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  • Jacob Lynch Mobb
  • RamseyNeil
    Free Member

    A tiny, statistically insignificant majority voted to leave the EU. Why would you ride roughshod over the other half?

    A majority is a majority and in this case that majority was anything but insignificant and there was no other half there was a majority and a minority , that’s how voting works .

    Also, that was two years ago. Is that still the case? I assume that you’d back another referendum to find out, and respect that decision if it was no longer the case

    That’s a bit rich , if leave wins it’s going to take a few years to implement so 2 years down the line the vote needs revisiting as it’s no longer current but if you vote to stay in then it just happens as we are already in so effectively the vote is implemented instantly .

    Free Member

    The EU was never going to deal with us on an honest and decent basis. They were always going to try and punish us for having the audacity to reject their rule.

    Photograph from his last negotiation meeting showing the rocky time Dominic Raab got when trying to have the audacity to stand up to the EU Empire before resigning as Brexit secretary

    The pained expression on his face here is the result of having just been informed by Emperor Juncker of the strategic importance of the Port of Dover to his sides trading relations.


    Free Member

    That’s a bit rich , if leave wins it’s going to take a few years to implement so 2 years down the line the vote needs revisiting as it’s no longer current but if you vote to stay in then it just happens as we are already in so effectively the vote is implemented instantly .

    Hang on, it was completely obvious to everyone wasn’t it that the process was on a 2 year clock, it was a time limited negotiation that got entered into by the choice of those in charge.
    At the end of that period we knew we would need to vote through and accept that deal.

    Now it’s crunch time, it’s exactly the moment to be making sure this is the right course for the country. Anyway this is now an EU thread isn’t it.

    Full Member

    I am of the firm belief that the Leave vote was predominantly a protest vote.

    Years of austerity to bale out banks, parts of the UK forgotten since the 80’s, social care and the NHS being ripped apart.

    All real and genuine reasons to DEMAND change. I would have voted for that sort of change too! In a heart beat.

    The destroyingly sad fact is that, that demand for change was usurped by Cameron, the likes of Farage and the Daily Mail and turned on its head.

    The EU is a force for good in the UK. If anything it has tried to moderate some of the Tories worst excesses via the ECJ etc.

    The EU were and still are the patsies for a morally bereft Tory government. This whole sorry mess was meant to unify the Conservatives once and for all over the EU. F*** me…. the irony.

    JRM is the worst of the Tory party distilled and bottled. Contemptible and dangerous.

    Billyboy. You are delusional.

    Full Member

    A majority is a majority and in this case that majority was anything but insignificant and there was no other half there was a majority and a minority , that’s how voting works .

    If you were say trialling a new drug and your results were 52:48 in favour versus placebo it’d never get out the door. That’s not a majority, it’s just statistical error. If “leave” won by a majority of one vote, would you happily toss out the wishes of the other half of the voters? That’s no democracy I recognise.

    If you have a vote with a mandatory outcome then you require a supermajority (see general elections), if you have an advisory one then you do not but, well, it’s an opinion poll. That’s how voting works. Sorry.

    Full Member

    Anyway this is now an EU thread isn’t it.

    Yeah, that’s a good point. I should probably get my moderator hat.

    Billyboy and RN, I’ll afford you the right of reply because I don’t approve of selective censorship. Everyone else, back on topic or take it to the EU thread please.

    Full Member

    Roger that, Cougar.👍

    Free Member

    So the result was acceptable to everybody but those who didn’t get their own way . How big a majority would you have been happy with , given that this was not a trial for a new drug and everybody knew the rules before they voted .

    Free Member

    @Ramsey Neil

    First, most countries that regularly use referendums have a threshold majority set at, say 55% for any vote that seeks to overturn a status quo and is effectively irreversible.

    Second, I think it’s perfectly sensible to have a second referendum, based on the fact that we now have a better idea of the options available, rather than some nebulous promise of gold bar shitting unicorns that the Brexiteers were promising.


    Free Member

    Cougar has spoken guys. He wont be happy if we don’t play ball. The thread is about the 18th century pencil. Some people say he is:-


    Full Member

    I’m sorry if you didn’t understand the question asked of you in the Referendum.

    In essence it was… Do you consent to be ruled by a foreign power?

    I don’t. The majority don’t.

    if that is your understanding of the referendum vote then you are a **** idiot

    Full Member

    Back on topic and a reply to Saxonrider. My post was somewhat in jest but some followers of Rome do subscribe to my tongue in cheek view.

    Mr Rees Mog could not be considered a Christian individual. He may well attend church regularly but. . .
    He fails on “judge not lest ye yourself be judged” and “. . . Love your neighbour as yourself”.
    I do not consider myself a Christian as I am unable to hold to these tenets and without them “I am but a sounding gong”

    Full Member

    Totally agree.

    Moggs version of religion is simply a self serving world view. Bent to fit whatever his current needs are.

    Morality was left at the door by him years ago.

    “I think is rather uplifting”
    JRM on food banks.
    He probably thinks there should be more of them.

    Free Member

    Poop scoop

    I too thought that the European Court provided a good buffer for some of the injustices in the UK.

    Perhaps it could adjudicate on your assertion that you ‘know’ why everybody who voted leave voted as they did?

    I don’t think you would win!

    Free Member

    Moggs version of religion is simply a self serving world view. Bent to fit whatever his current needs are.

    I was going to comment on this but Poobah pulled on the choker chain.

    I imagine that Jacob would be perfectly happy torturing helpless homeless people whilst at the same time politely and gently explaining to his victims, in between their screams, why this was necessary for their own good.

    And that god had told him to do it.

    Free Member

    Perhaps it could adjudicate on your assertion that you ‘know’ why everybody who voted leave voted as they did?

    Many were asked, plenty willingly told people about it, completed opinion polls etc. Plenty of info out there if you want to search for it. I’m sure the ERG and JRM didn’t bother to find out.

    Full Member

    Moggy is just a liar

    It’s a shame that so many are gullibile enough to believe him so readily, just because he’s the pinnacle of the establishment elite


    Full Member

    So the result was acceptable to everybody but those who didn’t get their own way

    That wasn’t what I was saying, rather that it’s both wrong and immoral to reject the other half as irrelevant on the back of a slim majority. We’ve got nearly a 50:50 split of opinion, surely the just thing to do here is try and reconcile both sides, rather than “we won you lost shut up and get on with it two world wars and one world cup doo dah”?

    How big a majority would you have been happy with

    I already answered this in the post you replied to.

    Anyway. I’m not continuing this discussion any further here. If you want to continue, ask me in the EU thread and I’ll happily reply.

    Full Member

    JRM is a naughty boy and should be sent to bed without dessert

    Full Member

    Point of order.

    As this tirade, and the ensuing hullabaloo, seems to have come about due to my allusion to the raising of the Standard by Charles I, may i make a clarification? The allusion was not framed within the Brexit debate at all, but was framed within the context of the travails of the Conservative Party, and their ongoing struggles with the nature of reality.

    And where these travails intersect is in the person of Jacob Cream Cracker.

    Like Charles, the Tories believe they have a divine right to rule – they are famed are they not, in their own minds at least, to be the ‘natural party of Government’ – and like him they are prone to exceptional hubris.

    If there was a leadership contest within the Conservative party that made Cream Cracker their leader, he would then become the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. If this happened – with the no confidence vote this is, of course, not particularly likely – one suggests this would not be received well. Particularly not by me. Like Charles’ expectations of fealty to the crown, one suspects that this would not create the support expected of it.

    This was the context within which i likened imaginary contemporary events to an historical precedent.

    If we were to frame Jacob’s historical ‘legacy’ in terms correlative to Brexit and the Civil War, one suspects history will see him as being both wrong AND repulsive.

    Free Member

    As this tirade, and the ensuing hullabaloo, seems to have come about due to my allusion to the raising of the Standard by Charles I, may i make a clarification?

    I know where you are coming from vahaza. I suspect but cannot confirm that someone here has a deeper knowledge of the Royal House of Stuart than you.

    I wonder if a certain individual can or cannot confirm their user name has anything to do with images like this:-


    Full Member

    No surrender, Billy Boy, No ****’ Surrender.

    Free Member

    What about the loyalist scene from Trainspotting 2

    Full Member

    ^^ You don’t judge a book by it’s cover you know.

    I do, i can’t read.

    Full Member

    Talking about JRM with someone at work recently.
    He’s from Methil (in Fife, Scotland), an area that was decimated by the closure of the coal mines.
    The area has always been Labour, or sometimes SNP.

    Apparently JRM toured there during general election campaigning in his chauffeur-driven Bentley knocking on doors asking people for their votes.
    I’m note sure how many votes he garnered, but he certainly had a few doors slammed in his face

    Free Member

    Moggs version of religion is simply a self serving world view.

    A lot of people use religion in that way. It is a defence mechanism for your views as if it says it in the bible it must be right. When you pick up on other points of the bible they don’t follow/or believe in the response is always “that is different”

    Full Member

    Billyboy…. yeah we know what thats all about, the racist Chelsea fans also had rangers logo on their their George cross/ NI nazi flag.

    There does seem to be an emboldening of xenophobes lately & the likes of Mogg have no shame in receiving their support.

    Free Member

    If there was a leadership contest within the Conservative party that made Cream Cracker their leader, he would then become the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. If this happened – with the no confidence vote this is, of course, not particularly likely – one suggests this would not be received well. Particularly not by me. Like Charles’ expectations of fealty to the crown, one suspects that this would not create the support expected of it.

    Tony Blair and his deal with Gordon Brown?
    It’s just a feature of the UK parliamentary system where we do not vote for a PM, we vote for the party.

    Free Member

    Not quite. The UK has several electoral systems. MPs are elected on an individual basis – you vote for a person. MSPs and MAs are elected on a party list basis – you vote for the party.

    Free Member

    Are either of those the UK parliament?

    Full Member

    MSPs are actually elected by a mixed system – FPTP and a regional top up list.

    Full Member


    It’s just a feature of the UK parliamentary system where we do not vote for a PM, we vote for the party.

    Well, more specifically it’s a feature of the UK parliamentary system where we in theory vote for the party not for the leader, but millions of people vote largely on the individual, and a huge amount of politics is about personality. We have a parliamentary system but a lot of a presidential approach

    In fairness, the Blair/Brown thing represented continuity and an orderly change, most people who voted for Blair’s Labour wouldn’t object too much for Brown’s and he’d always been a key part of Blair’s party and leadership. Whereas a mid-term coup representing a total change in direction, like the Tories just attempted, or like say a switch from Blair to Corbyn would have been, is very different. Especially since everyone these days is so contemptuous of referendum promises, the Tories broke their first one after about 48 hours this time IIRC so nobody taking over a party midterm will feel any twinge about doing their own thing.

    Free Member

    “Are either of those the UK parliament?”

    Scottish and Welsh legislatures are devolved from Westminster, so maybe technically…?

    I didn’t explain myself properly. You don’t vote for a party when electing MPs. You can vote for parties in Scotland and Wales (and as TJ points out it’s a hybrid in Scotland).

    Free Member

    There’s no way he could be in charge of this country.

    Purely because I think he looks like a cross between that teacher at school that had no authority over any of his classes and Postman Pats paedophile brother.

    Full Member

    Who knew Pat had a brother?

    Full Member

    The thing that gets me about Mogg and his chums is that they have been saying for 2 years that we have to respect the results of a 52:48 referendum (which was plagued by promises ranging from woolly to misleading to downright wrong) for the sake of democracy, but now loose a leadership vote by about 66:34% or so and immediately say the PM is in trouble and has to think about her future. Well, she is in trouble, but perhaps that is down to that she has tried to keep a raging bunch of extremists in her own party who want the moon on a stick and more after promising the public a moon on a stick and more. I am not a huge fan of May but she has been between 2 lynch mobs for the last few months and I suspect that the likes of Mogg are not thinking of the well-being of the poor disillusioned chumps who provided a large chunk of the exit vote (see Trump and the US farmers/blue collar workers for a similar example).

    (for the record I also am not keen on the EU response either and think it is an institution with huge flaws…)

    Full Member

    Tony Blair and his deal with Gordon Brown?
    It’s just a feature of the UK parliamentary system where we do not vote for a PM, we vote for the party.

    May became Prime Minister in this way, as did Major – I have no problem with the process, just the potential outcome in this particular scenario.

    Also, strictly speaking we elect representatives as individuals, albeit with party affiliations, we don’t vote for political parties. There is nothing to stop your elected representative changing political party affiliation whilst in the House, as happened most recently with Carswell leaving UKIP to sit as an independent.

    Full Member


    Poop scoop

    I too thought that the European Court provided a good buffer for some of the injustices in the UK.

    Perhaps it could adjudicate on your assertion that you ‘know’ why everybody who voted leave voted as they did?

    I don’t think you would win!

    Firstly,I only have one name. Like Sting.

    Secondly your posts off topic.

    Thirdly, you believe in alien overlords or something so are beyond redemption.


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