Forecast not looking good for this weekend, camping with the kids but getting concerned it could be a wash out and don’t want to sicken them, any body in Fort William just now can you give me an update on conditions
It's not the weather you have to worry about.
Forecast not looking good for this weekend
Tbh, it's only thursday, its far too early to tell how the weekend is gonna be.
I’m up on the west coast this week. Every day the forecast has said cloud and rain and it’s been sunny and warm. As above, too early to call it.
Even MWIS, the most reliable of weather forecasters has been spectacularly wrong this week. Downpours, constant drizzle and 20% chance of cloud free summits was the words I read as I left for the ferry on monday morning....
A sunburnt head told a different story!
[url= g" target="_blank"> g"/> [/img][/url][url= ]Arran Recce[/url] by [url= ]nobeerinthefridge[/url], on Flickr
I dont mind camping but the few times I've been to the world cup i try and get a room somewhere as the weather like mentioned above is unpredictable and if it does end up chucking it down for the entire day I dont want to go back to a tent.
Im maybe just soft though
I will give it a bit more time to make final decision, personally I’m ok with a bit of bad weather and we have clothing to suit conditions just thinking of the kids is putting me off a bit. Think last years forecast wasn’t good and it turned out a decent weekend with a few short showers
Where are you thinking of camping? Perhaps head further West to Arisaig (and camp on the beach) where it could be a bit drier?
We did fort william the weekend just gone. It threw it down the whole time. Pitched our tent at Glen Nevis and had a thoroughly miserable time. The forecast was "a bit of rain" before we went so we decided to tough it out. Big mistake.
Take a midge net, it will be the best money youv'e spent all year!
I hope its good weather for all, spectators and competitiors.
Im praying for good weather myself coast 2 coast this weekend forecast is not good.
Me and the boy have day tickets for Sunday. It's only a day trip for us, but if the forecast doesn't improve, we won't be going.
We have booked a pitch at Glen Nevis. Used this site for the last few years and it’s ideal,
Midge nets and bottle of smudge are packed. Saturday looks to be the best day and did consider just heading up for the Sunday but It’s a good 4.5 hour drive each way
We're heading up from Cornwall - midge nets packed I think. Smidge definitely packed.
Accommodation booked some time ago so if the weather is er, Scottish we should be OK.
Also a day trip down for the wife and I plus our two boys. I think we'll actually leave the dog with someone at home as at nearly 11 he ends up a bit miserable if it's chucking it down all day, I'm sure he'll be much happier chasing cats in his sleep next to the fire
There's been quite a bit of weather today over on Mull.
XC Weather gives most reliable forcast in these parts, but has been a bit off this week. Anything it lists as under 1mm can mean anything from a light drizzle to sun.
As others have said, the midges are fierce at the mo so Smidge & a net will be a good investment.
expect it to be grim, but take suncream just incase. I've got 3rd degree burns on my forehead right now from being out all day on friday!
For work I was just chatting to the Met office (flood forecasting).
Their models have been really struggling this week and into the weekend which is poss why MWIS has been getting it wrong.
It will be very wet Friday in Lochaber worst in the afternoon, much better day Saturday and dry through the night but then deterioration again from early Sunday, currently heavy showers but may form a more consistent band of rain throughout the day.
Should be warmish throughout. Midges were pretty bad in the woods last weekend in Argyll, so a headnet and Smidge are recommended!
I was out on the hills today.
As the man says (sung), if you kill one, a million come to the wake...
I went for a nosey up to the gondola and around the pits area today. As soon as I opened the car door a large swarm of midges flooded in. Be prepared! It also chucked it down the whole time I was there!
Two types of midge attack.
One when you wonder if you will die.
Second when you hope you will die.
Third: You fear you won't
Weather gets tricky up there anyway, big mountains and the sea and that. I remember doing an SDA where it turned out all of their planning on the day was based on phoning a strategically placed granny who lived about an hour away and seeing what the weather was like there.
I predict dry practice, slightly wet race, and midges the size of dogs
Any on site weather updates??
Its not the best .... rains slowed down a bit but dreich probably describes it best at the moment
Ill quickly edit yhis and add ive only just arrived
Sitting in a tent in a campsite in Fort's raining pretty hard.
up in glen moriston and its a bit moist.
time for a beer
Glad I'm only heading down for the Sunday and not camping down there for the weekend then. Smidge, nets and brolly packed
Just back from 2 days at Fort William. Weather and midges were absolutely horrific. Was really miserable in the pits today at the WC. Hopefully it doesn't keep the crowds away
Are you at Glen Nevis site gringo?
We're at Lochy Holiday Park toomba
Wel, it's certainly raining now! At least the ducks in front of our rental cottage are happy. Can midges fly in very heavy rain?
They dodge the raindrops
Just looked on the BBC streamy site. The weather is absolutely normal.