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There is a classifieds subsection for guitars but guitars are also getting good prices on facebook marketplace and gumtree etc as lockdown has made guitars popular.

Posted : 16/04/2021 10:18 am
Free Member

With a new set of strings and some contact cleaner spray you'll get more than you paid for it in 97. postimage is the easiest way of posting pics I've found.

Posted : 16/04/2021 10:48 am
Free Member

Posted : 16/04/2021 10:57 am
Free Member

The pictures aren't very good quality but it looks like what you say, a barely used 97 Tele. The maple necks form that period are nice but the bridges I don't like; individual saddles and non strung-through body, right? £300 - £400 I'd guess. It depends if there's someone after that model.

Posted : 16/04/2021 11:10 am
Free Member

Could probably be doing with a clean and polish but these are hopefully better quality pictures.

Posted : 16/04/2021 2:39 pm
Free Member

Nice looking neck and body.

I had one of those bridges, it had a 56mm string spacing as opposed to the vintage 52mm which put the strings too close to the edge of the neck to my taste, you can see in the pics. Those saddles also made paracitic buzzing noices on the E and A.

I drilled a top loading body through but despite my best efforts made a mess of it. I tried drilling though with a very thin pilot drill but that bent and deviated as it went through, so I used a bigger drill and that shattered the varnish on the back when it went through despite tape and drilling onto a block.

Someone out there in guitar nerd land will want it though. I'd hope for £300 having seen the better pics if it sounds as good as it looks.

Posted : 16/04/2021 5:38 pm
Full Member

I seem to have made a serious mistake.

At the start of lockdown a year ago I just had my trusty old Norman acoustic, that I'd had set-up nicely a few years ago. I put new strings on it. Then, I bought myself a cheapy electric, thinking if I liked it, I'd buy something better in a while. I chose a Harley Benton, their PRS copy, with P90s for under £200. For Christmas I got myself a Boss Katana II 50w amp. Then, because I wasn't enjoying the hum, I spent another £180 on a pair of Kent Armstrong noiseless P90s.
So now I've got 2 guitars which play beautifully, look gorgeous, make all the sounds I'm after (I'm currently playing along to Marfa Lights by Steelism and the Tele-like twang I'm getting is just beautiful) and make me want to pick them up and play them every time I walk past.

So, there's my problem: I've got a bunch of no-name kit, I keep lusting after all sorts of beautiful guitars which I know would cost a fortune but wouldn't improve my enjoyment, my sound or my playing.

What do I do? Stage a break-in or set the house on fire?

Posted : 16/04/2021 6:31 pm
Free Member

Cheers Edukator.

Posted : 17/04/2021 8:04 am
Full Member

What do I do?

Convince yourself that guitars hold their money, are actually investment and then start browsing custom shop stuff on guitarguitar.

Your welcome 😀

Posted : 17/04/2021 9:58 am
Full Member

Of course! The Captain Anderton Paradox: if you can't afford a £500 guitar then you'd be better off buying a £2,000 one.

Posted : 17/04/2021 11:03 am
Free Member


I’ve played for about 30 years, but I basically stopped for the last 10. I’ve rediscovered playing since lockdown.

I’ve got a Les Paul Special with p90s and an ES-339, which is just for noodling at home playing blues and 50s/60s rock. No gigging!

I’ve got a wee Sub Zero 15w practice amp, but want something nicer for clean, warm and fat tones.

I’m thinking a small valve amp would fit the bill. I don’t want to spend more than £200, which limits my options!

On the list at the moment are the SubZero Valve 5 or 10, Vox AV15, Vox VT20.

What else do you think I should be considering?



Posted : 17/04/2021 4:28 pm
Free Member

What do I do? Practice.

Posted : 17/04/2021 4:48 pm
Free Member

What else do you think I should be considering?

I've got a Laney cub 12r. It's great, fantastic edge of break up tones. Sub 1w input for home volume levels. Got mine second hand for 150.

Newer super cub looks and sounds really good on the social media feeds.

Posted : 17/04/2021 10:15 pm
Free Member

I spent last night deep in research. I think ideal would be a Yamaha THR10ii, but it's just too spendy. The THR5 looks like it should fit the bill, my only concern is whether or not it would sound warm and bassy, or a little treble heavy with such a small unit?

Posted : 18/04/2021 2:51 pm
Full Member

I play my 5 string bass through my thr10 occasionally (there's a setting for this, so they do expect it). It's surprisingly capable. I also find it amazing how such small boxes can make such a big sound. I would have thought the thr5 would be pretty similar albeit with slightly less stereo separation due to get drivers being closer together.

Posted : 18/04/2021 3:05 pm

@rickon - I vote for a used Epiphone Valve Junior - it's a loud 5W 8in combo (that can power a 4x12...) and it has volume and, er, that's it. Turn it up and it gets crunchy... Simple, light and small and they seem to go for £100 or so s/h. Or the Marshall Origin 5? Blackstar HT-5? Both out there for under £200

Or go digital and get the Yamaha THR or a Katana.

Posted : 21/04/2021 4:00 pm
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Well I ought to sell my THR the amount of use it has had this week. Had to bail into a concrete roundabout on the road at the weekend thanks to a blind driver. My fingerless gloves protected my palms but my thumbs are a bit torn up by glass and thorns. Can't fingerpick at the best of times but this makes it worse.
With a plaster on I can't grip a plectrum and without I cover the guitar in blood.

Posted : 21/04/2021 4:21 pm
Free Member

Well, I ended up with a Vox Odio Air GT - catchy name!

Very similar idea to the THR10, just a more warm sound.

Sounds lovely through the p90s on my Les Paul Special, with it set to AC30 tube with a little gain and spring reverb.

Posted : 21/04/2021 4:50 pm
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Posted : 21/04/2021 5:37 pm
Free Member

I should have really shared a photo.

Some folk say it looks like a Chanel handbag. I think it looks a bit future-retro cool.

Many dials and knobs.

Posted : 21/04/2021 6:49 pm
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Some folk say it looks like a Chanel handbag. I think it looks a bit future-retro cool.

They are right, you are wrong. How it sounds though is the main thing and the reviews are impressive. Looks are unimportant. Obviously we will of course still be calling you Cardi B from now on.

Posted : 21/04/2021 7:52 pm
Free Member

Still on the lookout for a 'nice' guitar for my 50th. Dreams of a 2nd hand PJE Macon special/jnr are evaporating as there is slim pickings at the moment.
Currently being drawn to the Suhr Alt-T which despite not originally wanting to go down the tele route as my Crimson Descendant covers that base, the dual humbuckers on the Alt-T seems like a pretty versatile setup. Plus it's stunning!!!!

Posted : 22/04/2021 9:58 am
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That is rather nice. I'd kill for a Suhr Strat only ever seen on Suhr in the flesh and it was immaculate.

Posted : 22/04/2021 10:10 am
Free Member

Proud dad moment as my son got the results for his rock school grade 3 exam this week and scored a merit. Really chuffed. He's only 11 and has worked really hard.

We had a deal that he'd get a new guitar when he did this as he has grown out of the 3/4 squire strat he's got. Budget is based on his results and I'm pleased to say it's costing me!

I think a trip to the guitar shops is planned this weekend.

He's got his eye on a schecter or an ibanez.

Posted : 22/04/2021 3:04 pm
Free Member

Great news, congrats to your young shredder.

I never had any musical instruments in my house when growing up, one of the reason I started playing 10 years ago was so that a guitar would be available to my kids when they wanted it.

Sadly that's not happened yet, although my lad did show some interest the other day. I'm not going to force it, even if I have told him "no girl is ever going to be impressed that you are good at XBOX... twiddle your fingers on the guitar !! "

Posted : 22/04/2021 4:01 pm
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“no girl is ever going to be impressed that you are good at XBOX… twiddle your fingers on the guitar !! “

Times have moved on sadly. The ladies appreciate a game.

Posted : 22/04/2021 4:51 pm
Free Member

Ha ha. I said this to him the other day that when he's older and he wants to ask a girl out, is she more likely to be interested if she's asked to come and see you play Minecraft or come and see your band?

Posted : 22/04/2021 5:12 pm
Free Member
Posted : 22/04/2021 6:45 pm
Free Member

They are right, you are wrong. How it sounds though is the main thing and the reviews are impressive. Looks are unimportant. Obviously we will of course still be calling you Cardi B from now on.


Had a good few hours of programming, and it's incredibly impressive. Some substantial sounds from this wee thing. The 'wide' mode that creates a bigger soundstage is pretty amazing.

Definitely a recommended purchase. And Korg are selling brand new refurbs with full warranty for £180.

Posted : 22/04/2021 8:28 pm
Free Member

As far as 2H Teles go, I had this Charvel for a while:

Loved it, but had to sell one guitar due to poverty... I do miss it.

As far as thinlines go, I always liked the Gibson Midtown - Pelham Blue

Posted : 22/04/2021 8:40 pm
Free Member

Proud dad moment as...

I had small proud moment a couple of nights ago. Me on acoustic and 10 yr old daughetr on cheapo uke playing Basket Case by Green Day, with her singing* reasonably tunelessly but getting roughly in time. I looked up to find that my 17yr old daughter and wife had stopped what they were doing to form an audience. Eldest walked away saying 'That's cool!'

* she stopped singing at the line 'She says it lack of sex'. 😀

Posted : 23/04/2021 1:34 pm
Free Member

I love that chord in Basket Case: the E power chord open E, B, E, B, open B, open e = rarrrhh.

I was messing with a Vox Amplug into a home stereo in this vid which doesn't do it justice but it's there at 1:50: "now I gotta hoang on" rarrrrhh. My twim humbucker Tele obviously as that's the theme today.


Posted : 23/04/2021 5:09 pm
Free Member


After restarting playing 12 months ago, after a hiatus, I've gone back into song writing again.

I've played for about 30 years, but I've never had any classic training.
I'm an OK player, played in a few bands.

I feel like I'd benefit from doing some kind of training, just to expand my repertoire.

I've had a look at Fender's app training, but I'd there anything you guys would recommend having a look at?

I use the Melodics software to practice my keys/piano playing. Would be nice to find something similar for guitar.

Posted : 24/04/2021 9:17 pm
Full Member

Anyone got a set of the BOSS Waza-Air Wireless Guitar Amp Headphones?

I hate wires and these look like a good solution for quiet practice. I may need to try a pair next week.

Posted : 24/04/2021 9:32 pm
Full Member

Here’s my boy with his band . He’s on Lead guitar and various vocals.

Fingers crossed.....

Posted : 24/04/2021 9:36 pm
Full Member

@joelowden that’s great 👍

Posted : 24/04/2021 11:05 pm
Full Member

Cheers 👍👍

Posted : 24/04/2021 11:32 pm
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Yup. Liked that as well.

Posted : 25/04/2021 10:33 am
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Due to a long planned move I'm getting rid of a lot of duplicate stuff in my life and sitting on the pile is my THR10 so it is over in the classifieds.

Posted : 25/04/2021 10:35 am
Free Member

This may divide opinion but jumped on this Patrick James Eggle Macon Special Gold Top. Excited doesn’t cover it

Imgur link

Posted : 25/04/2021 6:33 pm
Full Member

Ooof. That's lovely.

Posted : 25/04/2021 6:42 pm
Free Member

Took my lad guitar shopping on Saturday afternoon. A treat for doing well in his exam, he settled on this lovely ibanez. Slightly over budget but he deserved it...

Posted : 25/04/2021 10:05 pm
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None more rock! Great colour too.

Posted : 25/04/2021 11:48 pm
Full Member

Can't see the Ibanez, give us a clue?

I really fancy something shortish scale with humbuckers.

Stupidly sold the pre Trev Wilkinson Vintage SG, subsequently had a bad Gretsch which went back.
A Squier Bullet Mustang is a possibility (going to 'look' at one tomorrow) as is a Starcaster, which also scratches the semi hollow itch.

Talk me out of this. The other alternative is a nice Faith Naked parlour acoustic, which I've played and is delightful. That would be more for Sue, who is struggling with arthritis and finding a bigger bodied acoustic a bit of a challenge....

Sod it, a Bullet Mustang for me and the Faith for 'er indoors sounds fair, no?

Posted : 27/04/2021 11:46 pm
Full Member

Short scale, twin humbuckers, semi-hollow?

Posted : 28/04/2021 8:11 am
Free Member

Macon Special Gold Top

Guitar arrived yesterday and it is absolutely stunning which for a guitar retailing at north of £3k new shouldn’t be surprising.
This appeared 2nd hand just as I was about to go with a new one and scratches my long standing gold top itch as well as saving some money. Delighted.

Posted : 28/04/2021 12:40 pm
Free Member

Thats a great looking guitar guitarhero

I managed to pick up a Eggle Berlin gold top last year that I'm very happy with

Posted : 28/04/2021 1:18 pm
Free Member

Short scale, twin humbuckers, semi-hollow?
> <

Oooh, that looks lovely.

Posted : 28/04/2021 1:45 pm
Free Member

The other alternative is a nice Faith Naked parlour acoustic, which I’ve played and is delightful

I tried a Faith Naked Venus in PMT Bristol last weekend. Lovely to play, and I almost walked out with it but really wanted to try a few against each other, compare slightly different body shapes/prices*. The shop guy was telling me that they had partitioned off a third of the shop because of lack of stock and laid off staff. I could order stuff off the internet, but not try before I buy, as per every bit of advice ever! 😀

*I'm thinking of a solid wood body, sized between my dread and parlour, at around £6-800. But last night started watching classical guitar stuff which led my magpie brain along a different path...

Posted : 28/04/2021 2:20 pm
Full Member

@Superficial and @beej. I have the 2016ish version of the ZM and love it.

Posted : 28/04/2021 7:12 pm
Full Member

I've got the 2019 in Stealth Satin Quilt. Now I want the blue one!

Posted : 29/04/2021 7:47 am
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Last Minute Tuscany

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Issue 159