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  • It’s Premium Bonds draw day.
  • Caher
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    Full Member

    Mrs JL…£150
    Happy days.

    Full Member

    A reasonable £100 for me.

    Free Member

    Nothing for me yet again and just had to take some out to pay for a Glastonbury ticket so even less chance next month.

    Full Member

    Blimmin Eck, 3 prizes. £50 and 2x£100. What a time to be alive!

    Full Member

    First month I’ve not won since before at least September last year. Won over £6k in total in that time so doing alright!

    Full Member

    £150 for me, and £75 for t’other half, so no complaints there.

    Full Member

    Just the £50 this month, still making about 7.5% annually until the big one comes home 🤣

    Free Member

    ns&i won’t let me log on. I’m going to assume I’ve won the big one and they want to tell me in person.

    Free Member

    Never had a win yet! Not much in there but  I’m just putting a small amount each month. My first draw was January.

    Full Member

    I think unless you invest at least 25k+ in premium bonds, your highly unlikely to get the same kind of returns you would in, say an ISA at a guarenteed 5%

    If you’ve already maxed out your ISA allowance for the year then putting money into premium bonds would start to make sense, if you are looking at paying tax on savings interest if the money would otherwise be held in a regular savings account.

    From the MSE calculator based on a 50k investment:

    Premium bonds at 4.4%
    Return of £1,950 (with average luck)

    Savings – This shows how much you’d get if you put your money in savings or ISAs:

    Top savings at 5.05%
    Return of £2,220 – Odds you’ll earn less with Premium Bond 70.4%

    Top cash ISA at 5.17%
    Return of £2,585 -Odds you’ll earn less with Premium Bonds 85.8%

    *remember though, with less than 50k in premium bonds, the chances of winning get smaller, say with only £1000 invested, over 1 year, with ‘average luck’, your return will be a big fat zero!

    Full Member

    Only £25 this month. Rubbish.

    Full Member

    No chance of me ever having 50k spare so maybe I’m not their target market lol.

    Yeah, that kind to money I wouldn’t be using premium bonds. You’d be getting well over £150 a month at least even in quite a bog stand savings account.

    Bloke I work with has had 50k in for about a year.
    6k he’s had back so far. 😳

    Full Member

    I’d expect that anyone with 50k in PBs also has ISAs, savings accounts etc – so they’ll make more sense in that sort of portfolio.  They’re virtually zero risk, generate a moderate but not amazing tax free return and have the (remote) possibility of doing far far better

    Anyhow, nowt for me after a good run over the last few months.

    Full Member

    Nothing for me – for the second month :/

    Full Member

    Bloke I work with has had 50k in for about a year.
    6k he’s had back so far.

    Well, thats the gambling aspect…he got very lucky…if the MSE calculator is correct you can only really expect about a £1900 yearly tax free profit on 50k with ‘average’ luck – you may well get less.

    I suspect over time, many years, it will avearge out at about £1900 per year, all other things being equal.

    Full Member

    Yeah but this is Kev we’re talking about.
    Kev has the Midas touch 😂

    Free Member

    £250 for me with £50k invested

    Full Member

    Went to check as I thought had withdrawn some a few years back but screenprint in file said otherwise…anyway found out I hadn’t so balance better than expected …but wtf had to create an additional pin and the confirmation phone call comes from Lille in France !!!!!! First time assumed a random spam call but it left message something like to “listen again press star”

    Hit resend code and yep triggers a call from France

    Full Member

    remember though, with less than 50k in premium bonds, the chances of winning get smaller, say with only £1000 invested, over 1 year, with ‘average luck’, your return will be a big fat zero!

    This is my experience. Had £2k in since June and not won anything. I’ve withdrawn it this month to pay off a credit card instead

    I did notice a couple of lucky beggars in the last big prize breakdown. Someone with a £300 holding that they invested in December 2023 won £100k!

    Free Member

    It’s not really a sensible place to hold money for more than the short term unless you’ve maxed out all your other allowances.

    Free Member

    £350 this month, £50k invested

    Free Member

    MrsSB: £250 on £30k which has only been in since January or February.

    Full Member

    £250. Better than a wedgie I suppose.

    Full Member

    Unless you’re a high value winner, the May results will be available tomorrow

    Full Member

    No, it’s on my app now, under pending.

    Full Member

    crikey, £250 here as well. Nearly covers the train travel for summer hols.

    Full Member

    £100 pending.

    Not much but I’ll take it.

    Full Member

    That’s really weird

    Free Member

    The app is still telling me the results will be available on 2 May. I think it’s just trying to let me down gently.

    I’m shifting most of it straight after anyway, my returns from the bonds have been middling at best and I can get over 5% from a fully flexible cash ISA.

    Full Member

    £50 on £50k. A bunch of it’s coming out tomorrow

    Full Member

    another £50 for me.  Averaging just over 4% on the year.

    Full Member

    £100 and £50! My luckiest month ever. I don’t think I’ve ever won two at once, and it’s only in the last 6 months I’ve had more than £25 a time! Epic budget blowout ahead… oh, except the MOT happens next week and my insurance is due and I need to remortgage 🤦‍♀️

    Free Member

    A big fat zero on maximum pot.  £350 so far this year, I am just in it to allow others to win more I guess.

    Full Member

    £100 🙂

    Full Member

    Me £100

    Mrs Zip £75

    Mrs Zips mum nothing.

    All well below Chase interest.

    Full Member

    £125 for me

    £100 for my much better half

    Full Member

    Should have bought a scratch card

    Full Member

    3 x £50 and 4 x £100 – my best month ever for number of prizes and total dosh.

    Full Member

    Mrs JL and myself, £25 each..

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