with no explanation on Dec 24th whilst out the country on business, with no return ticket, is being ‘totally shafted’ – not getting paid for 1.5 days overtime = pretty normal in the modern world….

    Free Member

    Go on strike?

    Free Member

    OP more info required before we can form an effective lynch mob with due reason.

    Free Member

    request a meeting with HR and get the company line on the matter.
    They are legally bound to offer up either the holiday or the money.

    Free Member

    half a story isnt it.

    is it you are trying to book the day and a half now and there are no oppertunities that are convienant to them to take them ?

    or is it you have had them booked and a projects come up and your hols are canceled ?

    the latter is in my contract – but ill get them back at a later date and any expenses paid – its a last ditch if they are short of personel.

    if its the first id have the shits for a couple of days 😉

    Free Member

    Alright alright… maybe “totally shafted” was a bit extreme…

    This isn’t about working overtime. Basically I was told that if I wanted to do a project I’d have to give up my own days off to do it because it had no funding. When I got funding for it after the work was complete (in my own time) the company took the money, and refused to give me back a couple of days of holiday. I think that’s pretty rude.

    Free Member

    so basically you did originally give up your holidays because you wanted to do the project and then retrospectively found funding that the company kept.

    What would have happened if you didn’t do the project?

    Why did you go to the effort of getting the funding? did you tell your boss your expectations when you were getting the funding?

    Sounds like you need to MTFU and stop whining

    Free Member

    Can I check I’ve got this right? You agreed to be shafted and now you’re complaining because they shafted you?

    Free Member

    3 sick days in order when they most need you there 🙂

    Full Member

    In which case, you haven’t been shafted.

    You just been pwned by your employer. Nothing unusual there.

    Free Member

    Can I check I’ve got this right? You agreed to be shafted and now you’re complaining because they shafted you?

    That’s what I was trying to say

    Free Member

    Shafted is being told that if you complete a project, you’ll be in line for a nice bonus payment at the end of it.

    And upon completion being told that you don’t qualify for the bonus on a technicality.

    Shafted is being asked to stay with a firm after handing in your notice and being offered a 40% pay increase, which suddenly becomes renegotiated two weeks after you withdraw your notice.

    If it’s a large firm, their personnel department will be able to shed light on this, if they’re a small firm then they tend to play fast and loose. The best option here is to gen up on your rights, jump ship as quickly as possible and do the bare minimum to earn yourself a reference.

    Free Member

    Man up.

    I’d already worked my contractual 1820 annual hours by August and don’t claim overtime. I could get up tight about it and kick up a fuss but I focus on the benefits of being employed at the moment- I know plenty of small business owners who are struggling, and based on the Autum statement delivered onTueday looks like it will get worse before it gets better.

    Free Member

    Take one for the team 😀

    And remind them what a selfless team-player you are at your pay review.

    And/or get your CV out there.

    Free Member

    Man up! make a decision based on how you feel about it and carry it out. Job done. Remember, no has ‘there were missed at work’ on thier gravestone. Life’s too short, tell her how you feel and what you want done about it.

    Free Member

    all of the post here telling you to mtfu are actually saying thats how it is in the modern world you just bend over and take it.

    what you should do is not take it.

    Free Member

    Its pretty poor, but some companies take take take and when you’d like them to give a little, policy dictates this will set an unsustainable precident.
    I had similar, not paid for any overtime I worked. One day I worked 2 hrs overtime, but next day but was half an hour late due to my morning ferry being delayed due to bad weather. Boss decides to remind me I “owed them half an hour”, I replied “just take it out of the 2 hours overtime I did”, NO comes back the reply. I’ll have a couple of days sick in return.
    Theres a always a stomach bug that just flared up and meant you were unable to be more than 30 secs from the pan……. 😉

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