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  • How are you voting today?
  • ratherbeintobago
    Full Member

    An SNP politician was on the radio yesterday saying that the number of seats they got was in line with their vote share, and that they weren’t unhappy about that. The d’Hondt system is still better than FPTP.

    Free Member

    I’m in Edinburgh central.
    Voted Green, got Ruth Davidson. To be fair, I quite like her – think she is a good politician although I don’t agree with a lot of her policies.

    Glad SNP lost their majority – had it their own way too long, they need more scrutiny/opposition.

    Hope they team up with the green msps in some kind of pact. Would like things pulled a bit further left/eco and for the greens to be taken more seriously (and hope they step up and do well once they have to actually deliver on their policies)

    Full Member

    Been on a DoE hike and only just seen the results up here. Glad the greens have gained but wonder how labour come back. The only way they can keep their “SNP bad” mantra going is if they jump into bed with the Tories, and that went down REALLY well after the ref. One point, With regards to Eenie; if JC was leader of Scottish Labpur, they might represent the party people used to vote for up here, I think a Labour Party that took back their policies from the SNP they might start to grow again…Oh and somebody else leading then that the car crash that is Kezia. Scots want a left wing Labour Party.

    Free Member

    Scots want a left wing Labour Party

    Is that because (rhetoric aside) the SNP is anything but?

    Free Member

    Yes that will be it, good point…why have you never made it before?

    Free Member

    tbh It depends what you are calling left wing, are free prescriptions, education, bus passes etc left wing? in the context of where the centre line is in politics these days probably. But not particularly what i would call left wing, renationalisation agendas are out on the fringes, and just aren’t part of the main stream really, barring lip service.

    tbh all this election really told us is that Scotland is split 50/50 along nationalist lines. Scottish nationalist v British nationalist. I think policy scutiny has been put to side for the time being.

    tbh I’d like to see everyone shut up about the constitutional question for 4 years, govern away and then they can re-start campaigning on the basis of a new ref at the next scottish elections.

    If the people don’t vote for another referendum after that, I’d put the question to bed for my lifetime.

    Though I doubt that’ll happen, as both sides of the nationalist argument want to keep it in the spotlight, for different reasons.

    Full Member

    tbh I’d like to see everyone shut up about the constitutional question for 4 years

    There are plenty of other constitutional matter we can be busying ourselves with in the meantime, such as reform of the Lords, and the West Lothian question. 😛

    Full Member

    duckman – Member
    …Scots want a left wing Labour Party.

    I think if Labour became a separate Scottish governed party (ie genuinely autonomous from London), reverted to being the voice of the working class and became again the party of Home Rule they’d get back to full strength at the expense of the SNP.

    However, I doubt there is anyone in the party hierarchy who has not been tarnished by their love fest with the Tories, so it would require a clean sweep, and so it’s probably a political generation away.

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