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  • How long is your working week + commute?
  • bothybiker
    Free Member

    I’ve recently started a new job which has increased my daily commute by what seems like a significant amount. I’m now averaging a 12 hour day including the commute, mon – fri, so 60 hours a week. I used to be based from home and did an 8 hour day from my couch to being back on my couch again, so its a bit of a shock to the system.

    So how long is your working week, including commute?

    Free Member

    28 hrs week (4 days).. Plus 20 mins travel by car or 40mins by bike each way

    Free Member

    inc the commute it’s 38 hours which is 37.5 hours too long

    Full Member

    If I drove every day I’d have a 90 min each way commute and work with people who seem to think anything less than 11hrs in the office is slacking.

    That would make a 70hr week but I stay over 2/3 nights, WFH one day and do 8hrs in the office as I’m sure I’d be closer to killing people than I currently am working that much

    I tend to mix it up a bit as I’m on expenses and make quite a lot on petrol (costs £8 and I get paid £22)

    Free Member

    On average about 50 hours although last week was a a bit rough at 84 hours. I do try and make the commute a bit more interesting by going for more of pootle rather than just going A to B.

    Free Member

    I used to do a long commute and coupled with later finishes (usually unpaid) it pretty much wrote off doing anything in the evening. Switching to a short commute was one of the best work decisions I ever made. No way would I go back to long commutes on a permanent basis.

    Free Member

    It’s 80+ for me, including the commute.

    Full Member

    Including commute, door to door, at least 55 hours. Just working that out and writing it down makes me think “WTF am I doing?”

    Free Member

    75-90 hours per week depending on traffic and if I work Saturday.. If the drive is long you can listen to books etc. I would say you could learn something in the car but all my self learning cds stay completely un-played 🙁

    Free Member

    Typically 38 hours plus a 50min each way commute so i guess that’s about 46 hours a week.

    Full Member

    50 ish including commute. Soon to be closer 60 due to site move :-/

    And 90 for the next year as I design and work on said site move :-O

    Free Member

    door-to-door commute for me is about 1:15 each way: walk to station, train, walk to work. Same time if I ride the 24 miles, but need time for a shower when I get here.
    I’m at work 8:15am to 5pm usually (with lunch at my desk) to get home in time to see the kids. Then at the moment, I’m working at home from 8pm until 1am most days too. So thats about 16 hours a day Mon-Fri and usually about 5 or 6 hours over the weekend. Call it 85-90 hours a week.
    Snowed under? Me? No…

    Full Member

    37.5 hours in the office and 20min commute each way by bike, about 15mins if I drive.

    Occasionally do the odd hour extra if something needs finishing but not to often.

    Free Member

    WFH so commute is normally zero. Downside is that sometimes it’s twelve hours each way. 🙁

    Full Member

    37.5 hour week, plus 12 min bike ride each way = 39.5 hour week.

    Free Member

    About 50 hours door to door, if I stick to 7.5 hrs a day and no WFH. I’ve been doing a 1hr 10 each way train-based commute since April, previously I’ve always been close enough to walk or ride to work. I’m already sick of it and wondering how/why people do it for years and years.

    WFH so commute is normally zero. Downside is that sometimes it’s twelve hours each way

    OTOH I don’t really like WFH, I don’t like being in the house that much!

    Full Member

    WFH, but the stairs are a bastard. 8 hours a day as standard.

    Full Member

    I work 9 hours a day Monday to Thursday so I can have Friday with the kids.
    Commute is about 15 mins in the car, 25 on the bike.

    So 36 hours + 2-3 hours commuting a week. 😀

    (though realistically I’m usually in work longer than that and often do a bit at home in the evenings/weekends too).

    Full Member

    40 hour week + 4 days of commuting.
    Commute is about 75 mins on average, by bike or public transport so 50 hours.

    Free Member

    43-46 hours a week depending on how I get to work. I wouldn’t want to do more.

    Free Member

    40 hour week and a 12 minute walk morning and evening. Yes there is better paid jobs out there, but I value my own time more than I used to.

    Full Member

    10 hours of commuting and probably 51/52 hours. Awful actually!

    Free Member

    Including my commute I leave the house at 7am and return home at about 19:15 but in that time I have done all the exercise I need so the time at home is my own.

    Full Member

    55 hours a week. Desk job. Woop.

    Full Member

    8 hour days when WFH
    12-13 hours door to door when in London
    So if it’s an average full week I do 48 hours D2D, although some weeks I don’t work everyday as I’m freelancer. I’m always shocked about the amount of hours people work, I hope it’s worth it in terms of quality of life.

    Full Member

    40ish hour week, an hour each way by bike (4days a week in a “normal” week) about 45mins each way on the train if I time it right (wouldn’t even contemplate driving it)

    So about 50ish hours a week. Only time I begrudge the commute is deepest darkest winter when I have to spend a fair amount of time cleaning the running gear or reaping the consequences. Other than that my commute saves on gym membership and during the drier months is a great way of getting the miles in (if I get up early enough they can be some good quality miles too!)

    Free Member

    I’m always shocked about the amount of hours people work, I hope it’s worth it in terms of quality of life.

    +1 to that

    Free Member

    10-70 depending on what and where.
    Back in the UK it was 50 in my last job thanks to the m60

    Full Member

    roughly 45-47 hours a week. but i cycle to work and enjoy the commute, so that’s a bonus. if i stopped poncing around on forums during the day i could probably get that figure down a bit 😉

    Full Member

    Perhaps if you all subtract the hours spent on this forum and other bike related internet then it wouldn’t seem so bad? 😉

    Shocks me how much time some people give to work too.

    Work to live, don’t live to work

    Full Member

    37hr work
    7.5hrs commuting
    So, 44.5 hour working week.
    I do have flexitime available which works out as leaving an hour early each week (usually Friday) and getting an additional day off a month on ”flexileave’. It works for me! I like having an additional 12 days off a year.
    I’ve also got the opertunity to work from home a few times a month.
    Edit: There is no way I would do more hours than that.

    Free Member

    68hrs 😯

    Free Member

    37 hours e office + 1.5hrs per day driving (40 mins in morn, nearer 50 on way home)

    So, 44.5hrs on a ‘normal week’

    If I have to travel/visit a project/customer meeting/etc then that figure goes up due to 4/5am starts and potential 10/11pm finishes.

    I’d not want to do a lot more…

    Free Member

    I’m always shocked about the amount of hours people work, I hope it’s worth it in terms of quality of life.

    I do too much, but last job I did what was necessary and enjoyed the 5 minute commute. Annoyingly, job was going nowhere and I got the chance for a huge career changing opportunity. Hopefully I’ll be able to back down in another few months of mad effort, then long term , will reap the benefits of it.

    Free Member

    At the moment it’s about 6 hours. I’ve pretty much finished for the year aside from a few very minor projects that need a bit of finishing off.

    Full Member

    40hrs a week, divided into twelve hour shifts on a 4 off, 2 days, 2 nights pattern. Commute is 45-50mins so have to allow an hour, and I rarely get to leave on the dot, so can be an hour and a half before I get home. It’s too much really; twelve hour shifts are much more survivable when combined with short commutes. I used to live five minutes away, but now commute for a ‘promotion’ which although a little more interesting, is not worth it financially when you factor in the transport and time costs.

    Full Member

    Leave home just before 7, get back just before 5.30, so 52-53 hours a week normally.

    Awaiting on a decision to reduce it to about 25 hours, including commuting, term time only 8)

    Free Member

    I rarely get to leave on the dot

    Out of interest, how many people leave promptly from work?

    As soon as my clock hits 5 I shut my computer down and leave almost* irrespective of what else is happening. I’m not in a massively responsible role so no lives and frankly negligible money is going to be saved/earned if I work on, but my colleagues still usually work on another half hour or so and used to do a lot more before I started breezing out once my hours were up. Never understood it.

    *unless something disastrous is going on.

    Full Member

    8:30am – 5:30pm is standard office hours but I generally get in at 8am and the end time often gets stretched.
    If on the train (3 or 4 days per week) I leave the house at 6:20am and arrive home at 7:30pm ish, though that depends on trains not being crap. So jsut over a 13 hour day.
    If cycling (1 or 2 days per week) I leave at 5:45am and return 8pm. So just over 14 hours.

    That means, takes deep breath, that I spend approx 67 hours per week either at work or between home and work. Wow. Further maths means I spend just over 1/3 of every year either working or commuting. Assuming another 1/3 is spent sleeping this leads to 2 realisations, 1. I need a job closer to home, 2. What the hell do I do with the other 1/3 of my time?

    Wow. This is a genuine wakeup call.

    Free Member

    I’m always shocked about the amount of hours people work, I hope it’s worth it in terms of quality of life.

    I suppose I could piss less money up the wall and work less… 💡

    Hospitality, so anything upto 100hrs a week, but normally 40-50 inc commute.

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