Obvious assault, even if pathology report is unclear.
Why a 6 month limit on assault charge? I suppose all this delay has filled the pockets of many lawyers but done nothing for justice. We're so quick to lay into politicians and bankers for their greed, isn't it about time we put the legal system and it's employees on the rack? Seems they bleed us dryer than any other institution, whilst all the while assuming an air of moral self assurance without producing the results.
What use is video evidence anyhow when the bleeding obvious gets in the way of legal protocol. Remember Steven Gerrard beating the c*** out of that d.j. for not playing a Phil Collins record? we all saw the cctv footage but the judge & scouse jury [under judges direction] saw it as self defense! and Gerrard gets rewarded with the England captaincy when the rest of us would likely be locked up for such an assault.