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  • How would you change things? -Beware Politics content.
  • loum
    Free Member

    Even mine?

    loum – Member
    Tax pasties.


    And I thought I was on course for Chancellor with inspiration like that.
    If that won’t save us, then we proper fecked. 😉

    Free Member

    I think the best thing we can do now is to find a way to stop the endless conveyor belt full of career politicians with little or no real world experience from being allowed to hold office.

    Agreed. If you look at modern politics, it’s incredibly polarised – on one hand you have the Eton crowd coming in and heading up all the main parties, but at the other end of the scale, you have the likes of Bob Crow acting as frontmen for the unions, whose lack of ability to communicate and discuss like a normal human being preys into the hands of the politicians.

    Some way of ensuring a more representative middle ground when it comes to who gets into power would make sense.

    But then who saw anyone who had sensible ideas get in power?!?!

    Free Member

    So what all does this mean? Perhaps that the intellectual leadership of the party has now passed to its back benches. The best ideas are coming from MPs who have actually achieved things before coming to parliament; people who don’t need position to have clout. People who can pull in a crowd on their own basis, because the have genuinely interesting things to say. Even Andrea Leadsom had people coming to hear her talk about QE. I find all this a hugely encouraging trend, showing a huge interest in politics – but more the politics on the fringe, not the politics being served up on the conference floor. And this is what the 2012 Conservative Conference may well be remembered for.

    This is a quote from Fraser Nelson of the Spectator on the Tory conference, maybe politics is changing especially if this is being mirrored by Labour.

    Free Member


    Taxing pies maybe,pasties are too niche 🙂

    Full Member

    I’d start with a guillotine and a snazzy anthem

    Free Member

    + 1 — need a big basket though, or maybe a skip

    Free Member

    I’ve mooted “name only” ballot papers, removal of the whip and “Jury Service” MP’s on here before. The problem is that the parties ideaologies aren’t really about the big questions we need to ask in society today and leads to narrow political debates in the margins of civil service policies. Also party politics is a great way to ensure that the biggest a**e lickers get senior positions instead of great minds and strong leaders.

    Full Member

    In an ideal world, the electorate should select who they feel would represent them best from their community rather than from a small list of names forced upon them. Of course there’d be problems if the selected representative didnt actually want to do the job. Basically, we shouldnt have professional politicians.

    Full Member

    The Party conferences graphically illustrate what is wrong with our political system. They used to be there to debate and formulate policy. Does anyone think thats happened over the last few weeks. Policy is formed by a narrow cabal of mainly unelected ‘advisers’, with the help of over-powerful lobbyists, then tame MP’s are ordered what to go and say, Malcolm Tucker style. The whips are all-powerful. Any dissent is careeer-ending

    The way that political parties are presently structured is totally corrosive to the democratic process. Both main parties are completely centralised in London and have little interest in the constituencies they claim to represent.

    Potential candidates are essentially foisted on local parties, from Central Office with no consultation, and no brooking of any dissent. These candidates come from the same Oxbridge PPE gene pool, and will be selected for obedience and camera-friendliness above all else.

    What needs to happen is for local constituency parties, in the northern cities and the home counties, to bloody grow a pair, and tell central office they can stick their pet, press-friendly lacky, and select their own candidate, based on their own criteria.

    That way we may end up with people capable of independent thought, whose interests represent more than Westminster obsessions. Lets be honest, you’d think, listening to our woeful, banal political discourse, that nothing existed outside press conferences inside the Westminster Village. And all this in one of the most mixed, vibrant and creative societies in the world. Its tragic!

    Free Member

    What needs to happen is for local constituency parties, in the northern cities and the home counties, to bloody grow a pair, and tell central office they can stick their pet, press-friendly lacky, and select their own candidate, based on their own criteria.

    Totally agree with all that binners but I believe if they did grow a pair they would lose central party funding for election campaigning etc so would probably be pretty screwed. 🙁

    Free Member

    lose central party funding for election campaigning

    Don’t see why this would be a bad thing – if the parties lose their zombie master powers over their candidates then the lobbyists will hopefully just eff off.

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