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  • Jeremy Corbyn
  • ransos
    Free Member

    Anyone who reads that as ‘comparing Israel to ISIS’ needs to work on their comprehension skills. Weak as ****.

    We all know that there was nothing factually incorrect about his statement. Equally, it was an incredibly stupid thing to say, as the reaction to it was entirely predictable.

    Full Member

    It’s getting beyond a joke now. Eagle has supposedly postponed her leadership challenge (as we’re all waiting with baited breath), because ‘today is for the tories’. Do they coordinate their incompetence? I’ve got an image in my head of tory and labour spin doctors sending back-channel emails to each other to arrange which days they would like f*** up on.

    Where are the libdems in all this f***wittery? I really think Tim Farron should be chipping in with a sex scandal or two.

    Full Member

    He’s frantically ringing the other two MPs to organise a leadership challenge.

    Free Member

    Far from calming the situation around anti-semitism Corbyn has inflamed it with his remarks today prompting one Labour councillor present to demand he resign immediately and another Jewish MP has left in tears after being attacked and abused by a member of Momentum

    Corbyn is not stupid this was a deliberate attempt to raise the termperature comparing Israel to Islamic State, something his anti-semitic followers and supporters inside and outside the Labour Party will have been delighted with I am sure


    Free Member

    Statement from the Jewish Labour MP

    The MP called for Mr Corbyn to resign after the incident, saying he failed to intervene.

    “Until today I had made no public comment about Jeremy’s ability to lead our party, but the fact that he failed to intervene is final proof for me that he is unfit to lead, and that a Labour Party under his stewardship cannot be a safe space for British Jews,” Ms Smeeth added.

    Free Member

    prompting one Labour councillor present to demand he resign immediately

    I would imagine at any one time there is a Labour councillor demanding he resigns.

    Corbyn is not stupid this was a deliberate attempt to raise the termperature comparing Israel to Islamic State, something his anti-semitic followers and supporters inside and outside the Labour Party will have been delighted with I am sure

    Full Member

    video and text evidence confirms tweets attributing Islamic State reference to @jeremycorbyn were misquotes….

    be interesting who was first to attribute it to him and why…

    Full Member

    Just read the actual quote, masterful bit of trolling by Jez.

    Our Jewish friends are no more responsible for the actions of Israel or the Netanyahu government than our Muslim friends are for those of various self-styled Islamic states or organisations.”


    Free Member

    ransos – Member

    “Anyone who reads that as ‘comparing Israel to ISIS’ needs to work on their comprehension skills. Weak as ****.”

    We all know that there was nothing factually incorrect about his statement. Equally, it was an incredibly stupid thing to say, as the reaction to it was entirely predictable.

    Well you’ve hit the nail on the head there. Corbyn is not a politician as we know politicians to be.

    A senior politician, as we know them, would have had a team of advisors to carefully look at his prepared speech to see if it contained any potential hazards, like this obvious one.

    The Tories, the Blairites, the media, are out to get Corbyn, they scrutinize every single word he utters to try and trip him up. As you say, this was entirely predictable.

    But Corbyn speaks like a normal person, a normal functioning human being, the sort of person you meet normal life, not as a manufactured politician.

    His supporters say that is Corbyn’s appeal – he is a normal person not a typical politician which voters have grown to dislike, distrust, and been put off by.

    His critics say he’s not a proper politician and lacks the skills to be one, as this latest incident shows.

    The question is who will the voters back? Corbyn’s critics say not someone who they describe as “decent and honest” but someone more like those who voters have grown to dislike and distrust.

    I suspect that his critics might be right, although I am very far from convinced. However this is a moot point as the overwhelming majority of the Labour Party has clearly made their decision, ie, to try a different approach.

    Free Member

    Sincere apologies if this has been done already as I cannot face the bile overload of checking every page.

    Meanwhile, Chilcot is waiting in the wings.
    Tony Blair’s peace camp are stirring against Corbyn in order to attempt to deflect attention away from the absolute s***storm heading Blair’s way next week…

    Free Member

    A senior politician, as we know them, would have had a team of advisors to carefully look at his prepared speech to see if it contained any potential hazards, like this obvious one.

    The Tories, the Blairites, the media, are out to get Corbyn, they scrutinize every single word he utters to try and trip him up. As you say, this was entirely predictable.

    But Corbyn speaks like a normal person, a normal functioning human being, the sort of person you meet normal life, not as a manufactured politician.

    Yes, but it looked as if Corbyn was reading from prepared remarks…

    Full Member

    But Corbyn speaks like a normal person, a normal functioning human being, the sort of person you meet normal life, not as a manufactured politician.

    I just don’t buy this. Yes it’s refreshing to have someone who isn’t a PR-moulded soundbite-bot. But he is still a politician. Being careful about what you say is hardly a new thing. Given that he has been under huge pressure on the anti-semitism issue, even if it is an invention of the media, his remarks were frankly idiotic, and if it wasn’t for the fact that he has few friends already, he should have sacked his advisors and speech writers on the spot.

    Free Member

    No normal person would depict Israel and IS as equivalents at a meeting about anti-semitism.

    Full Member

    Massively stupid! But he wasn’t saying they were equivalent.

    Full Member

    I suspect that his critics might be right, although I am very far from convinced. However this is a moot point as the overwhelming majority of the Labour Party has clearly made their decision, ie, to try a different approach.

    I hear you Ernie. I am really torn on the subject of Corbyn.

    I have a lot of respect for him and its great to see a proper socialist at the forefront of UK politics, even if I think he failed to get the message across that it was socialist reforms like the welfare state which formed the foundation of the “golden era” that Leave voters were pining for.

    I’ve always thought he’d be a transitional figure, heralding a rebalancing of Labour policy leftwards – but probably not that far left.

    Yes his critics probably are right that he won’t win a general election, but the knives have been out for him from day one and he doesn’t appear to have ever had the support of much of the PLP.

    And the manner of this botched coup leaves a really nasty taste in the mouth and makes those involved look amateur and unprincipled. There doesn’t seem to be any real plan for the way forward.

    So while I sadly don’t see him becoming PM, I can’t support efforts to get rid of him like this.

    Full Member

    Massively stupid! But he wasn’t saying they were equivalent.

    Doesn’t matter, all that matters is that his detractors can portray him as having said it. Politics 101.

    Free Member

    I think it must be utter f***ing genius

    On the one day when the biggest and most dominant story in the news is the utter cat fight of Tory backstabbing and greasy pole climbing, Probably only the second day in the past six months where the combined negative Labour stories of anti-semitism and Corbyns car-crash leadership could have fallen off the news radar to be replaced by Tory infighting.

    Corbyn manages to get himself on the six o’clock news with Labour slagging off the Jews again.

    That surely takes a special sort of utter evil genius?

    Full Member

    Maybe just making sure the ball is in the PLPs court? 🙂

    “if I’m so bad challenge me”

    Free Member

    He’s a man of principle and conviction ninfan – timing and political expediency dont come into the equation 😉

    But correct – its breathtaking!! Or at best, breathtakingly clumsy language, especially after his comments/assessment of Livingston.

    Cant help themselves these guys can they….

    Free Member

    “Corbyn manages to get himself on the six o’clock news with Labour slagging off the Jews again.”

    Well well well; someone lying to attempt to defame Corbyn. What a surprise.

    “That surely takes a special sort of utter evil genius?”

    it certainly takes a special sort of idiocy to even attempt to suggest that Labour are ‘slagging off the Jews again’. When nothingof the sort has actually happened.

    What has actually happened, is that Corbyn said this:

    “To assume that a Jewish friend or fellow member is wealthy, some kind of financial or media conspiracy, or takes a particular position on politics in general or on Israel and on Palestine in particular, is just wrong.
    “Our Jewish friends are no more responsible for the actions of Israel or the Netanyahu government than our Muslim friends are for those various self-styled Islamic States or organisations.”

    Quite how you can twist this into ‘Labour slagging off the Jews again’ is just incredible. Utterly desperate.

    Maybe you just wanted to invoke a special kind of vile, bitter, hateful invective against Corbyn. Maybe you just wanted to make yourself look utterly ridiculous. Either way, I hope you’ll come to realise the stupidity of your comments, and at least admit it to yourself.

    Free Member

    Well said clodhopper. Much better put than I started to write before deciding not to get dragged in.

    Free Member

    utter cat fight of Tory backstabbing and greasy pole climbing

    It must help take the sting off the sight of the People’s Party engaged in self-immolation, but the tendency to think that anything similar is going on across the aisle is just silly.

    It’s not a “cat fight”. The Conservatives are not “tearing themselves apart”.

    The contenders are maneuvering, side-stepping, engaging in sleight of hand and doing deals with each other behind closed doors (except, I suspect, Theresa May).

    It’s a leadership contest. That’s what happens. When the Labour Pains get around to it, it will be no different.

    Free Member

    certainly takes a special sort of idiocy to even attempt to suggest that Labour are ‘slagging off the Jews again’. When nothingof the sort has actually happened.

    Ruth Smeeth MP doesn’t appear to agree with you:

    “This morning, at the launch of the Chakrabarti Inquiry into antisemitism, I was verbally attacked by a Momentum activist and Jeremy Corbyn supporter who used traditional antisemitic slurs to attack me for being part of a ‘media conspiracy’. It is beyond belief that someone could come to the launch of a report on antisemitism in the Labour Party and espouse such vile conspiracy theories about Jewish people.

    Free Member

    Ruth Smeeth MP doesn’t appear to agree with you:

    Have you posted the right quote? It doesn’t seem to support your point.

    Free Member

    It is beyond belief that someone could come to the launch of a report on antisemitism in the Labour Party and espouse such vile conspiracy theories about Jewish people.


    Free Member

    How is that ‘Labour slagging off the Jews again’? It’s one individual. The man who accused her of colluding with the media claims he did not know she was Jewish. So it really, really isn’t a case of ‘Labour slagging off the Jews’. As much as you so really desperately need it to be. Sorry to piss on your chips.

    Full Member

    Probably planted there like all the other hecklers etc.

    Full Member

    Free Member

    So it really, really isn’t a case of ‘Labour slagging off the Jews’. As much as you so really desperately need it to be. Sorry to piss on your chips.

    Lets sit back and see whose version of events the mainstream media end up portraying…. 😆

    Free Member

    who used traditional antisemitic slurs to attack me for being part of a ‘media conspiracy’.

    Good God 😯

    Free Member

    Quite how you can twist this into ‘Labour slagging off the Jews again’ is just incredible. Utterly desperate.

    + a lot

    To assume that a STW friend or fellow member is wealthy, some kind of financial or media conspiracy, or takes a particular position on politics in general or on Israel and on Palestine in particular, is just wrong.
    “Our STW friends are no more responsible for the actions of the cylcing industry than our Muslim friends are for those various self-styled Islamic States or organisations.”

    Its a monstrously preposterous view to claim that post just slagged of STW

    Free Member

    Lets sit back and see whose version of events the mainstream media end up portraying

    The RW press will report the RW one just as flies circle shit

    It wont make it correct, just or decent…have you given up so quickly trying to argue the preposterous – Smiley here for dramatice affect

    Free Member

    Calling anti-Corbynites part of a media conspiracy is not an anti-semitic insult!

    Free Member

    Too many JambaFacts in the last 2 pages to quote them all, but this is the first one I came across. Re the SNP:

    Had we voted Remain they would have pushed for the same thing

    I guess this isn’t as bad as the rest, because stating the SNP want another referendum isn’t exactly untrue but to suggest they’d be pushing for another referendum because of a Remain vote seems pretty far fetched.

    Free Member

    13000 people have joined the Labour Party in recent days. How terribly confusing.

    Full Member

    5thElefant – Member

    No normal person would depict Israel and IS as equivalents at a meeting about anti-semitism.

    And neither did he. Obviously.

    Free Member

    And neither did he. Obviously.

    The chief rabbi thought he did.

    But sure, he could just be an idiot rather than anti-Semitic.

    Free Member

    Which chief rabbit?

    Full Member

    If you think he insulted Jews as a people then you must also think he accused all Muslims of supporting Isis.

    So you think that?

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