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  • Foods you dislike that everyone else loves
  • Cougar
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    She thinks it’s the smell of the raw tomatoes she finds so off-putting

    I practically live off tomato-based stuff like pasta. An actual tomato though, no. I think it’s the texture, or the combination of them. Skin, flesh, snot.

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    No one got coriander yet?

    Tastes like washing up liquid to me, seems to be a genetic thing.

    Comes as a default sprinkling to spoil too many dishes. Makes a good curry inedible.

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    Rare steaks. I like my food cooked thank you

    Whereas I prefer not to have my food the same texture/toughness as my shoes.

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    No one got coriander yet?

    Tastes like washing up liquid to me

    I really like coriander but dislike parsley which other people tell me they find quite similar.

    It’s weird this personal taste thing!

    Free Member

    Curry. Absolutely hate the stuff.

    As someone who was weaned on Asian cuisine, I feel genuinely sad for you. There’s so much variety, so much depth of flavour. I do understand people being averse to the heat though; Bangladeshi cooking is particularly hot, some of it, and I’m not a fan of chilli obliterating any other flavours. But that’s not good cooking. A lot of that is down to ‘Indian’ restaurants just putting loads of chilli in everything, thinking that’s what British people wanted. Fortunately fashions have changed somewhat.

    But we sort of had curry at home.  Vesta dehydrated curry if anyone remembers that? We thought it was super exotic but looking back it was awful cardboard tasting stuff!

    I was once given some of that by a white friend’s family; lovely people who bucked the trend at the time where many people were deeply racist, and just wanted me to feel included, bless them. 🤗 It was truly, truly dreadful. And worse, it had raisins in it. I hate raisins. I politely ate it, but had to push all the raisins to one side. My friend’s mum was a bit upset by that I think. But he had a quiet word, and after that they’d give me proper ‘English grub’, so it was burgers and hot dogs and all sorts of wonderful things (often pork products) I didn’t get at home. I didn’t tell my parents though.

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    Love that story – at least they tried!

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    I have not checked completely to see if this point has been made, but baked beans – try them with garlic and a splash of red wine, suitably cooked off.

    Not for breakfast though in my view.

    Lots of mentions of snot. I’d give it a go.

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    Dill yeurgh. Coriander delicious, parsley fine but dill, dear God Almighty it’s terrible.

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    Eggs. Fried, scrambled, boiled, poached, omelette, all of those things make me retch as soon as I smell them. I’ve tried to like eggs but I just can’t do it.

    Just been to the US where everything at breakfast seems to include eggs, I got a few incredulous looks when I asked for ‘no eggs’.

    We ordered our usual mains at the curry house today.

    The owner said he’d make us an alternative dish for a change. It was delicious – when I asked what it was, he said it’s what they normally eat, rather than the dishes on the menu 🤣

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    Rare steaks. I like my food cooked thank youWhereas I prefer not to have my food the same texture/toughness as my shoes.

    Medium rare is perfect for me… over done just ruins it, but equally, rare steak is like eating red slugs.

    Curry. Absolutely hate the stuff.

    Yeah , like what @brownperson said ‘curry’ encompases so many different styles it’s almost a pointless term, it’s a bit like saying you don’t like music that has guitars in it :-D

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    Not read it all, 

    Baked beans. (Also aphabetti spaghetti and spaghetti hoops) it’s the sauce. It’s too sweet but I can eat creme eggs and tablet. So too sweet for the food group. 

    Mushrooms, I want to like them, but they make me boak. 

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    creme eggs and tablet


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    Oh and cucumber. 

    It’s one of the few green things my eldest eats so I tolerate having it in the house

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    I*’m not a curry fan at all because I do not like chilli at all.  Hot food just burns my mouth and I can taste nothing.  My guess is I am just sensitive to chilli and that includes good home made curries

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    Tablet – a scottish sweet.  Sort of like crystalized fudge  condensed milk and sugar IIRC.  Very very sweet

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    Lamb, spam, corned beef (unless in a pie),
    re-formed ham, blue cheese, mass produced ‘chorleywood process’ bread, skate wings, mass produced sausages (more rusk, filler and fat than meat), eggs except for poached to consistency of squash ball, overcooked steak – anything beyond medium rare, creme eggs, most chocolate as it’s full of stuff a chocolatier wouldn’t recognise, any packaged food where you don’t what many of the ingredients are, jacket potatoes.

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    Thanks TJ, every day is a school day.  I lived near Edinburgh for 3 years in the 90s and sampled many local cuisine, ‘experiences’ but I never came across ‘tablet’.

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    Did you have a macaroni pie?  Thats a weird local delicacy.  Yes a pie full of macaroni cheese

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    I did. Carbtastic! I wasn’t a fan.

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    I*’m not a curry fan at all because I do not like chilli at all. Hot food just burns my mouth and I can taste nothing. My guess is I am just sensitive to chilli and that includes good home made curries

    As above, not all curry has loads of chilli in it, some has none/hardly any.

    Saying you don’t like curry because of chilli, is like saying you don’t like rock music because you listened to a death metal band once.

    Unfortunatly, most ‘standard’ uk curry houses tend to go hard on the salt and chilli, or the other extreme, a gopping korma full of raisins!

    Chilli is often used to overcompensate for a bland dish, or equally it can overpower a perfectly good dish if used to excess… it’s a ‘seasoning’ like any other and should be used to compliment rather than dominate.

    30-Minute Coconut Curry

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    Blokeuptheroad / blokedowntheroad. 

    Try macaroon. A wee bit of tattie, mixed with icing sugar then coated in chocolate and dusted with toasted coconut. 

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    Spuds and chocolate? With coconut! I’m out….

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    I throw up within seconds. I order a roast beef sandwich with nothing on it and occasionally the serving staff bring it and say ‘they just put a bit of horseradish on’ and I suggest they take it back and replace it – NOT scrape the horseradish off- or I’ll eat it and puke everything all over the table and THEN get my unsullied beef.

    My biggest single problem with pub food. Grr.


    Free Member

    Anything green. 

    Free Member

    Four pages and no-one has mentioned mayonnaise, aka Devil Jizz. The ruination of an otherwise perfectly good sandwich, and snuck in undercover so the unsuspecting Ransos is unaware until he’s taken a bite and his mouth is coated with this vile slime.

    Free Member

    Unbelievable – just popped back to have a look at the progress and ransos has voiced almost my exact views on Satan’s spunk even down to one of the “so called” abusive things I call it. Still compiling my list.

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    Aww man… Mayo mixed with a bit of chilli sauce is better then sex! 

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    Our Indian friends used to have loads of parties where they cooked lots of authentic Indian food. I’ve tried in excess of 30 different curries. I didn’t like any of them therefore I don’t like “curry”. Actually, there was very little of the Indian foods I would eat which is a shame as it smelt really nice.

    I don’t know what about the combination of spices in Indian foods that I don’t like but for whatever reason it is I just can’t stand it.

    A lot of the Turkish and North African food though are really nice.

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    I think with me it would be easier to include what I will eat, and basically discard everything else.


    Meats- though no fowl on the bone, and veg like potatoes, onion and garlic. Pasta, breads.pulses in soups, cereals.

    Everything else can do one.

    Mighjt find me enjoying a glass of orange juice, but no bananas apples(Unless its an alcoholic cider) or dried fruit

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    Champagne. Like fizzy battery acid I imagine.

    Any fruit in a savoury dish. Keep that apricot away from that pork.

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    Type 3 Diabetes

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    Type 3 Diabetes

    In bar form.

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    And coriander in anything beyond tiny anounts

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    What about

    Free Member

    Any fruit in a savoury dish. Keep that apricot away from that pork.

    Now see this is a very complex issue. Raisins in a curry? Pineapple on pizza? No. But you can involve all sorts of fruits in savoury dishes. One of the best curries I’ve had involved Guava, I think. Pomegranate seeds in salads, and the juice is used in salad dressing in Turkish food. Duck a l’Orange, of course. Prosciutto and melon? Devils on horseback! Who knew??

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    This should turn a few peoples noses up…

    Sauce from a jar – check!

    Lots of Fruit – check!

    Lots of Corriander – check!

    It’s not bad actualy, athough it is very fruity…too sweet for a daily driver, it allegedly has chilli in it but you can’t taste it over the sugar content!


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    Blokeuptheroad pinge your address and I’ll fire a mid range bar of each down. You can then review here.

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    That’s very kind but it would be wasted on me and I wouldn’t do it justice. I just don’t have much of a sweet tooth.

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    Coffee and beer. Yes I’m a super taster. 

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