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  • ianpinder give me my money
  • scunny
    Free Member

    Bought a hub off this guy. Bought it as a bulb, its actually the bastard child of a bulb/pro2 so it wont fit in my forks. Replied to one email and said he’d send me the correct axle, i waited and nothing turned up. Emailed him again and no response

    It was only £13, but it’s the principle.

    Said thread:

    Free Member

    If your reply to his thread and your original post in this thread is anything to go by you seem rude.

    Full Member

    Rude being worse than selling someone the wrong thing then not making it right? 😕

    Full Member

    Didn’t seem rude to me.

    Free Member

    Bit harsh to name him in a thread title after he doesn’t reply to 1 email IMO.

    Free Member

    If your reply to his thread and your original post in this thread is anything to go by you seem rude.

    I dunno. Compared to what passes for manners on the rest of the internet, it seems fairly moderate.

    Anyway. Ian always seems a right on kinda guy. Maybe he is just busy at the moment? I think he was organising some charity thing?

    Free Member

    Ians always seemed pretty trustworthy and helpful to me.
    Hasn’t he got some health issues at the moment?
    What are the timelines involved?

    Free Member

    I’ve brought stuff off Ian from another website, comes across as a good bloke to deal with, would do it time and time again.

    Give him chance to email back, before the haters thread starts!!

    Full Member

    What do you mean “bastard child” is it a bulb with a 20mm pro 2 adaptor? Quite whining.

    I’ve also dealt with Ian successfully in the past.

    Free Member

    Its a pretty detailed photo. Does it match that?

    Free Member

    I’ve bought from Ian (and sold to as well), he’s a good guy. Sure there’s a simple explanation, so quit your belly aching over £13 ffs… it’ll be sorted I’m sure 🙂

    Free Member

    The bulb 20mm adaptors are slightly different, fit the same, but one has less stand off than the other, so the pro 2 ones give about 5mm too much length.
    There are sometimes some on ebay, but put a wanted on here and i’m sure someone wiill have some kicking about.
    it’s not the end of the world!
    Pair below with a free wheel!

    Free Member

    Quite whining.


    Free Member

    Ians sound as a pound (13 of them in fact). Quit your bitching.

    Free Member

    Go for a walk, man. You’ll take it back if you put it on ebay.

    Free Member

    Watch as the STW massiv rises up to defend the honour of a well-known regular, very touching 😀 8)

    Free Member

    Post up in the Wanted section looking for something cheap, then flog it on eBay.

    Wait a minute…

    Free Member

    Dealt with Ian in the past as well, straight up honest guy IME.

    Free Member

    Doesn’t matter if it’s £13 or £130 in my book – if you sell someone something, it should be what you said it was.

    With the best will in the world, everyone makes a mistake from time to time, and the right thing to do is put your hands up and fix it. Taking your chances and selling the parts on Ebay is the last resort once you’ve worked out that you’ve been deliberately scammed and there’s zero chance of getting your cash back from the seller.

    Ultimately the win-win here is that Ian turns up, and gives the OP his cash back. The buyer’s story then becomes “I bought something, it was wrong, but it was an honest mistake, and I got my cash back promptly” rather than “I bought something, it was wrong, I got abused by a bunch of the seller’s mates, and had to sell the kit on Ebay”. And Ian gets to maintain an untarnished reputation.

    Free Member

    well said tron!

    Free Member

    I’d take this thread as a warning not to have any dealings with Scunny rather than the man he ‘named & shamed’, what a cockroach.

    Free Member

    Replied to one email and said he’d send me the correct axle, i waited and nothing turned up. Emailed him again and no response

    So he’s agreed to sort your problem out then? Perhaps he’s sent something out and it just hasn’t arrived yet. Maybe he’s waiting for something to arrive from elsewhere so he can sort it for you. I’m sure it’s frustrating for the OP, but sometimes these things can take a bit of time to sort. It’s not like the seller is a shop so you can’t always expect things to be sorted ASAP, life gets in the way sometimes.

    I think the reason people react harshly to the OP is that plenty of these type of threads are unnecessarily badmouthing people who are either disorganised or out of touch temporarily. If I sold something on the classifieds it could take me a week to send it. I don’t think that’s unreasonable. You want it next day, then buy it from a shop!

    Full Member

    i have bought and sold off Ian in the past too.
    never a problem. wpould buy off him again without hesitation.

    Free Member

    Flow, Mental Mickey, while your input has been helpful (and i’m sure if Ian see’s this he’ll feel all warm and fuzzy knowing that he’s got you two looking out for him), may i suggest you get off your high horse, re-read the thread and leave the personal insults to mbuk. Thanks.

    Anyone else, I did mention in the OP that the amount wasn’t an issue. He has my money, i don’t have the item i bought, it’s that simple. Regardless of price. (But, who’s to say i’m not some 13 year old kid that’s saved to start improving his bike. Would it still be just £13 then?)

    What’s the problem with naming the seller? Ideal scenario is that he see’s this and replies, the issue gets sorted and forever will he remain the good seller you’re all so keen to tell me he is.

    If emails had been replied to, then i wouldn’t have had to make a thread about it.

    Free Member

    We tend to name and shame as a last resort. Not gambol about shouting it from the rooftops like a ‘tard

    Bit dramatic don’t you think? But, at least you’ve joined in.

    Free Member

    If the op has had no reply to emails then maybe this is his last resort
    And calling him a ‘Tard’ is just shit IMO 😕
    If a/h is a mate then maybe contacting him and getting the other side of the story might actually help rather than calling people ‘Tards’

    Free Member

    I’ve bought of Ian in the past too and found him honest and reliable

    scunny – you still haven’t outlined the timescales involved here

    TBH, you never normally bother with this part of the site and spend pretty much all your posting time on the classifieds and you’ve just popped over here to have a go at someone.

    Free Member

    I’ve bought of Ian in the past too and found him honest and reliable

    scunny – you still haven’t outlined the timescales involved here

    TBH, you never normally bother with this part of the site and spend pretty much all your posting time on the classifieds and you’ve just popped over here to have a go at someone

    Hub was paid for on 5th May. It arrived on the 13th. An email was sent that day, Ian agreed to send the correct axle. Sent an email on Wednesday to see if it had been sent, nothing. Email again yesterday, nothing.

    Why does where i post have any impact on this? I’m posting on the site, about an issue that occurred through the site.

    Free Member

    i tend to take tardiness as a facet of stw/internet dealings as a general rule
    However – i have no opinion of either person involved

    NONE of these hubs have been built up by myself, I can not garrentee the condition of the bearings the ones in the qr hub don’t seem that smooth.

    Now I doubt he actually put it in a fork to test it fits and he has said he will resolve
    Again what is your time line as most folk use this as the last resort rather to force a reply.
    Also note the pics show the QR to be different sizes/types so it seems unlikely it was an actual scam rather than him being unaware
    if I was him, guven this thread, I would say caveat emptor, sold as seen in photo and post a scathing and pithy reply on here
    Perhaps he is nicer than me and you who knows eh

    Free Member

    So 3 or 4 days without him emailing back?
    I wouldn’t call that excessive TBH

    Free Member

    while your input has been helpful (and i’m sure if Ian see’s this he’ll feel all warm and fuzzy knowing that he’s got you two looking out for him), may i suggest you get off your high horse, re-read the thread and leave the personal insults to mbuk. Thanks

    It’s you that needs to get off the high horse, posting personal details on an internet forum is a huge no no, you’ve committed a cardinal sin and are no better than a grass, a stool pigeon and should be treated as such, with the contempt you deserve.

    You also take the risk of buying privately without any of the kind of buyer protection the likes of Ebay might offer, then come onto a forum moaning like a little girl, tough.

    Free Member

    Also not the pics show the QR to be different sizes/types so it seems unlikely it was an actual scam rather than him being unaware

    Where have i said i thought he was scamming me?

    Yes, in hindsight the axle’s do look different (because they are). So i presume it was a genuine mistake, especially as he’d not fitted the hub. But, as a seller you assume the responsibility to sell the product you are describing it to be. He said it was a functioning QR hub, why would i disbelieve him?

    You desk warriors have certainly dragged this out. This could have been left for Ian to see and the issue resolved.

    Full Member

    I think it’s amazing that some people can reply within hours or even minutes when buying or selling stuff but as soon as it goes tits up its fine to take days to reply.

    Free Member

    scunny – invoke Hattersleys law – when in a hole stop digging.

    You are far too quick to jump in naming and shaming. Thats why folk have jumped to Ians defence.

    Free Member

    It’s you that needs to get off the high horse, posting personal details on an internet forum is a huge no no, you’ve committed a cardinal sin and are no better than a grass, a stool pigeon and should be treated as such, with the contempt you deserve.

    You also take the risk of buying privately without any of the kind of buyer protection the likes of Ebay might off, then come onto a forum moaning like a little girl, tough.

    As a rule, i tend not to argue with idiots. They clutch at straws, and when they’re struggling to prove a point, they’ll resort to personal insults.

    Personal details, where? You do realise that his user name is Ianpinder!

    Free Member

    He said it was a functioning QR hub, why would i disbelieve him?

    The photo has all the details you need, I can quite clearly see that the spacers are incorrect.
    So you got a good hub for a reasonable price, why not just scource the right spacers, job done.

    EDIT: Hang on a minute

    Where does his thread say ‘it’s a functioning QR hub’
    What I read was this

    All bought for projects and are now surplus to requirements
    NONE of these hubs have been built up by myself, I can not garrentee the condition of the bearings the ones in the qr hub don’t seem that smooth.

    Free Member

    Mate you are the idiot.

    If I was Ian I would not only be pissed off you had made a thread like this, I would carry on ignoring you and let you sort the problem out yourself.

    What a merchant banker!

    Free Member

    I’ve sold about a dozen things in the last 3 weeks. I haven’t logged onto the email address used for a week. Am i bad man? Have i done wrong? no, i am just a normal bloke selling a few things to help people out/clear my shed.
    I wouldn’t consider not responding within 3 days a problem.

    As an aside, if you were to try to take this further ie small claims court. You haven’t given Ian enough time to respond, so your claim would fail as you have not given ian a reasonable amount of time to respond. I think there is case law that suggests 28 days is considered reasonable..

    ‘adds scunny to the list of folk to never ever deal with’

    Free Member

    Mate you are the idiot.

    If I was Ian I would be pissed off you had made a thread like this, carry on ignoring you and let you sort the problem out yourself

    Looking at some of your other posts, it would seem you’re a more mature gentleman. Which is why it’s baffling to me that your responses mirror those of a 15 year old.

    “a thread like this” – Like what exactly? Not once have i flamed Ian, accused him of scamming me or slandered him in any way. I think you’ll find i’ve been pretty factual throughout. In fact, a few posts up i even claim that i didn’t think Ian was trying to scam me, and that it was probably just an honest mistake.

    The outcome of all this is irrelevant. I’ve certainly got my moneys worth of enjoyment out of this thread.

    (I just checked my account, it was actually £15 not £13 😮 )

    Free Member

    But, as a seller you assume the responsibility to sell the product you are describing it to be. He said it was a functioning QR hub, why would i disbelieve him?

    I am not saying you dont have an issue but most folk are questioning how you have dealt with it. You bought what you had seen in a picture and even you accept it was [probably]a genuine mistake yet you post a thread entitled ianpinder give me my money back – when in fact you are actually waiting for a free part to fix something he [ nor you] did not know about when he sold it and you wonder why people are flaming you.
    IYou have a right to redress but you have taken the nuclear option over a very cheap part where the OP has agreed to fix at his cost rather than tell you to F off. All he appears to have done so far is not answer an e-mail very quickly. Seriously this is no reason [ yet] for the slagging and title you have given him. you deserve remedy but he deserves the benefit of the doubt.
    EDIT: actually reading the above you deserve the hub inserted into an orifice that will keep you off the bike for a few weeks

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