Those mixes look a bit strong in terms of the amount of craft latex, Here’s mine
500ml water
200ml propylene glycol
ALLOW TO COOL – its a bit exothermic
100ml household ammonia
80ml rubber crumb
200ml latex
Propylene glycol is use in vaping fluids, available on the internet, You need to add ammonia (from a hardware store) to keep the pH up as latex polymerises if things stop being alkaline and the pH will drop as you are diluting it. I also add some rubber crumb (used by model train enthusiasts), about 1/2 a cup, and thicken the water first with a smidge of xanthan gum, but I have idea if that makes any diff. Stan’s original patented recipe used cornmeal as the filler – ie polenta to us Europeans. His claims for his latest recipe are that it contains “crystals”, so he possibly has a secret ingredient.
I find my tyres start going flat after about six months, when upon inspection they are dry inside. I assume it has been working in the meantime. So really I should do a top-up mid-season (I change tyres summer to winter, not otherwise). I guess the dilution helps with the longevity, discourages polymerisation in the tyre. The propylene glycol is an antifreeze for cold conditions, but will also limit evaporation in hotter conditions.
I looked at the price of 500ml Stans in the bike shop yesterday – f*** that.