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  • If you could go back in time what would you tell your 10 year old self?
  • hammy7272
    Free Member

    I spoke to an 84 year old guy in a cafe the other day. He said to me “you have to learn to be happy with less.”

    I thought that is words to live by.

    Free Member

    Compound interest.

    Free Member

    “Mine bitcoin in 2012”

    Free Member

    I spoke to an 84 year old guy in a cafe the other day. He said to me “you have to learn to be happy with less.”

    Tell me you dipped his pocket

    Full Member

    Don’t eat the Lego.

    Full Member

    Don’t poke pin holes in the eyes of your Wayne Gretzky rookie card.

    Free Member

    Don’t spend money you don’t have.

    Stick with the programming and get a decently paid job no matter how boring you find it.

    Learn a foreign language and make use of it to live abroad, for a time at least (probably Italy).

    Move to Sydney.

    Free Member

    It’s okay not to eat vegetables. That If I were to eat just beef, butter and eggs I would never be overweight and would literally be fitter than a butchers dog.

    Free Member

    All you love, you lose.

    Full Member

    Don’t eat the Lego.

    By far the best advice from three pages.

    Stick with the programming and get a decently paid job no matter how boring you find it.

    and the worst. Don’t stick with something that you find boring.

    Free Member

    It’s okay not to eat vegetables. That If I were to eat just beef, butter and eggs I would never be overweight and would literally be fitter than a butchers dog.

    By way of contrast.

    “Don’t be such a fussy eater you wee shitehawk”


    “Get a dog asap”


    “Get help sooner its a million times less worse than where doing nothing gets you”

    And also.

    “But when you ignore all of this, one day it will all click and you’ll be grand”

    Free Member

    and the worst. Don’t stick with something that you find boring

    Boredom is like smoking, you’ll go years without realising then one day you’ll look in the mirror and think ‘****’

    Don’t sweat the small stuff

    When the curtain closes at the crematorium, your last cheque should bounce

    Wear good quality socks

    Listen to the birds

    Never kill a wasp

    A good shit is better than a bad shag

    Always say hello

    Full Member

    That Santa Claus is definitely real.

    Full Member

    When you’re 19 years old you’ll get invited by Elaine to a party after work at her place. This time, sat yes. There is no party, she was inviting you back to her house. You’ll only find this out 2 years later when she asks why you turned her down.

    That credit card you’re going to take out from the nice fella from Barclaycard at the uni campus who gave you a free super soaker for signing up? Yeah, say no, you can’t be trusted with it and it will screw your credit for a good chunk of your 20’s.

    You know how you hate your body? Well in time you’ll realise it’s stronger than you can imagine. And you’ll take great pride in your lanky physique.

    Full Member

    If they ask you your national insurance number, and it hasn’t yet been issued to you. DON’T make one up.

    Sure you get some money, but 20 years down the line trying to explain to the tax office where you’ve been for a ten year period, can be a bit of a tricky one.

    Full Member

    Wear gloves

    Full Member

    It’s only going to get worse.

    Free Member

    Don’t do anything differently. Apart from maybe don’t sell that Brooklyn Machine Works. Or those two mk1 MX5s.

    Free Member


    buy apple shares, go to ibiza more often, take your chances in life, dont sit back..

    enjoy your youth as the years fly by in later life..

    Full Member

    It’s okay not to eat vegetables. That If I were to eat just beef, butter and eggs I would never be overweight and would literally be fitter than a butchers dog.

    Veg doesn’t make you overweight.

    Free Member

    Veg doesn’t make you overweight.

    Doesn’t it depend on how many you eat?

    Full Member

    Good luck trying to eat the quantity of veg you need to, to make you fat.

    Free Member

    Don’t worry – in the future bikes will work and be much, much better and as you will no longer be just about the only person riding in the local forest the LBS will no longer be 50km away.

    Free Member

    Definitely the dentist thing and brush your teeth more. Also the Sunshine thing, getting burnt all the time is not a good idea.

    Free Member

    Is it just me or has anyone else noticed a quite specific theme running through several of these posts? 🤔

    I wonder if the female half/halves of these could-have-been trysts are still lamenting their lost opportunity…

    Elaine, Gwen & Claire, ‘French Girl’, Michelle H, etc, to the forum?

    #unlikely 😉

    Full Member

    Don’t let your sister feed your Action Man to her pet rabbit.

    Full Member

    Move to Sydney.

    This ^^.
    Or alternatively:
    Actually work at your language lessons, get extra tuition, do whatever it takes to learn a language properly then emigrate to that country and get citizenship, because the UK will end up as a total basketcase.

    Free Member

    Don’t worry, it won’t send you blind.

    Full Member

    Don’t let your sister feed your Action Man to her pet rabbit.

    Let’s all hope that means what it actually says!

    Full Member

    It does. It ate off his hands and face.

    Full Member

    Loving the posts saying I’d tell ten year old me to study harder, learn languages and buy shares. How **** switched on were you people at ten? I’d think future me was a nutter and go back to making lethal rope swings in the local woods and playing with my He-Man figures.

    Which reminds me, don’t let James use you for ‘Moving target’ practice with his black widow catapult. Yes, you’re a fair way off, but it’s going to really hurt when that stone hits your thigh!

    Full Member

    Don’t worry about what other people think, their are loads of other people like you out there, you will meet them one day.

    And in contrast to some of the above, don’t try and chase the popular girls (although your teens might be fun). When the one comes along she will find you (and be hotter than all the netball players and party girls).

    Free Member

    Buying something means you bought it. Bringing something means you brought it. They’re, there, their. Don’t send a letter to or go on Jim’ll Fix it.

    Full Member

    For me it would be “Don’t worry you did alright in the end”

    Full Member

    Don’t send a letter to or go on Jim’ll Fix it.

    That is sound advice for a time travelling STW’er

    Full Member

    Avoid joining bicycle forums. Few if any actually own or ride a bike, and its a deep dark hole you don’t want to go down.

    Full Member

    It all kind of works out in the end so don’t worry too much as long as you don’t ever expect to be rich.

    Maybe do some work at school despite what everyone thinks you are clever enough to be a vet if you want, but by the time you do a levels and prove it the dream has gone…..mind you if you do follow that dream whilst it may be great, you will miss some cool stuff…

    Oh and when you go to uni try and avoid that goth girl……..

    Full Member

    Listen to me kid . You are clever enough to pass o levels if you actually put in a tiny amount of effort now. A few hours a week now will reap huge rewards for the rest of your life and not leave you looking like a moron with an empty CV .
    You will be more employable , be able to earn alot more money, and not feel the need to work like a slave to hang on to your job as if you won’t ever be able to get another one.

    Free Member

    Never put your face where you wouldn’t put your feet….. and leave this shit hole country as soon as you can.

    Full Member

    I wouldn’t say much as right now I’m in a good place and wouldn’t want to Marty McFly today out of existence.  But I would say, that university course you choose, stick at it, it may seem tough at the time.and you’ll think about running a bar instead of finishing, but it turns out that whilst the stuff you’re learning is obscure, you’ll put it to good use and have an interesting career.

    Also, Phantom Menace, the pub instead, and wait until you have kids to watch it with 😀.

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