How much do you rea...

[Closed] How much do you really need your mobile telephone?

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The £2000 'phone bill thread, and the one about the largest bill had me thinking; just how essential are mobile 'phones to everyone? I mean, [i]really[/i] essential, not what people think they need!

Personally, I could probably live without mine, and it costs me £10 a month or less. I'll only use it if I need to contact someone, never just for chats/frivolous reasons. And even then, there are many times when it's just convenient to 'phone someone, rather than absolutely essential. A lot of my communication with people is done by email, Skype or landline. Which don't cost me on top of my broadband bill. Sod paying for stuff I don't need.

On my travels, the majority of calls I overhear seem to be 'oh, hi darling, just leaving the station now, be there in 5 minutes' type thing, or teenagers gossiping about who's going out with/disrespecting who, etc. Generally useless conversations tbh, made just for the sake of using a mobile. The few 'business' calls I overhear seem to often involve some flustered sod trying to make the call as sort as possible. Made me wonder how much of people's free time they use up with work related stuff, on time they probably aren't getting paid for.

Then of course there's the annoying thing of being sat in a pub/restaurant/walking round a museum gallery and someone's 'phone is going off. Can't stand people nattering away, when the person/people they are physically with are sitting there ignored. Very rude really. Tell whoever it is to ring you back, it's invariably not an emergency.


So, be honest; how much do you really need your mobile? Like, [i]really really[/i] need it? I suspect the truth is that most of us don't, really. We just like to think we do...

It's good to talk...

[img] [/img]

(Is aware of the irony of the ultimate unnecessaryness of this post)

Posted : 16/08/2010 3:06 pm

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