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  • Hot Sauces – Recommendations for a newbie
  • stevious
    Full Member

    Have started adding a bit of nandos sauce to some meals and am enjoying a bit of heat. I know there’s a whole world of hot sauces out there and am inerested to try some new flavours but without necessarily going too wild on the heat. I’m currently on a bottle of Nandos ‘Hot’ – I don’t know how that compares with other hot sauces but it’s about the right heat level for me at the moment.

    Anyone have any suggestions of where to start so I can learn a bit more?


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    Everyone needs this in their lives.

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    I tend to just randomly pick bottles so can’t really help too much.

    Holy **** hot sauce is the nicest that I’ve had, I really should buy some more

    Holy ****

    Edit – the swear filters breaks the link, I’m sure you can work it out though.

    Full Member

    I’d get a selection pack from a small company. I’m not a big hot food person but went to chilli-fest at Eastor Castle a month ago and it was really good. Came away with a sanpler pack from https://www.devildogsauces.co.uk/shop/gifts

    He was a really nice guy and I’d recommend, helped me realise there’s more to chillis than getting drunk, having a hot curry and then just making you cry.

    Free Member

    Cholula Hot Sauce is a classic brand that’s available in most supermarkets.

    I am a big fan of green chilli hot sauces too. Go well with egg and fish based dishes. Green Tabasco is always in my fridge.

    There are loads of small artisan brands worth trying. TK max can be good for random American brands. 

    Full Member

    All the sauces from this bunch are delicious.

    if you happen to be near Glasgow or Edinburgh, Lupe Pintos is definitely worth a visit – huge range of sauces and other delicious goods.


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    I’m fond of Firelli Italian hot sauce, not too hot, got a bit of flavour to it. Easy to get hold of in supermarkets

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    worth a visit here if you’re near Leeds, literally thousands of sauces, and the owner is very knowledgable.

    Free Member

    +1 green tabasco

    Goes on beans on toast, fried egg butties, bean goos, all sorts. The reds are too harsh for my softie palate but the green is tasty.

    Full Member

    TK max can be good for random American brands.

    This came from there, it’s stupidly hot and not a particularly good flavour. It was cheap though 😅


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    The Rib Man is where it’s at. You want this stuff, very appropriate for here..:


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    You can’t go wrong with a bottle of that Sriracha above. Other srirachas  are a poor imitation imo.  It’s a favourite for being applied to pasta and chilli here as you can be quite generous and it’s got this nice tangy, salty thing.

    This I quite liked, caution advised on portion sizes 😉


    Habanero and chocolate is a good combination

    I’m also partial to the green (jalapeno) Tabasco and the Chipotle one.

    Oh and sweet chilli sauce on cheesy chips. 🙂

    Full Member

    If you fancy something hotter, possibly life/threateningly so


    Free Member

    Dave’s Insanity Sauce – literally two small drips is all you need to fire up a meal. My current bottle went out of date seven years ago despite being used regularly – and it’s still half full.

    Full Member

    I love a hot sauce but have recently become obsessed (to the point of eating out of the jar with a spoon) with Lao Gan Ma crispy chilli in oil.

    Seems I’m not alone:


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    I went through the macho phase of seeking out ever hottter stuff but now actually look for options that actyually taste good rather than just trying to blow your arse off.

    To this end I’m a big fan of the Marie Sharps stuff from Belize. They do some absolute ragers like the Red Hornet but the normal ‘smoked’ one is fantastic on a burito or in a chilli, I tend to add a little bit to my home made salsa as well.


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    I’ve travelled through Trinidad a fair bit, and this is pretty good. It’s got some intense heat, but a great flavour too. Most Caribbean sauces are just too hot for my gentle european tastebuds!


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    I do like the habanero flavour.

    But for an everyday sauce, for when I don’t want to sweat out (doesn’t take much), Stokes Chilli Ketchup is fantastic… Or alternatively, just get some ridiculously hot sauce and mix a couple of drips with a generous dollup of your favourite tomato ketchup – but the Stokes takes the guesswork out and means I don’t (and am well known for doing so) end up saying “oh I think I’ve put too much chilli sauce on again” while wiping sweat from brow.

    Full Member

    As above, Sriracha is my go-to.  It’s flavour over raw heat and comes in big bottles, it’s perfect for drizzling over pizza.

    Dave’s Insanity Sauce – literally two small drips is all you need to fire up a meal. My current bottle went out of date seven years ago despite being used regularly – and it’s still half full.

    Yup, same.  It’s hard to overstate just how little you need, it’s hot as hell but has a powerful flavour.

    On Nando’s, my favourite is the extra hot.  I think it tastes nicer than the regular hot, there’s more to it.  They do an extra extra hot in a black-labelled bottle but it’s just heat for the sake of bragging rights, it’s tastes of nothing else.

    Free Member

    I highly recommend East coast chilli Co.

    They do selection boxes of 5 large or small bottles and do a well thought out range of flavours..


    Mahi do some interesting mild and medium ones too, along with a bunch of other sauces


    Funnily enough they do a green habenaro that I really enjoyed too!

    I like to keep a selection of different ones!


    For stuff readily available from supermarkets… I’ll add franks red hot to the list… Has a nice citrus zing to it and its not as hot as the name suggests… Definitely more medium/mild


    Deffinatly try to go for flavor over heat… Especially to begin with… I find some of the really hot ones are just super hot for the sake of it and don’t realy have much going on in the taste department.

    One tip.. Of you do end up with something too hot for comfort, you can use it by adding it to mayo so make a spicy mayo it really clams the heat down and is great for dipping chips or chicken strips etc.

    Good thread.. A few new ideas for me on here too!

    Free Member

    My sister bought me this as a joke but it’s actually very tasty.

    Full Member

    Ignore all of the above, Tabasco for soup, Encona original for dipping ie fry ups or mixed with red/brown sauce.
    It was a sad day when sriracha turned up and pushed the proper chilli sauces off the coop shelves, just look at all the ingredients.
    So to recap:
    Tabasco red
    Encona std
    Nando’s should be banned entirely for making people think putting cayenne and paprika on roast potatoes or chips is innovative or exciting as opposed to standard procedure.
    The sauce with the wooden lid is just red water in a fancy hat.

    Full Member

    I agree with @binners The Rib Man’s sauces are excellent.

    a very nice change from vinegary watery hot sauces as they are thick with richly flavored chilli goodness. They range from spicy to OMG as they go from Holy F£&@ through Christ on a Bike, and Holy Mother of God to Judas it’s Scary Hot.

    buy several bottles to make the most of The Rib Man’s shipping charges.
    Hot Sauce

    edit Dave’s Insanity Sauce was an early one I had. As folks have said it lasts way beyond its best before date and really adds flavour and heat with a few drops. Dave’s ghost pepper sauce wasn’t as good imo.

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    I’m not madly into hot sauces but have tried a few from here and they were all good: https://www.eatenalive.co.uk/collections/hot-sauce

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    Like a Sriracha favourite Co for spicy has to be Mr Vikki’s.

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    Remember newbs, hot on the way in, hot on the way out…

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    Windmill, Delish or Aunt Mays Bajan sauce in that order.     I didn’t known until this morning each was available from Amazon, we always have a Bottle of the yellow Delish on the go.

    Which Bajan Hot Pepper Sauce is the Best?

    I quite like red Tabasco on my poached eggs and might give the green one a go after the prior recommendation.

    Full Member

    I like the Encona Carolina Reaper sauce – I know it’s a bit of a mass-market brand, so not ideal for some, but it’s easy to get hold of and reliable. Sriracha is of course another reliable staple.

    But yeah, try and avoid the sauces that are all heat and no flavour. I tried a Portuguese one a while back which claimed to be the hottest sauce in the world. No idea if it is, but it was foul with a real chemical aftertaste.

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    Big fan of all Mr Vikkis stuff. https://www.mrvikkis.co.uk, especially his Urban Ketchup. Lovely.

    For a lovely flavour with sensible heat Franks Red Hot Original is bloody lovely.

    For adding massive amounts of heat into any dish Dave’s Ultimate Insanity. Like the previous poster, my bottle must be 5 years old and still going strong despite being used regularly.

    Full Member

    Thanks for the recommendations!

    Will have a look at some of the sampler packs. Might keep an eye out for a smaller scirracha bottle as one of the normal bottles caused a fridge incident of which we must never speak again.


    Will probably have the aficionados up in arms, but I’m a fan of Franks

    Not too hot that it overpowers your food (usually chicken wings), but a good old kick and tastes nice too (IMO)

    Free Member

    Here to agree with @hatter, Marie Sharp’s are amazing. The smoky one is my favourite so far. https://www.hotsauceemporium.co.uk/product/marie-sharps-smokin-marie/

    but my additions of choice at the moment are either this paste https://belazu.com/shop-all/smoked-chilli-harissa/ or (not spicy, but amazing flavour) https://www.blackgarlic.co.uk/product-page/black-garlic-paste-100-g

    Free Member

    claimed to be the hottest sauce in the world. No idea if it is, but it was foul with a real chemical aftertaste.

    A lot of the more gimmicky really hot one’s are made with chilli extract rather than the pulped fruit which is a bit wrong if you ask me… Aside from from being inedible it’s cheating as it’s not a proper sauce IMO.

    Lots of love for Sriracha on here but I can’t say I’m really a fan… Really you just have to try a veriety to find out what you like.

    Full Member

    Here to agree with @hatter, Marie Sharp’s are amazing. The smoky one is my favourite so far. https://www.hotsauceemporium.co.uk/product/marie-sharps-smokin-marie/

    Thirded, Marie Sharp’s are excellent – and more widely available than they used to be. Used to only be available in Belize and (for some reason) Japan, weirdly.

    If you’re in Ireland, Mic’s is a fabulous Wicklow company, does a huge range, and their Inferno Lite is about the right level for “lash it on everything”; Inferno is good for a special treat. Their barbecue sauce is absolutely top notch too.

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    Lots of love for Sriracha on here but I can’t say I’m really a fan…

    It’s a very use case thing. on any kind of asian food it’s excellent, I wouldn’t put it in a burrito or a chilli though.

    It does work rather well on Pizza, strangely enough.

    Used to only be available in Belize and (for some reason) Japan, weirdly.

    Yes, I used to have to jump through all sorts of hoops to get them into the UK, Hot Headz import them now so it’s got  a bit easier although some of my favs are only in stock sporadically.

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    For something that doesn’t just taste of sharp hit vinegar, this is great with almost anything.

    Kimchi Hot Sauce

    Free Member

    My link above is broken this one should work.. https://saucymahi.co/collections/all

    The green savina habenoro, and red savina habinaro are nice.

    Free Member

    If you really catch the bug you can make your own!

    Here’s one me and a friend did, You can pretty much freestyle it with chilli sauce really… it turned out really nice!


    Bell peppers
    Big red mild chillies
    Hot green ‘finger’ chillis from asian supermarket (might be birdseye chillies, not sure)
    Black pepper
    White vinigar
    Lime juice
    Brown sugar
    Black rum
    Rice bran oil
    Lots of garlic
    Maple syrup

    Whizz it all up in a pan to your prefered consistency and stew it for a bit balancing the flavours as you go – lemon and lime adds a citrusy tang, but if it gets too much you can calm it down by adding sugar or syrup/honey, or balance it vica-versa. etc.

    I tend to make chilli sauce more on the mild/medium heat side of things so it’s more versatile. You can always add more chilli if you want, but if it’s weapons grade ‘hot’ to start with, it’s kinda limiting.

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    just look at all the ingredients.

    Ooh, I know this one. Does it contain “chemicals”?

    I just looked at the bottle in the cupboard.  There’s nothing in it I don’t recognise.

    Remember newbs, hot on the way in, hot on the way out…

    Go overboard with something like Dave’s Insanity Sauce and you’ll be on Grindr tomorrow looking for a snowman.

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