is a pretty bog standard activity for those who need to give themselves a self-congratulatory slap on the back so that they can feel better about themselves.
“I might only be middle-class, but hey, I’m so much better than the lower-classes”.
Not everyone on here is a gnome owning Jerry and Margo fantasist Ernie.
Yes, threads like the Aintree one, the fattist ones and the ‘my Supermarket says a lot about me’ ones are good at exposing the sneering snobs on here, but for every poster delighted at displaying their own prejudice there are hundreds sitting there amazed that people are willing to expose their ignorance in such a manner.
It’s perfectly possible to hate the dumbing down of popular culture and the ‘proud to be ignorant’ without introducing a class element.
Equating intelligence or the thirst for knowledge with any particular class or type of upbringing is ignorant and prejudicial in itself.