• This topic has 434 replies, 125 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by alpin.
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  • I'm about to be screwed… the question is how hard? THC content content.
  • cyclingweakly
    Free Member

    I read the first couple of pages of this thread and skimmed through the rest, and I have to say, I’m utterly aghast that some people think this is OK, and are even wishing the OP good luck!

    Let’s not forget, the OP has habitually broken the law; is dishonest and deceitful; and yet still expects us to believe his assertions that he was safe to drive. And he expects to believe his account of how long prior to the incident he took illegal drugs!

    [sarcastic voice]Good luck convincing a judge of anything sunshine!![/sarcastic voice]

    The only thing you’ve convinced me of is that you’re of poor character and you think that you’re somehow above the law… You haven’t explained yet: why do you think the law doesn’t apply to you? What makes you think you can pick and choose which laws you abide by??

    At best, you’re arrogant in the extreme; at worst (and reading your comments about what a totally awesome rider you are compared to your other pothead mates, I’m leaning towards this opinion) you’re a narcissist who deserves to get hit by the book!

    Rather than worrying about if a technicality will help you side-step any sort of punishment, perhaps you should look at the bigger picture and realise that you need to make some changes to your lifestyle.

    Full Member

    tbh I think I drive better when ****ing, I’m more relaxed)

    ***Keep your mind on the driving***
    ***Keep your hands on the wheel***

    You either need to have all your your fun sitting in the back seat, with Fred, or invest in some sort of hands free device.

    Free Member

    You haven’t explained yet: why do you think the law doesn’t apply to you?

    Isn’t there something about not subscribing to laws that you don’t agree with or consider to be corrupt?

    Free Member

    Isn’t there something about not subscribing to laws that you don’t agree with or consider to be corrupt?

    Yeah, I keep reading about people that molest kids because they think those laws don’t apply to them…

    Free Member

    Cougar – Moderator
    chestrockwall. Its not addictive. at all.
    Whether or not it’s chemically addictive, it’s surely psychologically addictive?

    some people do struggle to break the loop. personally I find it incredibly easy and could quite happily go on month or 2 and stop next day if I want. I actually made a point of it tbh. Not least as after that level of smoking, you’re not really getting stoned, it just doesn’t affect you anymore. (Note, I’m not saying there’s no impairment, but the high is pretty poor at that stage and you need to smoke ridiculous amounts to get where you want to be, so taking a month or 2 off every month or 2 is actually financially beneficial!). It only takes a week or 2 to build up a tolerance.

    Free Member

    You haven’t explained yet: why do you think the law doesn’t apply to you? What makes you think you can pick and choose which laws you abide by??

    Law doesn’t equate to moral correctness. Drug laws are morally wrong imo. Not the driving laws(the discussion here is where they should be set, personally I tend to go with a zero tolerance approach, but you need to factor in a reliable test to prove someone is stoned that day rather than having residual thc in them, for the month after), but in general prohibition is morally sketchy on so many levels.

    Free Member

    Drug laws are morally wrong imo.

    In YOUR opinion… Well then, they must be wrong eh? And those kiddy fiddlers that say the children “enjoy the attention” must be right too… 🙄

    Full Member

    chestrockwall. Its not addictive. at all.

    My brother would find it much harder to give up than booze or normal fags, both of which he has plenty of. I’d call that addicted, however you want to measure it.

    I can only speak from experience. About 10 years ago, the last time I smoked any weed and just after I’d split up with an Ex I was round at my mates and had about three drags from a joint (Planning to get stoned). I had a phone call and needed to get home so thought I felt fine, had had very little weed so drove home. I was convinced I’d driven past Otley half a dozen times, had no awareness of what was going on around me and drove at about fifteen miles an hour. It scared the crap out of me and I’ve never touched cannabis since.

    There’s no justification for it what so ever.

    Free Member

    cyclingweakly – Member
    Drug laws are morally wrong imo.
    In YOUR opinion… Well then, they must be wrong eh? And those kiddy fiddlers that say the children “enjoy the attention” must be right too…

    Tbh, you’re being **** stupid there. There’s plenty of valid reasons why prohibition is wrong, one being that it causes more damage than it fixes. There’s plenty of evidence that people like you willfully ignore. It’s why there can’t be a sensible discussion around this, as you end up bringing up extremely unhelpful analogies to further your ridiculous case.

    Free Member

    Thanks cyclingweakly….

    Was going to respond, but I’m guessing you’ve made up your mind already….


    Full Member

    A lot of laws could be considered morally wrong, but morals are subjective and laws are not, so if you break one, you can expect to get dumped on.

    Alpin, sorry mate, it’s unfortunate, but I’m in the critical camp on this one. Time to take this one on the chin and maybe re-think things maybe?

    Full Member

    Cougar – not really a thing unless you mean in the way playing bridge is addictive or sitting at your computer debating with folk is. 😉

    Sorry – pedant corner. Addiction is a word with a strict meaning in healthcare but is widely used outside of healthcare in a much wider sense.

    Free Member

    Yeah, I keep reading about people that molest kids

    Hmmm, what people choose to read says an awful lot about them! 😯

    cyclingweakly – I think you need a spliff or summink to chill you out.. Maybe it could help resolve your childhood issues?

    Free Member

    willard – Member
    A lot of laws could be considered morally wrong, but morals are subjective and laws are not, so if you break one, you can expect to get dumped on.

    Laws are not absolute.

    Full Member

    Prohibition of drugs has failed. Enlightened countries like the Netherlands and Portugal are taking a different approach and seeing the harm from drugs decreasing as a result.

    Laws can also be morally wrong without any dispute. At the risk of invoking Godwin laws that entrench discrimination are morally wrong like requiring all people of a certain race or faith to be registered and marked – perhaps with a yellow star?

    Full Member

    Can they have different rules for different countries in Europe (as in they only temporary ban German citizens but perma-ban people from other countries)? I guess they can as it seems they do but I’d have thought it flouted some European human rights law or something.

    Full Member

    I’m all for legalising drugs and controlling them like alcohol or fags. Adults are big enough and ugly enough to make their own mind up.

    I’m against thinking it’s acceptable to drive when under the influence.

    Free Member

    This reminds me of the thread a while back of the lad who got pulled over for doing 35 past a police car in Manchester and he was really annoyed as he admitted going past at 34 but was convinced he should be let off as “speedos always read high” he didn’t get a great deal of sympathy

    So, to the matter at hand – the OP has admitted to smoking shit loads of weed all the time and was worried he still had some in his system

    If this was alcohol and it was the morning after a big party would anyone have any sympathy for someone who drove 2 tons of vehicle with a brain adjusting chemical sloshed around their system ? Hmm, me neither

    Personally I have little sympathy with anyone who impairs themselves and drives – sorry but I hope you lose you license – you may say its a shitty attitude but YOU and only YOU decided to smoke the stuff and then decide to drive a large weapon around the roads.

    Anyway I am an old fart who doesn’t feel the need to take drugs or alcohol, so I am going to go and feel sanctimonious now.

    Free Member

    One of the main factors in arguments to make any drugs legal is that the sheer number of people breaking the law means a large proportion of the population are being criminalised.

    Well whoopy-f*****g-doo! The number of people viewing illegal images online is astronomical – probably beyond the comfortable comprehension of most people – so should we relax those laws too?

    If not, why? What’s the difference? A law is a line-in-the-sand to protect people and make society a better place. Cannabis laws protect people like me from stoners like Alpin driving large vehicles whilst impaired! They also protect us from the harmful long-term effects of psychoactive substances of questionable origin.

    Free Member

    cycling weakly, you’re describing a world where prohibition is effective and where people have a fascination of using child porn to back up their illogical conclusions. You live in some weird parallel universe, right? Your arguments have no basis in reality.

    Full Member

    If not, why? What’s the difference? A law is a line-in-the-sand to protect people and make society a better place. Cannabis laws protect people like me from stoners like Alpin driving large vehicles whilst impaired!

    Stop equating pedophiles with drug users – they are worlds apart.

    Clearly, those laws don’t prevent it. Perhaps if drugs were legal and an education program put in place, there would be more educated people on the roads, with less THC in their system.

    Prohibition of drugs actually leads to more organised crime.

    Free Member

    Your arguments have no basis in reality.

    I suppose that’s the sort of comment I’d expect from a stoner… Is “LAW” too complicated for you to get your drug-addled brain around? There’s no grey area when it comes to law: you either broke the law or you didn’t.

    You can’t buy and use cannabis and then say “I didn’t break the law because abc/xyz”, it’s absolute. You – or your legal representative – might try and mitigate, but at the end of the day, the crime is absolute. It is EXACTLY the same no matter what crime you commit – whether you drive to fast, smoke a spliff, rape your missus or download illegal images of children.

    Full Member

    Cycling – the thing is they do not protect you. thats the point. countries with more enlightened laws have less problems with drugs and legalisation does not mean there would not still be laws against driving stoned – but it would mean that we could get better research, we could get healthcare treatment for people with problems and we could control the quality – as well as removing the market for “legal” highs which generally are much more damaging.

    I’ll give you a fairly easy example. In some areas of the UK 70% of all crime is drug related. ( junkies nicking stuff to pay for their habit). give the junkies their smack and lo and behold – all that crime disappears. A huge saving to society. also take away the illegality and addiction rates drop. Proven in Portugal.

    Every £ spent on harm reduction / drug rehabilitation saves £10 in the criminal justice and healthcare systems.

    drug prohibition causes far more harm than the actual drugs themselves. queen victoria smoked cannabis and took morphine

    Free Member

    Just to make it clear…. I’m not expecting any sympathy here. I know that smoking drugs is against the law. Driving whilst high is wrong and I think I said that at the start.
    You can argue till the cows come home as to whether or not I was fit to drive. It’s a moot point. I felt I was, hence why I drove. If I still felt stoned 20 hours after a smoke then I wouldn’t have.

    I started this thread knowing I was going to be judged…
    My real question is this: does anyone have any experience of dealing with THC levels in blood? Essentially how likely am I to be stung.

    Free Member

    Stop equating pedophiles with drug users – they are worlds apart.

    I’m not. I’m equating breaking one law with breaking another. One seems to be socially acceptable (if you take any notice of the general straw poll that is STW), and one is deemed socially unacceptable.

    So it’s a perfectly justified comparison to suggest that both are examples of breaking the law, and asking the question, why should one illicit sympathetic back-slapping?

    Essentially how likely am I to be stung.

    Sadly, I doubt likely enough!

    Free Member

    countries with more enlightened laws have less problems with drugs and legalisation does not mean there would not still be laws against driving stoned

    and your point with the current conversation about driving whilst under the influence of cannabis is ?
    Surely we can take the evidence from the more progressive counties and apply it to our own
    I personally agree by the way that our current drug laws are stupid and it should all be legalised

    Full Member

    The Law is created by men (and women obvs). Men are fallible, as is the law.

    Full Member

    cyclingweakly – Member

    I suppose that’s the sort of comment I’d expect from a stoner… Is “LAW” too complicated for you to get your drug-addled brain around?

    Mark – Resident Grumpy

    The ethos of this forum must be one of mutual respect for everyone who uses it. You may argue and debate with anyone but when the argument becomes heated or abuse begins to creep in, then you will have crossed the line.

    Some people just find it hard to follow the rules I guess

    Free Member

    does anyone have any experience of dealing with THC levels in blood?

    Nope, sorry

    Free Member

    Men are fallible

    It’s been scientifically proven that men on cannabis are even more fallible. Hence, they’re not allowed to drive!

    Full Member

    My real question is this: does anyone have any experience of dealing with THC levels in blood? Essentially how likely am I to be stung.

    I don’t, but a quick foogle found this


    Free Member

    Thanks Jim…have seen and ready that link already, but have heard from other friends/acquaintances who are/were heavy users that their results came back negative. Equally have heard of others who very rarely smoked/had half a doobie a few days prior and were over the limit.

    Free Member

    Guys, guys, guys; I think I have a Jaffacake in my pocket!

    Free Member

    Don’t like jaffa cakes….Got any hob nobs?

    Free Member

    shut up neil 🙂

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Haven’t read the comments, but I expect they go from the inexplicable tolerance of bad driving that seems to prevail on this site, through to calls for the OP to be hanged.

    OP, sorry I can’t help you. I hope you are treated fairly by the police and courts, and you get a punishment that is appropriate for the crime of driving while under the influence.

    Please don’t smoke weed and drive. Regards, other road users.

    Free Member

    Are we really being asked to explain how an adult freely choosing to take a substance of their choice is different from non consensual sex with a minor?
    Is there really a person this dumb that they need it explaining?

    Got to be trolling no one is this dumb

    Full Member

    I bought a sprinkler from the pound shop yesterday and was totally surprised today, to find out today it was a total design failure (unless you wanted to water everything in a 1cm wide line, 5m from the sprinkler) so yes, we can all be a bit thick, albeit in different ways 🙂

    Free Member


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