Ineos Grenadier giv...

Ineos Grenadier gives cyclists a Toot

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Grenadier interior
grenadier interior
Big red Toot button
grenadier toot

Posted : 07/07/2021 7:26 am
Free Member

Good. About time we started to reclaim the horn for the purpose for which it is actually intended rather than something for angry road rageists to vent their anger.

Posted : 07/07/2021 7:36 am
Full Member

I kinda like that interior, it's almost light aircraft looking. The toot button is good too

Posted : 07/07/2021 7:40 am
Full Member

I don't know why but looking at that reminds me of my dad's old Morris Marina.

Posted : 07/07/2021 7:41 am
Free Member

I read this first and assumed it was a photo shopped had of a few cars and an aeroplane!

Bloody awful interior that. Some of its straight out of a BMW, other bits are just awful

Posted : 07/07/2021 7:48 am
Free Member

It's OK I think. Its a functional vehicle so got big buttons so you can operate them with chunky gloves on in case you are on some arctic expedition. Got an aircraft cockpit look about it which is cool. Its hardly a stylish good looking car anyway, function over form etc. And if they've got the BMW infotainment system in it then that is no bad thing as its considered to be one of the best out there.

Don't know what's happening to me car wise. I used to despise SUV's then the wife got one and turns out its actually a great car. Used to hate 4x4's unless it was being used as a tool by a farmer or something, but really loving the new Defender and quite like this too!

Posted : 07/07/2021 7:55 am
Full Member

it’s almost light aircraft looking.

That centre panel is clearly supposed to give off military aircraft vibes...Christ that's so blatant, it's pathetic. A pretend airplane for fat business cows and golfists to pretend to be fighter pilots so they can get a hard on for a ****ing car.


Posted : 07/07/2021 8:01 am
Full Member

Overreact much?
Lools like well spaced physical buttons for things, designed as a working vehicle interiors so you aren’t constantly poking at touch screens with dirty/wet hands.

Posted : 07/07/2021 8:06 am
Free Member

I can imagine a few people being tooted when adjusting the stereo volume unless the other buttons adjust the volume of the toot to allow for Deliveroo cyclists with headphones on

Posted : 07/07/2021 8:33 am
Full Member

Funny, I was talking to a very well known car designer about this project just yesterday.
TBH I can't help thing that this is a car without a market: big petrol/diesel 4x4 based on the idea of an old Land Rover Defender 110 with no real defining features other than it sort of looks like an old 110, coming out after Land Rover have fully updated the Defender and just as everyone else moves to full EV's...
Ineos want to make 25,000 of these a year. Its up against the new Defender, new Toyota Land Cruiser, Merc G-Wagen, Tesla Cyber Truck, the Rivian SUV etc. so I reckon it will struggle to sell 10000 globally in year one and less after that until they realise 2-3 years down the line that there is no way it can be profitable.
Still, its Radcliffe's own money being poured into the project so...

Posted : 07/07/2021 8:35 am
Free Member

That centre panel is clearly supposed to give off military aircraft vibes…Christ that’s so blatant, it’s pathetic. A pretend airplane for fat business cows and golfists to pretend to be fighter pilots so they can get a hard on for a **** car.

Crikey. It’s just an interior style, get over it and calm down.
No ones got a gun to your head making you buy it.

Posted : 07/07/2021 8:42 am
Full Member

I quite like the light aircraft style dash. Make the vehicle half the weight, and preferably throw an electric motor or two in, and I’m interested.

Posted : 07/07/2021 8:46 am
Full Member

It’s OK I think. Its a functional vehicle so got big buttons so you can operate them with chunky gloves on in case you are on some arctic expedition

Surely you jest - more likely designed for someone wearing sheepskin gloves driving it in Chelsea

Posted : 07/07/2021 8:46 am
Full Member

Lools like well spaced physical buttons for things, designed as a working vehicle interiors

None of these are ever going to be driven offroad (apart from onto a field once a year for the pony club show). They'll all spend their lives in heated garages under the Kings Road

Crikey. It’s just an interior style, get over it and calm down.

Cars don't ever have "just" a interior design, it's made to look like that to appeal to the Clarkson wannabe 50 year olds, who'll lap it up. Sorry if that's you, and it hit a nerve,.

Posted : 07/07/2021 8:53 am
Full Member

I though the new Landrover Defender would end up being just used by people who wanted a chunkier looking Range Roel we for poncing around in, but I’ve actually seen a fair few of them on sites as working vehicles. That’s a £60-70k vehicle based on some of the specs I’ve seen. No reason to think this won’t be different, if the monthly payments are similar.

Posted : 07/07/2021 8:58 am
Full Member

NOt sure I understand what the toot button is for. Why do they want to toot at cyclists? Are they going to expect that we pull over when they toot at us?

I appreciate I may have the wrong end of the stick completely, but it seems unecesarry to me.

Interior is ****ing awefull as well!

Posted : 07/07/2021 8:58 am
Free Member

[i]Crikey. It’s just an interior style, get over it and calm down.
No ones got a gun to your head making you buy it.[/i]

And if they did, they would probably be driving a HiLux rather than one of these anyway 🙂

Posted : 07/07/2021 8:59 am
Full Member

I love the look of that interior but I also don't fully understand the Toot button. What is the thinking behind it?

Posted : 07/07/2021 9:05 am
Free Member

NOt sure I understand what the toot button is for. Why do they want to toot at cyclists? Are they going to expect that we pull over when they toot at us?


Why only cyclists?

Posted : 07/07/2021 9:07 am
Free Member

I like the center panel.

The word processor on top and the hp inkjet printer over on the right hand side are gopping

But the whole car is a bit awful....

Mind you with the big switch to ev it might soon be one of few ways to tow your digger any meaningful distance.

Posted : 07/07/2021 9:08 am
Full Member

 What is the thinking behind it?

So that angry red faced middle aged men and women can press on it repeatedly and urgently to get peasant scum to move out of their way...

Posted : 07/07/2021 9:08 am
Full Member

A 'Get out of my way' button?

Posted : 07/07/2021 9:13 am
Full Member

It does seem to be a bit anti-cyclist (again maybe missing the point...) which is strange coming from the main sponsor of arguably the biggest team in the worlds biggest cycling race!!

Posted : 07/07/2021 9:15 am
Full Member

What is the toot at cyclists for? I don't get it.

Posted : 07/07/2021 9:16 am
Free Member

Ineos want to make 25,000 of these a year. Its up against the new Defender, new Toyota Land Cruiser, Merc G-Wagen, Tesla Cyber Truck, the Rivian SUV etc. so I reckon it will struggle to sell 10000 globally in year one and less after that until they realise 2-3 years down the line that there is no way it can be profitable.

The global 4x4 market is growing and forecast to be worth $700 BILLION by the end of the decade, so in that context the target of 25k cars a year is actually a tiny percentage of that market and not terribly ambitious after all. And its hardly competing with the G Wagon, Cyber truck or even LR defender anyway so their sales are not going to detract from the target market for the grenadier.

And Tesla? making money? They posted their first profit recently of $700m. well done....but it was off the back of $35 BILLION of revenues. Ah, not quite so good then. Must try harder Mr Musk. But these billionaires can afford their indulgences and pet projects anyway. Given enough time and money even Tesla will become a viable business and no reason why this wont. It's cheaper than a defender so more likely to be bought by farmers and the like.

The toot button is just the horn but the horn is meant to be used to alert people of your presence rather than trying to call someone a ****, so you're supposed to be used to let cyclists know you're coming up behind them if the road is narrow and you might be passing them a bit closer than you normally would. On the continent used quite alot when I've been out on my bike. At first you're paranoid that people are giving you grief but you soon get used to it and its good to know when a car is coming up behind you as you don't always hear them. Of course all that will fall on deaf ears in the UK.

Posted : 07/07/2021 9:19 am
Free Member

so you’re supposed to be used to let cyclists know you’re coming up behind them if the road is narrow and you might be passing them a bit closer than you normally would.

To be fair they wouldn't be quite so close if that centre console wasn't 3ft wide....

Posted : 07/07/2021 9:24 am
Full Member

Cars don’t ever have “just” a interior design, it’s made to look like that to appeal to the Clarkson wannabe 50 year olds, who’ll lap it up. Sorry if that’s you, and it hit a nerve,.

I couldn't be further from that, but carry on 😂

Posted : 07/07/2021 9:25 am
Full Member

Based on current glass cockpits, A Tesla looks more light aircraft now 😉

Posted : 07/07/2021 9:34 am
Full Member

Not much legroom for that middle seat, eh?

Why is a car interior causing so much angst though? Is it because of Brexit?

Posted : 07/07/2021 9:36 am
Full Member

On the continent used quite alot when I’ve been out on my bike.

I have ridden my bike on the mainland a fair bit and never been "tooted~" at and i am very unsure of the legality of tooting at cyclists

Posted : 07/07/2021 9:38 am
Free Member

i am very unsure of the legality of tooting at cyclists

What you mean the legality ?

The horns only there to warn others of your presence ..... How that can be done illigally during normal hours I'm not sure.

I mean sure it could progress on to driving aggressively by leaning on it ...... But a toot toot isn't that.....

If toot toot bothers you never cycle in usa Canada ,Australia or even new Zealand.

The logging trucks just hit the air horn and hold it. Seems to be universal

I've never experianced it in Europe despite some pretty lengthy cycling based holidays...

Posted : 07/07/2021 9:43 am
Full Member

I have ridden my bike on the mainland a fair bit and never been “tooted~” at and i am very unsure of the legality of tooting at cyclists

I've not ridden in Europe much at all but I thought it was "a thing", often followed by a friendly wave and smile.

Posted : 07/07/2021 9:43 am
Free Member


A few on here really need to get a grip.
Are you all that angry and spiteful in real life ? like to your families etc ?.

Posted : 07/07/2021 9:49 am
Full Member

I'm am in no way a car-ist but I do like the overall look of that dash.

I also can't recall being given a friendly toot while cycling but does this imply that there is another control offering a fuller-hearted blast too?

A few on here really need to get a grip.

Are you all that angry and spiteful in real life ? like to your families etc ?

It's a Pavlov's Dogs thing. Big 4x4, shouty reaction. Thing is, if you're not first in you need to keep escalating your response or it either seems weak or is completely overlooked

Posted : 07/07/2021 9:50 am
Full Member

I’ve never experianced it in Europe

me neither, In Canada, oh yeah, they love their air horns.

Posted : 07/07/2021 9:52 am
Free Member

I also can’t recall being given a friendly toot while cycling but does this imply that there is another control offering a fuller-hearted blast too?

Yeah it's weird IMO. Surely it's a nod to the fact that the manufacturer (kind of) owns a cycling team. So an in-cabin reminder not to be an arse to cyclists is welcome. But the horn? Really?

Posted : 07/07/2021 9:55 am
Free Member

I guess it could be seen as a bit insulting to cyclists, but frankly putting a picture of a bike on the steering wheel has got to be good for subliminally keeping drivers thinking about bicycle awareness. I'd prefer to be tooted at than run over.

Posted : 07/07/2021 9:56 am
Full Member

Ineos Grenadier gives cyclists a Toot

I know there have been rumours and all but if a cycle race team was going to take up an organised drug programme for their riders I don't think that would be my drug of choice.

Posted : 07/07/2021 10:04 am
Full Member

So an in-cabin reminder not to be an arse to cyclists is welcome. But the horn? Really?

Yeah,  it's so very obviously not going to be interpreted as that by the sorts of folk who think about owning this car (and for whom, we all know, is not going to be a "working vehicle") There's going to be a serious amount of folk who will see this as a special "get out of my way" horn made for cyclists  Christ, I can even hear Clarkson saying it...

It's a sort of good idea I guess that really shouldn't have ever got out of whatever meeting room it was dreamt up in, after they all realised what it would actually be used for.

Posted : 07/07/2021 10:06 am
Full Member

so you’re supposed to be used to let cyclists know you’re coming up behind them if the road is narrow and you might be passing them a bit closer than you normally would.

But you shouldn't be passing a bit closer than you normally would.

Posted : 07/07/2021 10:08 am
Free Member

The Spanish/French ride we did had a few tooters, and you can tell from the length of toot that it's a friendly one not an angry one. Useful on bendy mountains.

Posted : 07/07/2021 10:08 am
Full Member

the hp inkjet printer over on the right hand side

I can't un-see that now!

Posted : 07/07/2021 10:09 am
Full Member

You didn't even post the craziest picture.

Look at all those buttons on the roof!

Posted : 07/07/2021 10:10 am
Full Member

Awful looking, in an interesting way, but if those roof panels also mean ejector seats then I'm all in 😉

Posted : 07/07/2021 10:17 am
Free Member

A pretend airplane for fat business cows and golfists to pretend to be fighter pilots...

I do miss Saab.

I don’t know why but looking at that reminds me of my dad’s old Morris Marina.

<Jilly Goulden Voice>I'm getting hints of 1980s Amstrad stereo units, a whiff of a mid 2010s Ipod docking station and subtle overtones of Mercedes G-wagens.

Posted : 07/07/2021 10:20 am
Full Member

Thing with that interior is, very much like the new defender, it just looks cheap.

I'll give you different, and that to some will be good, personally I think it's bloody awful, but it does just look cheap and tacky.

Posted : 07/07/2021 10:45 am
Free Member

That centre panel is clearly supposed to give off military aircraft vibes…Christ that’s so blatant, it’s pathetic. A pretend airplane for fat business cows and golfists to pretend to be fighter pilots so they can get a hard on for a **** car.

Spot on, actually. That really is what it is. An affirmation-mobile for insecurity and inadequacy. Unsurprising then, that it'll appeal to quite a few on this forum then...

Toot! If you're Gammon

Posted : 07/07/2021 10:55 am
Free Member

GIT...button as in Get In The gutter

Posted : 07/07/2021 10:57 am
Free Member

But you shouldn’t be passing a bit closer than you normally would.

I think we can all probably accept that sometimes <1.5m is still perfectly safe.

If you stopped on a country lane and jumped into the hedge they'd still be within 1.5m 🤣

Or I might be misunderstanding the earlier post and "normally would" is the full four wheels in the other lane textbook overtake, and "closer" is the 1.5m minimum.

Seems a good idea, the motoring equivalent of ringing your bell for walkers, who I definitely don't give a 1.5m clearance to! On an averagely busy A-road, you can't hear cars behind you over the wind and other traffic noises so a little toot/bell before they come past would be quite welcome.

Posted : 07/07/2021 11:00 am
Full Member

On an averagely busy A-road, you can’t hear cars behind you over the wind and other traffic noises so a little toot/bell before they come past would be quite welcome.

Not to me its not. to me its a "get out of my way pleb" signal and I know exactly where every car is around me without anyone using a horn

Using the horn behind every cyclist is not in accordance with the highway code IMO and is dangerous ( scares folk and they wobble) and frankly unpleasant ( hurts my ears)

Anyone who toots their horn behind my is a nasty barsteward

Posted : 07/07/2021 11:08 am
Free Member

Ugly looking vehicle. Looks to me like Dutton version of a Defender.

Posted : 07/07/2021 11:09 am
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