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  • Grim finds when clearing out the van/car
  • jonnyseven
    Full Member

    First car was a technical write off, previous owner had dropped shopping behind / underneath the seats in the accident and not seen the 1lb of butter that escaped. A couple of summer months later driving with the windows down it was found. Absolutely rancid.

    Free Member

    Rabbit. Dead when it slid under back seat of my 110LR. Had lost count of how many I had shot so didn’t miss it until the next weekend. Warm summer week and lots of holes in rabbit really helped things. Lots of live ammo found in my, by then dead , uncles LR when dad took it over and I persauded him to clear it out.

    Free Member

    checks were made, and we’d found out the previous ‘driver’ had been using the boot to put ‘game’ in when he’d been out shooting, so the various fluids had leaked into the car. The valeters had a real hard time cleaning it, hence the smell. We had to off hire the car rather than pass it on it was that bad. Driver got a bollocking, but was then given a nice A4 S-Line Estate – he trashed that too.

    Oh god, that reminds me. An ex colleague, in the 90’s, was using his company car to pick up various quantities of horsey stuff. Most of the time he’d just sling it in the back, drive around for a couple of days then drop it off at the stables when he was passing, So the car always had a certain “aroma” to it and it drove the regularly sent missives from the fleet manager about what you should, and should not use your company car for.

    Came to a head when he borrowed a car that was going to be replaced to move a boot full of well rotted manure from the stables to his garden, a dozen plastic sacks full of dobbins finest output.

    He had the sense to line the boot with a couple of tarps, but didn’t account for an emergency stop half way home.

    And that is why he became an ex colleague

    Full Member

    I found a dead rabbit under the drivers seat that I had picked up as roadkill when I was a young lad, I forgot all about it until I spotted maggots crawling around in the footwell.

    Full Member

    We hadn’t used the paper Road atlas for a while…we discovered this 😬
    It was hard and slightly flaky. It didn’t smell but I wasn’t allowed to open it!

    EDIT: we called it the vanana…

    Free Member

    My son’s room is worse than his cesspit car !

    There was a prison officer at the jail I was in* who’s car was nicknamed ‘The Skip’. Unbelievably scruffy.

    * worked in.

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