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  • full face helmet for france………………..?
  • neil853
    Free Member

    Bit late now like as i go sunday but what do people think? i'm taking knee and elbow pads but should i really think about buying a full face? i just think its a bit silly for the case of one week?


    Free Member

    You need to get a different helmet if the risk changes.

    Latitude won't do that by itself. If you're still looking at things and thinking ";I'm not going to ride off that, I will only fall and whack my chin on a rock" then you will be as safe as you ever are in your usual helmet. It's only if you're thinking "Je suis en France, alors je suis Evel Knievel, et je vais sessioner cette chemin extreme parce que c'est maintenant impossible de twatter mon chin sur un roche" that the full face helmet becomes essential. If you'll pardon my franglais. 🙂

    Free Member

    i like the translation ha ha the riding is different of course but i'm not going out there for a DH holiday, just to ride some trails, some up mostly down. hmmm i'm still not convinced

    Free Member

    Will you be taking more risks than usual? Going faster? etc etc.

    Tough question for anyone else to answer. I imagine you won't suddenly throw yourself down stuff you wouldn't dream of in the UK.

    Free Member

    taking a full facer for DH days (les arcs DH course) but i'll be riding in my Zen most the rest of the time..

    Free Member

    Haha, I couldn't have put it as well as BigDummy, but no – you don't need a full face helmet unless you suddenly become convinced you are Cedric Gracia.

    Unless you are Cedric Gracia of course, in which case you'll probably manage without one anyway.

    Free Member

    Or on another point of view, you will be doing more decending in your week there than I would imagine you get in in most of your year at home, so maybe the risk has increased.

    That might not be the case, I guess it depends how much your using the lifts, and how much pedaling up your doing.

    Free Member

    Je suis en France, alors je suis Evel Knievel, et je vais sessioner cette chemin extreme parce que c'est maintenant impossible de twatter mon chin sur un roche

    Je suis en France, donc je suis Evel Knievel, et je vais sessioner ce chemin extrême parce que c'est maintenant impossible de twatter mon menton sur une pierre.

    Not that at this point I couldn't even understand what BD really mean… But now I can understand better how people feel about my spelling/grammar. I promise I'll try to make an effort.

    As for the OP, if you are going to ride the same way you ride every other days keep your every other day helmet.
    If you plan to start riding more
    gnarly XC
    all mountain
    jey core
    or whatever is the correct term about riding on big and steep mountains using lifts, then a full face helmet might actually be a more clever idea.

    Free Member

    i will be using the lifts as much as possible, thats one of the main reasons we're going 😉

    Free Member

    Thank you juan! 😀

    I am amazed to see that "twatter" and "sessioner" are proper French words though. How are they conjugated? 😉

    Free Member

    To be honest BD am not sure what you mena by twatter and sessioner :oops:.
    Is it a reverso french?

    Free Member

    It's Franglais. Innit?

    Free Member

    "i will be using the lifts as much as possible"

    Lazy git, I will ride some of the hills and see you at the top, I will leave all the down hilling to you neil 😀

    Free Member

    not going all the way to france to ignore the lifts si, thats just crazy 😉 Some of these climbs will wipe out your legs for the day.

    Full Member

    Subject to the caveat that you really need to try them on (an ill-fitting one is a bit like a lobotomy with no anaeasthetic), I would get a full facer if you're using the lifts.

    In an ideal world you would be able to pre-assess the risks of everything you ride down, while stroking your chin and puffing on a bowl of excellent shag, but more often it will be a case of "I wonder what this trail is like… AAAAAAAAAAAAARGGGGHH!"

    Free Member

    there will be some climbing too. what i really want to do is lift assisted xc. i've got the bikefax book that has some routes in that are exactly that.

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